"Apocaly 2H" by shengyan [Moderate]
DDNet 05/22/2023 7:36 AM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 05/22/2023 7:36 AM
texnonik 05/24/2023 10:27 AM

pretty interesting design ( but not perfect ) 1st part looks interesting but others looks a bit generic . i don't understand how to complete 1st part ... 2nd part you can get endless go to tp and save endless hook. yes 2nd part is very easy compare to 1st part ...

texnonik 05/24/2023 10:31 AM

this part crashes server in testing channel

savalic 06/09/2023 4:28 AM

actually this map doesnt work for me at all.

so far there is only one part interesting (part 1) but it isnt well mapped otherwise your gameplay is kinda random designwise it would need a lot of improvement. the colors are super hard to look at there are also many bugs in your design: usage of signs, placement of bushes, 5 different types of corners, gaps between blocks and freeze/tele arent filled, etc.

this map would need a whole rework on gameplay and design aswell. it would be propably easier to move on and do another map.

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:11 PM


coke1465 06/10/2023 10:12 PM

first part is kind of annoying mapped

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:13 PM

if u mapping with cp's like this, make sure that u cant cheat endless

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:13 PM

same problem in second part

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:13 PM

(if the part is closed use normal teleporter)

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:14 PM

very messy entry here, try to avoid it

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:15 PM

try to avoid the same moves over and over again

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:16 PM

if u plan to make a t0 map, make sure that u have enough space

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:18 PM

way to messy to look at, u can make it work way easier and less messy

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:21 PM

make also sure that u cant cheat (go out of map)

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:22 PM

what is this

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:24 PM

did u even test the map urself?

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:24 PM

u used for a solo part solo off and solo off tiles

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:24 PM
coke1465 06/10/2023 10:25 PM

its not working if u place it like this

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:29 PM

try to make the parts fit together, in the begin u used weird small drag parts and there just kill solo parts with useless plasma spam + unmarked tune zone

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:32 PM

avoid such long hammerflys

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:32 PM

also check the rules again

coke1465 06/10/2023 10:32 PM
coke1465 06/10/2023 10:32 PM


Wartoz 06/11/2023 12:21 AM

good next

shengyan 06/13/2023 2:18 PM

omg when this map put on in testing channel! Sorry, I didn't see your test feedback these days, I thought it decline after Arrow testing. Thank you for all of tests with my first map. It was nice to see you played through my map, that's enough.

shengyan 06/13/2023 2:31 PM

I will do better in my next drag map, all you said above I checked them carefully and learnt a lot about mapping.