"caterpillar" by notSorah [Fun]
DDNet 07/20/2021 9:07 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

louis 07/20/2021 9:07 PM

nice map

louis 07/20/2021 9:07 PM


gerdoe 07/20/2021 9:10 PM


lynn 07/20/2021 9:22 PM


lynn 07/20/2021 9:22 PM

i thought it was cool

louis 07/20/2021 9:23 PM

cant let worms get into the map database

lynn 07/20/2021 9:23 PM

are tees apples

perrodecerro 07/20/2021 11:59 PM


eleissor 07/21/2021 12:19 PM

Xd when rls

FrosTribe 07/21/2021 1:03 PM

Add animation to it and add it on fun xD

JoaoGardaSexGifs 07/22/2021 6:50 AM

use this map in 1 of april of 2022

JoaoGardaSexGifs 07/22/2021 6:50 AM


Patiga 07/23/2021 10:37 PM


Patiga 07/23/2021 10:38 PM

$edit --help

DDNet 07/23/2021 10:38 PM
Learath2 07/23/2021 10:38 PM

Ah cool

Patiga 07/23/2021 10:38 PM

$edit --remove-everything-unused

DDNet 07/23/2021 10:38 PM
Patiga 07/23/2021 10:39 PM


DDNet 07/23/2021 10:39 PM
Sorah 07/23/2021 10:39 PM
Patiga 07/23/2021 10:39 PM

yea looks good so far

Learath2 07/23/2021 10:39 PM

you could maybe make it operate on the last map in the testing channel if it's not a reply

Patiga 07/23/2021 10:41 PM

yea that would be optimal, however it started to get rather messy and I went back to the reply thingy

Patiga 07/23/2021 10:43 PM

hm now that I see the code again, it might just work fine

louis 07/24/2021 2:57 PM

what does optimize do

Patiga 07/24/2021 9:53 PM

it calls



. so it removes all unused envelopes, images, sounds, layers, groups and shrinks the layers to their minimum size

Patiga 07/25/2021 1:28 PM

could you try the ☑️ reaction on this map from the bot to test if you can mark it for upload?

Cøke 07/25/2021 1:34 PM

Not working

Cøke 07/25/2021 1:34 PM

I think a tester have to re-upload the new version

Patiga 07/25/2021 1:35 PM


Patiga 07/25/2021 1:35 PM

but that usually works on user-submitted maps, no?

Cøke 07/25/2021 1:35 PM

Idk the bot is not the mapper maybe

Cøke 07/25/2021 1:36 PM

Need tester permission

Patiga 07/25/2021 1:36 PM


Cøke 07/25/2021 1:36 PM

This optimize helps new mappers yes

Cøke 07/25/2021 1:36 PM

But mappers who know what's going on, u don't need this command

Patiga 07/25/2021 1:37 PM

lets go to

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:30 PM


Patiga 07/25/2021 2:31 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 2:32 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 2:33 PM


DDNet 07/25/2021 2:33 PM

Your message includes no map and you are also not replying to another message with a map

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:33 PM


DDNet 07/25/2021 2:33 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 2:36 PM
arch1t3cht30 07/25/2021 2:38 PM
Cøke 07/25/2021 2:40 PM

this channel turns into bot testing?

Cøke 07/25/2021 2:40 PM


Patiga 07/25/2021 2:41 PM

yea :D

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:41 PM


DDNet 07/25/2021 2:41 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 2:45 PM

why can I check the map from


, but neither mine or the one from the bot? o.o

Cøke 07/25/2021 2:50 PM

maybe just one permission for the first map after creating a channel

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:53 PM

I don't understand, do you think the bot doesn't have enough permissions?

Cøke 07/25/2021 2:53 PM

just a idea

Cøke 07/25/2021 2:54 PM

idk how it works 😛

murpi 07/25/2021 2:54 PM

what checkmark?

murpi 07/25/2021 2:54 PM

or what are you trying to do exactly

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:55 PM

☑️ - testers can use this as a reaction to make the bot upload a map from a message

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:55 PM

you can try it on this message

murpi 07/25/2021 2:55 PM

I see the issue

murpi 07/25/2021 2:55 PM

you need the moderator role

murpi 07/25/2021 2:55 PM

not tester role

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:56 PM

Can you check my message here?

murpi 07/25/2021 2:56 PM

I lied

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:57 PM

I have no idea why its not working right now

murpi 07/25/2021 2:57 PM

upload it again

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:57 PM
Ryozuki 07/25/2021 2:57 PM
louis 07/25/2021 2:58 PM
murpi 07/25/2021 2:59 PM

I don't quite understund the issue 😅

Patiga 07/25/2021 2:59 PM


DDNet 07/25/2021 2:59 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 2:59 PM

the idea was, that testers can use the command and then check the resulting map with the checkmark to upload it

murpi 07/25/2021 3:00 PM


Patiga 07/25/2021 3:00 PM

the checkmark thingy is not a new feature, although it was never used on messages frmo the bot

Patiga 07/25/2021 3:00 PM

but I'm super confused because I also can't get it to check mine

Patiga 07/25/2021 3:01 PM

ah one idea

Patiga 07/25/2021 3:02 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 3:02 PM


louis 07/25/2021 3:05 PM
louis 07/25/2021 3:05 PM

im pretty sure it should check any map that someone uploads

louis 07/25/2021 3:05 PM

as long as it has the same name?

Ryozuki 07/25/2021 3:06 PM
louis 07/25/2021 3:06 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 3:53 PM
DDNet 07/25/2021 3:53 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 3:53 PM

seems like it works now

DDNet 07/25/2021 3:53 PM
Patiga 07/25/2021 3:54 PM

thanks for the debugging session :)

murpi 07/25/2021 3:54 PM

nice 🙂

Sorah 07/25/2021 3:58 PM

sadly its not my caterpillar anymore :(

Patiga 07/25/2021 3:59 PM

the caterpillar should be up again now Sorah ^^

Sorah 07/25/2021 4:19 PM

$ready caterpillar

Sorah 07/25/2021 4:22 PM

$reset :(

Cøke 07/25/2021 4:30 PM

bot testing done?

Patiga 07/25/2021 4:41 PM

yes :+1:

Cøke 07/25/2021 4:42 PM


Cøke 07/25/2021 4:42 PM


Cøke 07/25/2021 4:42 PM

or its an actual map now? 😄

Sorah 07/25/2021 4:46 PM

its the best map ever !

murpi 07/25/2021 5:02 PM

the amount of optimization this map had to endure is surely a worth a release now

Cøke 07/25/2021 5:05 PM

but so far there is no solution for the problem with $optimize

Cøke 07/25/2021 5:05 PM
Ravie 07/25/2021 5:09 PM

this map can't be released because it has a bug

I.K.U 07/25/2021 5:12 PM

the map should have a startline in left corner and a finish tile in the upper right corner and rls

I.K.U 07/25/2021 5:12 PM

it will be best map for speedrunning ever