"Killtaps" by Cøke [Solo]
DDNet 09/08/2023 4:31 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

coke1465 09/08/2023 4:39 PM
uronfire 09/09/2023 12:20 AM

here we go again

shengyan1256 09/09/2023 2:19 AM

🤯 I saw some videos of this map before

jimmyjazzthe1st 09/10/2023 12:40 AM
steinchen99 09/10/2023 3:20 AM
darkoort 09/11/2023 10:39 AM

Didn't see that

coke1465 09/13/2023 12:43 PM
coke1465 11/25/2023 12:48 PM


coke1465 11/27/2023 1:36 PM

i decline the map myself for now, will post it again as soon as new categories come. at the moment it looks like nothing is changing, testing is as inactive as ever and nobody cares about anything

coke1465 11/27/2023 1:36 PM


texnonik 11/27/2023 5:34 PM

if next month will be no testing then new year will have few maps . only if there will secret maps that gonna release next month or next year .

itom6176 11/27/2023 9:11 PM

Give testing to chinese people they work hard

gazebr 11/28/2023 9:35 AM

Maps are being tested tho? Imo ppl just dont want to test this map xD