"Underlit Dark" by GREEN-SiLENCE [Novice]
DDNet 08/30/2019 11:30 AM
DDNet 08/30/2019 11:30 AM
Onda 08/30/2019 3:45 PM

tiny map

Onda 08/30/2019 3:45 PM

and there are useless parts all around the map

jao 08/30/2019 3:51 PM


jao 08/30/2019 3:51 PM


jao 08/30/2019 3:51 PM

look at recently released maps to get an idea about how your map has to look to get released

jao 08/30/2019 3:52 PM

and read the mapper rules

jao 08/30/2019 4:03 PM

if u made this in a couple hours, no

Gwendal 08/30/2019 5:49 PM

bro if u are not english we can't explain u an english expression

Gwendal 08/30/2019 5:49 PM
archimede67 08/30/2019 5:58 PM


GREEN-SiLENCE 08/30/2019 6:37 PM

[Underlit] by GREEN-SiLENCE [Novice]