22:41 < user774> hey guys. So I'm on Debian 11.4 and I got the source code with `apt source teeworlds` and I'm trying to patch the source to make it so when connecting to a server I don't get the "Unable to connect to the server" it just keeps re-connecting until successful I'm gonna die [ie. 0% succeed [doing this by myself]] I can't do this. 22:43 < user774> I can do this 22:45 < bridge> [teeworlds] why are you unable to connect to the server? 22:51 < user774> bridge: I don't know. It takes between at least 1 to 13 tries for the fng servers I've tried: "fng usa" and um "wetfish noby fng" 90% sure: "fng canada" and 90% sure at least 3 other "fng*" servers. 22:53 < user774> regular teeworlds servers work fine (ie. successful connection first try) 22:54 < user774> well I'm really successful today so 22:54 < user774> lol 22:55 < user774> wutevz