21:01 < bridge> [teeworlds] teeworlds.com is down, database is dead. 21:03 < minus> Hm 21:03 < minus> I'll take a look 21:03 < bridge> [teeworlds] thx 21:14 < user774> hello? 21:14 < user774> is anyone here? 21:16 < user774> I can't see the userlist 21:17 < user774> nevermind I see now 21:17 < bridge> [teeworlds] nobody here 21:17 < user774> website down! https://teeworlds.com is 3-10% up! 21:22 < bridge> [teeworlds] https://discord.gg/teeworlds 21:33 < minus> Kottizen_ hosts the DB 21:36 < minus> while i could technically restore the DB from a backup to a local mysql instance, i'd rather not and instead wait for Kottizen_ to bring it back up 22:09 < user774> am I still here? 22:10 < user774> ok so the server is responding so 22:13 < minus> are any of us even real? 22:15 < user774> we're all at least 3% real 22:40 < Kottizen> Whoj! I'm sorry! I upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 to get hot reloading of TLS certificates... Now it's back on track. I'm sorry for the downtime! 22:43 < bridge> [teeworlds] Wait... so it wasn't just a trick to get us hyped for the surprise reveal of "teeworlds 2.0" site? 23:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] nice