17:15 < bridge_> [teeworlds] Can I ask a stupid question: Why is the netcode generated in Teeworlds. Why don't we have it as fixed files? I was thinking about that for a long time and I don't find any reasons 17:17 < bridge_> [teeworlds] so you can modify a human-readable protocol in the python files I suppose? 17:22 < bridge_> [teeworlds] hmm, I wouldn't say that the generated protocol is not human-readable. I must confess, that it's easier tho. Doesn't that suggest another problem with the netcode if it can't be written in a human readable manner? 17:25 < bridge_> [teeworlds] the python file is human readable 17:25 < bridge_> [teeworlds] the generated code less so 17:25 < bridge_> [teeworlds] you read and modify the python file, so there is no problem 17:26 < bridge_> [teeworlds] assembly is human-readable if you try enough too ;) it's a spectrum 17:38 < bridge_> [teeworlds] Alright, makes sense, since it's all the same it might also be easier to maintain!