07:27 < bridge> [teeworlds] ❤️ 08:57 < bridge> [teeworlds] wow hi teetow 0.0 09:04 < bridge> [teeworlds] the legend, the og, the lovable 09:16 < teetow> aw shucks you guys 09:39 < bridge> [teeworlds] —used especially to express mild disappointment or embarrassment 09:39 < bridge> [teeworlds] shucks 09:40 < bridge> [teeworlds] Yea idk I saw you on the teewoods forum and heard u were involved in the sounds just did not expect you are still alive teetow 11:43 < teetow> definitely alive, and kinda proud to see the game still around after all this years. it's coming up on a 20 year anniversary now (from the original in-house prototype) 12:21 < bridge> [teeworlds] :0 12:21 < bridge> [teeworlds] a full blown adult. 12:30 < bridge> [teeworlds] not enough to drink in the us tho 13:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] drunk tw