20:23 < ChillerDragon> is there a way to build bam verbose so i can see all compiler flags and include dirs? 20:23 < bridge> [teeworlds] bam -v? 20:24 < ChillerDragon> sounds good 20:24 < ChillerDragon> could also have guessed that :D 20:26 < ChillerDragon> does settings.link.libs:Add("SDL2") add -lSDL2 ? 20:27 < ChillerDragon> or probably that boi settings.link.flags:Add("`sdl2-config --libs`") 20:27 < ChillerDragon> cuz that expands to -lSDL2 on my system 20:28 < ChillerDragon> i wonder how i set a -I include dir 20:28 < bridge> [teeworlds] src is set as an include dir 😉 20:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] (also just use cmake :P) 20:29 < ChillerDragon> i thought starking with bam is easier 20:29 < ChillerDragon> no idea where to start with cmake 20:30 < bridge> [teeworlds] (cmake has online documentation) 20:30 < bridge> [teeworlds] `target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE src)` 20:30 < bridge> [teeworlds] `settings.cc.includes:Add("src")` 20:31 < bridge> [teeworlds] I found that by grepping for `"src` in the bam.lua, and `src` in CMakeLists.txt 20:32 < ChillerDragon> :brain: 21:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] though our massive cmakefile is very hard to navigate at times 21:34 < bridge> [teeworlds] bam also has online documentation, though incomplete 21:34 < bridge> [teeworlds] https://matricks.github.io/bam/