21:30 < seabass> Hello everyone 21:30 < ChillerDragon> hi seabass 21:30 < seabass> I've a question :) 21:30 < ChillerDragon> shoot 21:30 < seabass> thanks :) 21:31 < seabass> Does anybody know if it's possible to run a server/connect to a server using TCP? 21:31 < seabass> I see lots of references to it in the code 21:31 < ChillerDragon> not possible as far as i know 21:31 < seabass> but nothing in the configuration files 21:31 < ChillerDragon> tcp is only for econ 21:31 < seabass> Ah, OK 21:31 < ChillerDragon> the remote console 21:31 < seabass> That's a shame for me 21:31 < seabass> my connection is pretty poor ATM :) 21:31 < ChillerDragon> tcp isnt faster xd 21:31 < seabass> Well it's actually :( but I'm trying to be positive 21:32 < seabass> TCP isn't faster, but I can see with Wireshark that there are really minor errors that just mess up the connection 21:32 < ChillerDragon> i thought tw also has a bit of errorcorrection not too sure tho 21:32 < seabass> TCP should have better error detection/recovery, and I think in my case it'd be worth the lag increase 21:36 < seabass> Oh well! I suppose it shan't be VanillaCTF today! 21:37 < seabass> I can't even spectate. It's that bad :( 21:38 < seabass> Still, it's good Wireshark practice. I'm into networking at the moment - out of neccessity I might add! 21:38 < seabass> Teeworlds is just the latest victim of a continually problematic glitch in my networking stack. 21:38 < seabass> I haven't pinned the problem down yet 22:01 < seabass> I noticed that heinrich5991 has made a Wireshark plugin for the Teeworlds protocol 22:01 < seabass> That should be a nice addition. And it's in Rust, which is even more interesting to me 22:02 < seabass> Keep up the good work, heinrich5991 :) 22:03 <@heinrich5991> thanks :) 22:04 < seabass> I think you did it in 2019? 22:04 < seabass> That should make it possible to compile without RustUp 22:04 <@heinrich5991> so far I only updated my plugin to wireshark 3.4 22:04 <@heinrich5991> I intend to complete it though :) 22:04 <@heinrich5991> let's see how that goes 22:04 < seabass> good luck :) 22:04 <@heinrich5991> I'm trying to keep compatibility with debian oldstable's rustc, so it should always be okay without rustup 22:05 < seabass> Oh, well I'm still running Wireshark 3.4.5, sooo... 22:05 < seabass> Is that a year out of date? 22:05 < seabass> I'm behind in my dist-upgrades 22:06 < ChillerDragon> what is the diff between a wireshark plugin and a dissector 22:06 * seabass downloads RustC 22:06 < ChillerDragon> ah its a dissector 22:07 < ChillerDragon> oh wow u updated yesterday heinrich5991 o.O how do i get it running? I guess the rust compiles into something that is c enough 22:07 < seabass> IIRC it goes straight into binaries 22:09 < ChillerDragon> i wonder why i never tried it probably i was scared of rust 22:11 < seabass> The New Rustacean Podcast is pretty good 22:15 < ChillerDragon> ill check it out 22:15 < seabass> https://newrustacean.com/feed.xml 22:15 < seabass> https://newrustacean.com/ 22:16 < ChillerDragon> wait is it free? 22:17 < seabass> Yes, it is 22:17 < ChillerDragon> im confused by the site 22:18 < seabass> ChillerDragon https://newrustacean.com/show_notes/ 22:18 < ChillerDragon> yo heinrich5991 i think i requested this already but what about a INSTALL.md or some usage instructions for libtw2? i could cargo build the dissector but i do not even find a binary 22:19 < ChillerDragon> ah seabass xd 22:19 < seabass> :) 22:19 < seabass> The show notes are generated with RustDoc itself :D 22:21 < ChillerDragon> yea i got that part while searching the actual podcast xd 22:21 <@heinrich5991> ChillerDragon: the plugin isn't really useful yet, so there aren't install instrucitons 22:22 <@heinrich5991> compile it and put the .so into ~/.local/lib/wireshark/plugins/3.4/epan/ 22:25 < ChillerDragon> i do not find the binary tho 22:26 <@heinrich5991> find . -name '*.so' 22:26 < ChillerDragon> null 22:26 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1612473972.png 22:27 < bridge> [teeworlds] check parent dir as well 22:27 < ChillerDragon> ah didnt see target dir 22:27 < ChillerDragon> expected it to be in root like in tw 22:27 < ChillerDragon> oh well in tw its build dir too ok i got it nice 22:29 < seabass> OK so how do I build? 22:39 < ChillerDragon> cargo build 22:39 < ChillerDragon> in the directory 22:40 < seabass> thanks :) 22:45 <@heinrich5991> cargo build --release 22:45 <@heinrich5991> it's very much unfinished though, it doesn't decode game packages 22:45 <@heinrich5991> it's just the outest layer that it peels away rn 22:45 <@heinrich5991> outermost* 22:45 < seabass> Ah, OK. Well please do continue. It's really interesting to me 22:51 < seabass> OK... now what? :) 22:51 * seabass reloads Wireshark 23:00 <@heinrich5991> did you put it into the directory? are you on wireshark 3.4.x? 23:00 <@heinrich5991> then observe some tw traffic on port 8303