14:23 < ZillyHuhn> These difficulty icons are kinda random or is it just me who has that feeling? Is anyone using them? 14:40 < bridge> [teeworlds] it's up to server owners to use them 14:40 < bridge> [teeworlds] but yeah doesn't seem to work well 15:00 < bridge> [freenode] so, how do I compile teewordls on openbsd 15:00 < bridge> [freenode] are there any instructions? 15:00 < bridge> [freenode] I mean I already compiled it with no errors but I get: 15:00 < bridge> [freenode] ./teeworlds[1]: syntax error: `^G^R?^G^RP^G^Ra^G^Ro^G^R$D^G^R$\^G^R�^G^R�^G^R�^G^R�^G^R�^G^R�^G^R�^G^R�^G^R^L^H^R$^H^R:^H^RO^H^Rd^H^R{^H^R$P^H^R�^H^R�^H^R�^H^R�^H^R�^H^R�^H^R�^H^R^M' unexpected 15:11 < bridge> [freenode] this occurs both with make and gmake 15:12 < bridge> [teeworlds] wat 15:13 < bridge> [freenode] oh and ./teewordls_srv exits with ./teeworlds_srv[1]: syntax error: `(' unexpected 15:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] type `file teeworlds` 15:13 < bridge> [freenode] I think I'm missing something 15:13 < bridge> [freenode] teeworlds: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 15:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] how do you execute it? 15:13 < bridge> [freenode] teeworlds_srv: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 15:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] what command do you use? 15:13 < bridge> [freenode] ./teewordls 15:14 < bridge> [teeworlds] that's all you type, that's the complete command line? 15:14 < bridge> [freenode] well yes I just run ./teeworlds 15:15 < bridge> [teeworlds] can you try `env ./teeworlds`? 15:16 < bridge> [freenode] it doesn't change anything 15:16 < bridge> [teeworlds] exactly the same error? 15:16 < bridge> [freenode] yep 15:17 < bridge> [freenode] the complete steps I made are: 1. download the 0.7.5 zip 2. extract it 3. mkdir ubild 4. cd build 5. cmake .. 6. gmake 7. ./teeworlds 15:17 < bridge> [freenode] should it works on other OSes right? 15:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] yes 15:36 < bridge> [teeworlds] there has to be something wrong with your computer for these errors 15:36 < bridge> [teeworlds] Why is it even reading an elf binary as some kind of script? 15:38 < rand> nobody expects the `(' error 15:41 < bridge> [freenode] yeah that's what I thought, there shouldn't even be a syntax error 15:41 < bridge> [freenode] well I guess Im on my own 15:42 < bridge> [freenode] I'll let you know if I can get it to work 15:43 < rand> try some thing like sh -c ./teeworlds, or build another binary to compare 15:45 < rand> > echo 'main() {}' | cc -x c - && ./a.out 15:51 < bridge> [freenode] https://paste.debian.net/1149939 15:54 < bridge> [freenode] (works on mac thought) 15:58 < bridge> [freenode] maybe, this is the right one https://paste.debian.net/1149943 16:00 < bridge> [freenode] oh dai raga rispondetegli 16:00 < bridge> [freenode] è tutt'oggi che cerca di compilare teeworlds 16:00 < bridge> [freenode] dategli una mano 16:01 < bridge> [freenode] NO MA IO DICO 16:01 < bridge> [freenode] Nel corso della verifica scritta del 21/05/2020 svolta in sincro tramite videoconferenza, l'alunno passa il proprio elaborato ad un compagno per via telematica. Benchè tale atto possa essere stato mosso da motivazioni comprensibili sul piano umano nei riguardi di un amico, si ritiene altresì che questo comportamento sia gravemente sleale a 16:01 < bridge> [freenode] livello scolastico, soprattutto in considerazione del particolare momento e delle straordinarie modalità con cui si è potuta svolgere l'attività didattica in questo pentamestre, modalità che si sono fondate su un rafforzato patto di collaborazione, partecipazione e correttezza nei rapporti tra alunni e docenti. 16:01 < bridge> [freenode] QUESTO SI è PRESO UNA BOTTA IN TESTA 16:05 < bridge> [teeworlds] Floppy: english please 16:05 < bridge> [freenode] oh sorry 16:05 < bridge> [freenode] help lus3r 16:06 < bridge> [freenode] he is my friend 16:06 < bridge> [freenode] you understand me, yes? 16:06 < bridge> [teeworlds] `echo 'int main() {}' | cc -x c - && ./a.out` 16:06 < bridge> [teeworlds] try this, lus3r 16:06 < bridge> [freenode] come on 16:06 < bridge> [freenode] of course it doesnt report any error 16:07 < bridge> [freenode] the compiler works 16:08 < bridge> [freenode] niente questo qua non mi sembra informato 16:14 < bridge> [teeworlds] I don't understand the problem, so I'm trying to find rule out wrong assumptions 16:14 < bridge> [teeworlds] so that `./a.out` binary works without problems? 16:14 < bridge> [freenode] yes 16:17 < bridge> [freenode] has anyone tried to compile tw on openbsd recently btw? 'cause it compiles on mac, compiles on linux and I suspect that the issue is not my laptop but rather openbsd per se 16:18 < bridge> [freenode] Maybe I've messed it up though, I'll try later on a fresh installation 16:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] I don't know, this might be a general problem with teeworlds on openbsd, yes 16:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] but I really don't understand how the error can happen… 16:22 < bridge> [teeworlds] is it possible that you installed some cross compiler? 16:23 < bridge> [teeworlds] also can you do `ldd ./teeworlds`? 16:23 < bridge> [freenode] umh 16:24 < bridge> [freenode] https://paste.debian.net/1149950 16:24 < bridge> [freenode] at this point I may have done something wrong .. 16:24 < bridge> [teeworlds] Yeah there is something seriously wrong with that binary 16:24 < bridge> [teeworlds] can you show me the output of `cmake ..`? 16:24 < bridge> [freenode] sure wait 16:27 < bridge> [teeworlds] you can also check dmesg, maybe the kernel outputs why it gave up on trying to load this elf file 16:27 < bridge> [freenode] https://paste.debian.net/1149951 16:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] `Target OS: 64bit` sounds a little wrong 😄 16:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] I wonder if that has an effect 16:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] shouldn't™ 16:30 < bridge> [teeworlds] as long as it's not using any bundled binary libraries, which it is not 16:31 < bridge> [teeworlds] can you show me the output of verbose make? 16:31 < bridge> [teeworlds] `gmake VERBOSE=1` should do it 16:31 < bridge> [freenode] doing it 16:34 < bridge> [freenode] https://paste.debian.net/1149953 16:34 < bridge> [teeworlds] also see if the kernel is leaving any reason as to why it doesn't want to load this binary 16:34 < bridge> [freenode] there's no clue in dmesg 16:35 < bridge> [teeworlds] I wonder why `env ./teeworlds` still got the same error 16:35 < bridge> [teeworlds] it shouldn't try to interpret it as a shell script by default using this 16:36 < bridge> [teeworlds] so it should only execute it with `/bin/sh` if it has a shebang line 16:36 < bridge> [teeworlds] I'd guess that depends on the kernels options though 16:36 < bridge> [teeworlds] I distinctly remember coming across that while configuring the kernel 16:37 < bridge> [teeworlds] well idk what's wrong, can I have the ELF binary to take a look at? 16:37 < bridge> [freenode] sure 16:37 < bridge> [freenode] suuu 16:37 < bridge> [freenode] I dont know where to upload it though 16:37 < bridge> [teeworlds] is it too large to send on discord? 16:37 < bridge> [freenode] I donthave discord 16:38 < bridge> [teeworlds] oh true, forgot this is linked to irc for a sec 😄 16:40 < bridge> [teeworlds] well I haven't used an upload site in a couple years, mediafire is bound to still be around 16:40 < bridge> [freenode] gofile.io 16:40 < bridge> [freenode] come on 16:45 < bridge> [freenode] https://ufile.io/7djcwxil 16:45 < bridge> [freenode] (I had to install firefox) 16:49 < bridge> [teeworlds] Can you do readelf -h on a binary that works? 16:50 < bridge> [freenode] https://paste.debian.net/1149956 16:53 < bridge> [freenode] is 2.4M too small? 16:56 < bridge> [teeworlds] yeah I don't see the issue with this elf file 17:56 < bridge> [teeworlds] the issue probably lies in the system 18:05 < bridge> [teeworlds] but why can he compile a simple binary and run it but not tw? 18:08 < bridge> [teeworlds] we could try a simple binary also linking tw's libraries 21:15 < bridge> [teeworlds] is it possible to program a python client against teeworlds netcode? 21:36 < bridge> [teeworlds] yes.