11:46 < Obani> matricks, ? 11:46 < Obani> you there buddy ? 12:13 <@matricks> kind off but not really 12:13 < Obani> matricks, I have a performance question about teeworlds 12:13 < Obani> how much would a quad would cost less than some tile cells ? 12:13 < Obani> For example if I got a 8*8 empty quad 12:13 < Obani> would it be better than 8*8 tiles 12:14 <@matricks> empty tiles doesn't cost anything 12:15 < Obani> matricks, 64px of an empty tile 12:16 < Obani> Does 12:16 < Obani> I mean a 64px image of a single color 12:25 < necropotame> Displaying a tile layer cost max ~1000 question (because tiles a clipped). For quads layers, you always draw all quads, even if they are off screen. So having a quad layer with 1000 quads is not worst than having a single tile layer IN THE WORST CASE. However, nobody complains about having a tile layer full of tile, so the conclusion is that you should not care that much about performances when you create a map :P Of course, all of 12:35 < Obani> I care about performance because 12:35 < Obani> I used to lag on my map when I had a weak computer with harddisk problems 12:35 < Obani> Cause there were a lot of tiles 12:36 < Obani> And I don't want other people to encounter the same kind of problems :D 12:38 < necropotame> There is a button "details" to hide layers used for decoration 12:40 < necropotame> I want to implement some sort of optimization process when I export a map with TeeUniverse. Like removing invisible tiles