19:14 < BotoX> 6 is afraid of 7 because 7 8 9 19:15 < BotoX> lmaaaaooo 19:38 <@minus> are you alright, BotoX? 19:38 < BotoX> did you get it minus 19:38 < BotoX> this shit is great 19:39 <@minus> not sure if you're being serious 19:39 < BotoX> isn't it amazing, right, right?? 19:40 <@minus> sure is 19:40 < Learath2> OMG Seven ATE Nine ?????? 19:40 <@minus> anyway, pony time 19:41 * minus np: Stereopony - Hitohiro no Hanabira 21:48 * tob is now away: off 22:02 <@minus> tob: please turn off your awaymsg or get to enjoy a ban (https://www.teeworlds.com/?page=docs&wiki=rules/irc_rules) 22:10 < Kalendium> newbie here! 22:10 < Kalendium> any recomendation?