13:00 <@matricks> minus: y0, I heard about a nice way to get rid of spammers :D 13:01 <@matricks> minus: in a form, you add a hidden field that is empty, then you reject everything that has filled in that field 17:21 <@minus> :| 17:26 < EastByte> :) 17:27 <@matricks> :> 20:26 < dtw_> hi 20:28 < EastByte> hello 20:28 < dtw_> i have a little problem there... i added a new gamemode inherits gamecontroller, also registered it in gamecontext.cpp and when im trying to connect to it, it throws an error that my nethash from my client isnt similar to the nethash from my server. i know how to fix this bug dirty (changig it hardcoded in version.h) but i want to fix it in a better way.. any ideas? 20:35 < EastByte> nethash = CHash("src/game/generated/nethash.cpp", "src/engine/shared/protocol.h", "src/game/generated/protocol.h", "src/game/tuning.h", "src/game/gamecore.cpp", network_header) 20:35 < EastByte> be sure you don't change any of these files 20:35 < dtw_> im pretty sure 20:35 < dtw_> o_o 20:36 < Learath2> if you are working with git a diff should help ya 20:36 < dtw_> i just changed gamecontext.cpp and added 2 files :x 20:37 < Learath2> well that shouldnt change the nethash 20:39 < dtw_> yea thats dumb ._. 21:21 < dtw_> i found the error.. it was the source itself.. ._. 21:24 <@minus> why are polygons so hard ._. 21:24 <@minus> given a star-shaped polygon, find a point in its kernel in O(n) 21:24 < dtw_> wait. 21:24 < dtw_> problem found... im using vc12 to compile the source and my patch (replacing all round to round_to_int) also change gamecore.cpp 21:25 < dtw_> so i need another fix, because round make problems in vc12 21:26 < dtw_> can you tell me how? :s 21:55 < dtw_> fixed... i commented out the round function in math.h and im using git now.. thx to @Learath2 22:36 < Learath2> dtw_: why did you comment out round 22:37 < Learath2> doesnt sound like a very healthy fix 22:37 < dtw_> because it made a lot of compiling errors cause its already defined in a lib included by visual studio 12 22:38 < Learath2> dtw_: mind telling me which lib it is 22:38 < dtw_> wait 22:38 < dtw_> VC\INCLUDE\math.h 22:41 < Learath2> huh i wonder why it includes math.h 22:42 < dtw_> i will comment it out until its fixed in another way :p 22:43 < dtw_> i will be back tomorrow, good night^^ 22:56 <@matricks> minus: he polygon problem.. find a point, or find out if a point is inside it?