19:08 <@minus> mh, where's our resident japanese guy 19:09 <@matricks> hai! 19:09 <@matricks> ハローワールド 19:10 <@matricks> 私は虎松を話すことができない 19:11 <@minus> i mean the one that does without google translate 19:12 <@minus> but that actually answered the question i wanted to ask 19:13 <@matricks> :D 19:14 <@minus> funny that google transliterates "hello world" though 19:14 <@matricks> :) 21:25 < yemDX`> google translate is hilarious, especially with japanese though 21:26 < yemDX`> i wonder if they use search popularity to determine whether or not they put what the user inputted into katakana or if they translate it literality 21:26 < yemDX`> literally* 22:24 < JulianAssange> https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/10247384_10152003945132204_5777808453039121691_n.jpg 22:25 < JulianAssange> im in le euro-poor 22:25 < BotoX> which country / city? 22:25 < BotoX> >.NL 22:25 < BotoX> nvm 22:28 < JulianAssange> i was in france too 22:28 < JulianAssange> https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/1978684_10151985150622204_5899754904461142521_n.jpg