00:14 < bridge> Yea also thought that might be tricky. But rotating and moving should be fine. The same way as tees with their guns are animated anything else could be animated 00:16 < bridge> Good job bot developer. Nice slider you have there 00:18 < bridge> Pog send code 00:18 < bridge> I need it 01:27 < bridge> anyone get the error "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document" in VS when putting a breakpoint on game-server? idk how to fix it ^^ 01:42 < bridge> hm, i guess, after setting the breakpoint and launching, i had to go back to VS and set ddnet-server in "attach to process" 01:42 < bridge> hm, i guess, after setting the breakpoint and launching, i had to go back to VS and select ddnet-server in "attach to process" 01:42 < bridge> seems kind of weird that i have to do that :/ 03:23 < bridge> Try switch profile to debug and try again 03:24 < bridge> Try to switch profile to debug and try again 03:25 < bridge> you mean here? 03:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201714921688289300/image.png?ex=65cad33c&is=65b85e3c&hm=4ec3844f3a01f621250dea0ca8daaef241b413e9f38b0e8d8d20369c293734d4& 04:06 < ws-client> yes debug includes symbols 04:06 < ws-client> or RelWithDebInfo 04:20 < bridge> yeah i mean its always on debug when i debug 04:20 < bridge> usually it works fine, but i think the debugger is set for the client, so i need to switch it to the ddnet-server.exe 04:21 < bridge> not sure if thers any other workaround 04:21 < bridge> but it works fine 04:25 < ws-client> the other workaround is using gdb c: it never bugged on me (except the many times it bugged or crashed axaxaxax) 04:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201732873032585256/IMG_20240129_115124.jpg?ex=65cae3f4&is=65b86ef4&hm=364be5696289b7696a13eff7fabefff703817ec199ca8e55e257e32d2569fb09& 04:58 < ws-client> watfak fred are u kidnapped? 04:58 < ws-client> @ryozuki u recommended ccache right? Have you used it? I ran this and changed branches forward and back and didnt notice and speed improvements 04:58 < ws-client> ``cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache`` 05:09 < ws-client> okay i configured a cache dir and i can see it writing files when i build. Yet I can not believe it is still this slow to rebuild a umodified version of the code that was fully cached before 08:07 < ws-client> okay cache is slowly building up that was so worth it 08:08 < ws-client> switching branches and so on without waiting 3 minutes for the first build is amazing 08:09 < ws-client> I wonder if we can use ccache especially for clang tidy in the CI. And finally improve those fukin 30 minute CI runtimes. 08:20 < bridge> We use ccache in GitHub Actions for Prism Launcher. It works great with GitHub's cache feature 08:28 < ws-client> ye thats what i thought 08:28 < ws-client> when pr @scrumplex 08:29 < ws-client> prism is also such a bloat of a project takes so long to compile 08:34 < bridge> Qt 👀 08:36 < ws-client> i wonder why you explicitly restore the cache here https://github.com/PrismLauncher/PrismLauncher/blob/b0a473a5cecf8ad84c5669bf433f5d88e23f7202/.github/workflows/build.yml#L167-L174 08:36 < ws-client> while the official example does not use any restoring https://github.com/KeyviDev/keyvi/blob/master/.github/workflows/keyvi.yml 08:37 < bridge> That's for Windows MinGW builds 08:37 < ws-client> so? 08:37 < bridge> They don't work with ccache-action 08:37 < ws-client> but what do you retrieve then? 08:37 < bridge> So if you build with MSVC you don't need that 08:38 < ws-client> -mingw-w64-ccache whats in here then 08:38 < bridge> For MinGW we install ccache ourselves and retrieve the ccache store 08:38 < ws-client> ah so the github action package or however they are called does the retrevial for you 08:38 < bridge> For every other platform we use this: https://github.com/hendrikmuhs/ccache-action 08:38 < ws-client> but it doesnt do it for MinGW so you do it your self 08:38 < ws-client> ye 08:38 < bridge> Yes basivally 08:39 < bridge> Yes basically 08:39 < ws-client> didnt that guy also add windows support? 08:39 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/dawg-skull-emoji-gif-24661581 08:39 < bridge> Windows MSVC works. It's just MSYS2 (and probably other MinGW environments) that don't work with that 08:40 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706600381.png 08:40 < ws-client> i see 08:40 < ws-client> F to the dude who tried to fix visual c++ in 161 commits and did not get it merged 08:40 < bridge> There is also sccache from Mozilla. It can also do Rust caching iirc 08:40 < ws-client> Maybe one they I can get a pipeline on ddnet++ again 08:40 < bridge> Maybe that could work too 08:41 < ws-client> i am 80% sure ddnet++ is too big to compile 08:41 < ws-client> the build just always fails with "killed" 08:41 < ws-client> rust caching we already seem to have something 08:41 < ws-client> maybe its just crates idk 08:44 < bridge> https://github.com/marketplace/actions/sccache-action 08:46 < ws-client> okay i got ccache ddnet prototype workin <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 08:46 < ws-client> run 1 generating cache: 08:46 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706600739.png 08:46 < ws-client> run 2 using cache: 08:46 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706600756.png 08:46 < ws-client> <:poggers:546812233867329556> 08:47 < bridge> Maybe we can add some things about this by NETSENDFLAG_EXTENDED 08:47 < ws-client> things about what 08:49 < bridge> it's a reply to this `heinrich5991: plus we need backcompat for the vanilla/etc. servers we run` 08:50 < ws-client> backcompat for what 08:50 < ws-client> and thanks 08:50 < ws-client> ok i find the msg my self xd 08:50 < ws-client> ah masterserver stuff 08:52 < bridge> How to go about making a vote only votable by spectators? (just need a pointer from where to start :)) 08:54 < bridge> How to go about making a vote only votable by spectators? (just need a pointer from where to start :)) (is there already such functionality (specs being able to vote)) 08:56 < ws-client> teeworlds 0.7 clients can not vote as spectators so don't bother adding votes for specs 08:56 < bridge> 😬 0.7 (could be a /vote command or smt) 08:56 < ws-client> @Mr.Gh0s7 no 0.7 discrimmination in this channel! Check rule #2 08:56 < ws-client> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/issues/3214 08:56 < bridge> Spectator votes disabled Client Side ? Gawd dayum 08:57 < ws-client> yes common 0.7 L 08:58 < bridge> Chiller when are you officially overtaking Oy to Continue 0.7 development? 08:58 < bridge> :O f3 08:58 < ws-client> @meloƞ its a work in progress 08:59 < ws-client> @Mr.Gh0s7 just use git invert cherry pick of this https://github.com/ZillyInsta/ddnet-insta/commit/01fe8613b92073e7894f7f3ef8680ab750a6d75a 08:59 < bridge> btw this would be just for and fng server to solve 1o1 when there are many specs not for ddnet upstream. 08:59 < ws-client> but jokes aside that pr is basically the pointers you were asking for 08:59 < ws-client> commit* 08:59 < bridge> :O 08:59 < bridge> ok ty 09:03 < bridge> :poggers2: 09:05 < ws-client> @ryozuki dude ryo thanks for recommending ccache! I went from going for a shit during compile and returning to 90% to compiling faster with ``make -j1`` on my laptop than ``make -32`` on my i9-13900K (32) @ 5.500GHz desktop 09:06 < bridge> Flex 09:06 < ws-client> ``make -j32`` fakin emoji picker is overlapping my text. 09:06 < ws-client> yes indeed very flex 09:06 < bridge> Wanna swap PCs? 09:06 < bridge> Would be a very funny trade wouldn't it 09:07 < bridge> With unformatted ssd ofc 09:07 < ws-client> funny indeed 09:07 < ws-client> i dont have a encrypted drive :c 09:07 < ws-client> do you? 09:07 < bridge> Same 09:07 < ws-client> ok ez 09:08 < bridge> -j32 ? Laughs in -j4 09:08 < bridge> New PC will arrive soon tho, 09:08 < bridge> I'd cry in your case 09:08 < bridge> Leak specs 09:09 < bridge> AMD Ryzen 9 7950X (16x 4.5GHz / 5.7GHz Turbo 09:09 < bridge> 09:09 < ws-client> i got trick for you 09:09 < bridge> RADEON RX 7900XTX 09:09 < bridge> 09:09 < bridge> 2Tb 7600 SSD 09:09 < bridge> And the cheapest Case i could find 09:09 < bridge> :kek: 09:09 < ws-client> do ``make -j$(nproc)`` and its even longer than -j32 then 09:10 < ws-client> or even better 09:10 < bridge> Looks rich 09:10 < bridge> Im hyped 09:10 < ws-client> just run ``make -j32`` on a 4 core machine 09:10 < ws-client> also works 09:10 < bridge> I can finally Run sway/hyprland on wayland 09:10 < bridge> Without issues 09:10 < bridge> Yeah 16 cores are defs epic 09:10 < ws-client> famous last words 09:10 < bridge> I can't understand ppl like ryo that are happy with less 09:10 < bridge> :kek: 09:11 < bridge> What's your CPU fan xd 09:11 < ws-client> lerato is the only samaritan who has a heart for the poor specced 09:12 < bridge> He is student 09:12 < bridge> That's OK 09:12 < ws-client> lerato is not bad specced him self 09:12 < ws-client> that makes him gigachad <:gigachad:960830678465933403> 09:12 < bridge> And he is rich, but not as rich as you 09:12 < ws-client> -.- 09:12 < bridge> His father is rich 09:12 < bridge> Xdd 09:13 < bridge> Endorfy Navis f360 argb 09:13 < bridge> Not like in your case 09:13 < bridge> Watercooling baby 09:13 < bridge> Custom? 09:13 < ws-client> lerato runs fakin quantum computer and still does not people to download more ram if they complain that ddnet crashed on their 1kb ram machine 09:13 < ws-client> tell* 09:13 < ws-client> jesus i lost a word 09:13 < ws-client> i need edits 09:13 < bridge> Yes 09:13 < bridge> Everything to overclock and Ruin my new PC 09:14 < bridge> :gigachad: 09:14 < ws-client> http://i.imgur.com/rbzjLcI.jpg 09:14 < bridge> Hey dont leak 09:15 < bridge> Wtf tryhard. But cool. But I'd hate to swap the water in the loop every year 09:15 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706602491.png 09:15 < bridge> That prevents me from doing it too 09:15 < bridge> Just use wodka 09:15 < ws-client> deen buying drugs and strippers from donation moni 09:15 < bridge> Sanitary 09:15 < bridge> keeps itself Clean 09:15 < bridge> Lmao 09:15 < bridge> :KEKW: 09:15 < bridge> But probably true 09:16 < ws-client> idk deen and heino have this "you can trust me bro vibes" 09:16 < bridge> My vps costs 1.6€ 09:18 < bridge> Per month ? 09:19 < ws-client> 14k per potato 09:19 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706602726.png 09:19 < ws-client> potatos are bigger investment than fakin tulips 09:20 < bridge> Yes 10:04 < bridge> what xd 10:10 < bridge> Was just troll xd 10:27 < bridge> Damn - i Pay Like 6 :pepeW: 10:59 < bridge> what? I used 0.7 to vote as spectators 11:00 < bridge> Sorry, It's dead spec mode 11:00 < bridge> My wrong 11:15 < ws-client> Oh right the scuffed dead spec mode. Sure I remember playing 0.7 zCatch and it used the mode. I did forget about it. Should probably be mentioned in the issue I opened in teeworlds. 11:16 < ws-client> If the server can set you to dead spec mode the server has a option to allow some kind of spectator voting. 11:16 < ws-client> also @remakepower who even are you? Do you use any other names than remakepower? 11:18 < bridge> I changed my name many times, and i never use my old name else dummy, so i'm Bamcane now, (before is RemakePower, ErrorDreemurr) 11:18 < ws-client> ah you one of those ok nvm then 11:18 < ws-client> a name changer 11:18 < bridge> what's nvm? 11:18 < ws-client> never mind 11:19 < ws-client> i cba to keep up with all the name changers o.O 11:19 < bridge> cba? 11:20 < ws-client> xd sori 11:20 < ws-client> cant be assed 11:20 < ws-client> i know that one from lerato 11:20 < ws-client> such a useful acronym 11:20 < bridge> you cba to type cba 11:20 < ws-client> indeed! 11:21 < bridge> also why do we need to support 0.7 11:21 < ws-client> to stay compatible with teeworlds 11:21 < bridge> My firefox crashed 11:22 < bridge> It's always crashed when i open 2 vscode + a lots of client for test 11:22 < bridge> i would slam dunk the shit out of the 0.7 support 11:22 < bridge> My KDE Plasma is also 11:23 < bridge> what client? teeworlds client? 11:23 < ws-client> yes 11:23 < bridge> DDNet + 0.7 + Vanilla 0.6 11:23 < bridge> u use 4d like chiller? lol 11:23 < bridge> im going to be honest ive had my ddnet crash because i opened snipping tool 11:24 < bridge> DDNet is the most memory program of them 11:24 < bridge> SO WHY WE NEED TO WAIT FOR WE QUIT CLIENT???? 11:24 < bridge> get a faster pc so it leaves fastee 11:24 < bridge> faster 11:25 < bridge> That even used more time than i quit other games like Terraria. 11:26 < bridge> I'm working my new mod, but i always get bugs 11:28 < bridge> Convert 0.7 protocol to 0.6 is toooooooooooooooo many bugs here for 0.7 11:29 < bridge> I didn't know why 0.7 client couldn't join the spec 11:31 < bridge> Oh Okay, i think i know it. 11:33 < bridge> I'm working to try copy ddnet register to 0.7 11:42 < bridge> what about not doing that 11:42 < bridge> tbh the bridge between versions is useless af, even since 0.7 is dead lmao 11:42 < bridge> yeah 11:43 < bridge> what is tbh? 11:43 < bridge> losing chillerdragon as a player because no 0.7 compat might be a positive :troll: 11:43 < bridge> glue friendship, not hate, TeeGlue coming soon(TM) 11:44 < bridge> to be humble = tbh 11:45 < bridge> Okay, thanks 11:47 < bridge> To be honest 11:47 < bridge> Ah ig both works 11:50 < bridge> I was incorrect there, small brain fart 11:50 < bridge> to be honest is more correct 11:53 < bridge> its "to be honest" 11:54 < bridge> Thanks, though he replied me. 11:57 < bridge> https://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/2401.3/04208.html 11:58 < bridge> Lmao linus is mad 11:58 < bridge> its cuz he repeated the same mistake 11:58 < bridge> btw the one he talks to is a Google engineer 12:02 < bridge> "I put you in my spam filter - for a week" 12:03 < bridge> Someone wants my current Job ? I tried refunding But they Said No 12:03 < bridge> what is your job? 12:04 < bridge> Provision mechanic and 12:04 < bridge> vocational school teacher 12:04 < bridge> Precision* Not provision 12:04 < bridge> Shit Phone 12:05 < bridge> wild combination 12:06 < bridge> @robyt3 @patiga 12:06 < bridge> 12:06 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/8366bfb8815ff4eca14dba4e81f7b8cb0d6e111e/src/engine/shared/datafile.cpp#L832-L836 12:06 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> we iterate over all item types 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> item types is an error of 0x10000 elements... 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/8366bfb8815ff4eca14dba4e81f7b8cb0d6e111e/src/engine/shared/datafile.h#L113-L117C28 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> are we casually iterating over 65536 elements every time we write a file? 12:07 < bridge> @robyt3 @patiga 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/8366bfb8815ff4eca14dba4e81f7b8cb0d6e111e/src/engine/shared/datafile.cpp#L832-L836 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> we iterate over all item types 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> item types is an array of 0x10000 elements... 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/8366bfb8815ff4eca14dba4e81f7b8cb0d6e111e/src/engine/shared/datafile.h#L113-L117C28 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> are we casually iterating over 65536 elements every time we write a file? 12:09 < bridge> it also looks like we do that quite often 😂 12:10 < bridge> @learath2: how stable is the http api now? Can I use it in my forks without having to change the code again in 2 weeks? 12:13 < bridge> Email enjoyers be like 12:15 < bridge> Stable user api promise right there. No changes without backwards compatibility and or major version updates that include instructions and scripts on how to update the code. 12:15 < bridge> 12:15 < bridge> Thanks c: 12:16 < bridge> Modern cpu's can quite easily handle this - are there Performance issues on old Specs doing it Like this? 12:16 < bridge> Lawyer jopsti this is legally binding right? Lerato hereby guarantees that merging my code with the code from the ddracenetework corporation will never result in git conflicts or compile errors in http code. Right? 12:16 < bridge> no matter how fast CPUs are 12:16 < bridge> 12:16 < bridge> iterating 65k times 5 times in a row 12:16 < bridge> 12:16 < bridge> just to be not used sounds like a huge waste of time xD 12:17 < bridge> Fair enough :kek: 12:17 < bridge> if writing the file is half a second slower bcs of that it would still suck hard xD 12:17 < bridge> i'd say you should sue him if it changes in the next weeks 12:18 < bridge> but if u wait 3 years it's aged 12:18 < bridge> Ok thanks 12:19 < bridge> See you in court lerato 12:19 < bridge> The effect is probably very small, zlib compression takes almost the entire time finishing the datafile. And it's done in a background job 12:20 < bridge> @robyt3: do you have a jobs rework up ur sleeve? 12:20 < bridge> I sort of do, the PR is still open but I haven't gotten around to rebasing it yet 12:20 < bridge> Yikes 12:20 < bridge> I’ll wait then 12:21 < bridge> probably, i estimate the cost at around 38 milliseconds 12:22 < bridge> but probably a btree or smth would fit better than this xD 12:23 < bridge> For the majority of those 65k entries it does nothing because m_Num is zero for them 12:23 < bridge> I smell a hash map incoming! 12:24 < bridge> that's what i assumed 😄 12:25 < ws-client> who knows a ddnet map that uses shields? 12:25 < bridge> before i forget it: i hate our map format. 12:25 < bridge> 12:25 < bridge> It's so unintuitive, impressive. 12:25 < bridge> 12:25 < bridge> It's just so weird how enveloppoints etc are stored 12:26 < bridge> who can work with that 😂 12:26 < bridge> bro 99% of maps do use it or not? xD 12:27 < ws-client> baby aim 2.0 12:27 < ws-client> does 12:27 < ws-client> u all lost the quick trivia 12:28 < bridge> We dont mention aojesus Here 12:28 < bridge> Thats haram 12:28 < bridge> hi from airport 12:28 < ws-client> hi 12:28 < bridge> Hi from Work 12:29 < bridge> chiller: quick trivia, name one map where the shield is before the start line 12:29 < bridge> basic smth? 12:30 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ the one with the solo part 12:30 < ws-client> bright design 12:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201852065547300904/ima_cb7a761.jpeg?ex=65cb52f5&is=65b8ddf5&hm=3a75caf8485365d43b118e6f96d26b71a7bf871b03997c5cc4ee9bb50aab5577& 12:31 < ws-client> yo ryo im at airport too! Do you see the airplane landing area 12:33 < ws-client> get fucked @Jupstar ✪ told u 12:33 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706614367.png 12:33 < bridge> ur getting exiled? 12:33 < ws-client> eh wait it doesnt have solo 12:33 < ws-client> maybe i meant Stoned 1 idk xd 12:34 < bridge> wonderfully 12:35 < bridge> Chiller: u coming back to Germany? 12:36 < ws-client> end of the year i think 12:36 < bridge> Ahh cya then 12:36 < bridge> Money boi 12:36 < bridge> 😏 12:36 < ws-client> u wait for me at airport :3 12:37 < ws-client> @ryozuki if you about to board the plane to you rush to the entry and queue up to get into the plane? 12:37 < ws-client> also where pics @ryozuki 12:48 < bridge> what picd 12:49 < bridge> i usually queue but its probs pointoedd 12:49 < bridge> pointless 12:49 < bridge> do u queue? 12:49 < ws-client> i never queue 12:49 < ws-client> i wait for the lady at the counter to yell at me 12:49 < bridge> xd 12:49 < ws-client> you wait in some random tunnel or bus or whatever after anyways 12:50 < bridge> and u alwats got cabin space for bag? 12:50 < ws-client> i always chill there w laptop and do some 0.7 coding 12:50 < ws-client> depends 12:50 < bridge> sometimes no bus u go in Direct 12:50 < ws-client> ye but still there is always queue 12:50 < ws-client> to seats 12:50 < ws-client> same when exiting 12:50 < ws-client> all people stand in queue 12:50 < ws-client> i dont get it 12:50 < bridge> wdym by depends 12:51 < ws-client> you mean give up the luggage? 12:51 < ws-client> even if its hand bag 12:51 < bridge> its mainly to have overhead cabin nearbyq 12:51 < ws-client> idk wat u talkin about i think xd 12:51 < ws-client> you mean book a clauset for a bag? 12:51 < bridge> its ok 12:51 < bridge> xd 12:51 < ws-client> that you can reach during flight? 12:51 < bridge> y 12:51 < ws-client> never heard of that 12:52 < bridge> wdym 12:52 < ws-client> of booking that 12:52 < ws-client> arent they free? 12:52 < ws-client> like the champaign 12:52 < ws-client> jk xxxxxxxxxD 12:52 < bridge> i never said to pay 12:52 < ws-client> no but srsly there is storage above every seat no? 12:53 < ws-client> AH 12:53 < ws-client> NOW I GET IT 12:53 < ws-client> because im late 12:53 < ws-client> ye that i just put my stuff under my seat :D 12:53 < ws-client> ez 12:53 < bridge> the mobile keyboar is Broken rip 12:53 < ws-client> turn on airplane mode mf 12:53 < ws-client> u gonna crash the thing 12:54 < bridge> im waiting 12:54 < ws-client> or are you slurping cocktails in the senator lounge still? 12:54 < ws-client> ah i see 12:54 < bridge> check 12:54 < bridge> in 12:54 < bridge> keyboardbroken 12:54 < bridge> screein 12:54 < bridge> xd 12:54 < ws-client> did you bring bribes? 12:54 < bridge> for 12:54 < ws-client> stewardess 12:55 < bridge> ?xdd 12:55 < ws-client> 10 bucks starbucks giftcard 12:55 < ws-client> so you get a first class seat 13:01 < bridge> xd 13:01 < bridge> did u bribe some? 13:02 < bridge> i opened my mac my phone screen is a bit broken 13:02 < bridge> i couldnt type lol 13:02 < ws-client> no xd feels like that could go super akward and i also could image its a low success rate 13:02 < ws-client> just saw some dude on yt do it and for him it worked 13:02 < bridge> ye xd 13:03 < ws-client> but he then failed to get a free pool 13:03 < ws-client> which is ez af idk how he managed to fk that up 13:03 < bridge> free pool? 13:03 < bridge> what dat 13:03 < ws-client> walk into hotel spa 13:03 < ws-client> without being a guest 13:03 < bridge> ah 13:04 < ws-client> but imageine first class upgrade because you bribe with 10$ gift card xxxxxxxxxxxxxxD 13:04 < ws-client> i think he went with like way more than 10 but whatever 13:08 < bridge> Lounge attendants will only let you bribe them if you look extremely handsome 13:08 < bridge> You should always be nice to the checkin person and ask them whether a business class upgrade is available. At checkin it will always be cheaper and usually worth it especially for long flights 13:09 < bridge> And if you are especially lucky and/or have decent loyalty with the airline sometimes the checkin people will even bump you up free 13:10 < bridge> I'm successful move it (the ddnet master) 13:11 < ws-client> woah did u pay for that shit already @learath2 ? 13:11 < ws-client> who is rich now xd 13:12 < ws-client> i just flew 17 hours in the luggage container just fine. Upgrades only for ppl who need to burn money or company is paying. 13:12 < bridge> 17 hours in economy sounds like 13:12 < ws-client> But yea being nice and handsome and asking is a better strat than bribe 13:12 < ws-client> @learath2 it was pure luxury 13:13 < ws-client> watchin movies 13:13 < bridge> I paid twice. Got bumped up free 4 times. Got bumped up at the gate 2 times. And once the checkin agent put me on an empty row in economy, so I could just sleep across 3 seats 😄 13:14 < bridge> Maybe i did a crazy mod(based on 0.7 but can use ddnet master) 13:14 < bridge> @remakepower I don't think I understand what you mean 13:15 < bridge> I make a 0.7 server mod, but it registered to ddnet master 13:15 < bridge> That is not possible yet, since the ddnet client can't connect to 0.7 servers 13:16 < bridge> 0.7 *mod* 13:16 < bridge> Oh or do you mean you made it work? As in a 0.7 based mod that can handle 0.6 clients? 13:16 < ws-client> @learath2 by asking? 13:16 < ws-client> thats pog i should try. But i might be too shy 13:16 < ws-client> also i lack the handsome part xd 13:16 < bridge> I did a compatibility layer 13:17 < ws-client> @learath2 ye the empty row is classic. I usually just go there without asking lol 13:17 < bridge> Always ask if an upgrade is available. There is no harm in asking, if they give you a price either it's mostly full or they just didn't like you 13:17 < bridge> It could be able to let 0.6 join one week ago 13:17 < ws-client> ok will try thanks lerato 13:18 < bridge> Oh, that's cool. We have a compatibility layer in the other direction 13:18 < ws-client> u make up some bullshit excuse why u need it? @learath2 like "ou my back" "i need the sleep" whatever? 13:18 < ws-client> or do u says like "do you have free stuff for me which others pay for?" 13:18 < bridge> I remember that fokkonaut did this in his F-DDrace 13:19 < bridge> Nope. I usually say "By the way, would it be possible for me to upgrade?" 13:19 < bridge> (I means (by his way) Sevendwon) 13:19 < bridge> (I means (by his way) Sevendown) 13:19 < ws-client> ok 13:19 < ws-client> are you using F-DDraces old code @remakepower o.O 13:20 < bridge> No 13:20 < bridge> Free upgrades are not that common. I just struck out for a while. Then I got cursed and my last couple flights all delayed or cancelled. So my luck averaged out 😄 13:20 < bridge> I used ddnet code 13:20 < ws-client> > That is not possible yet, since the ddnet client can't connect to 0.7 servers 13:21 < bridge> It's just a -Sixup 13:21 < ws-client> https://chillerdragon.github.io/ddnet7-client/ 13:21 < ws-client> buy ddnet7 client by chiler today 13:21 < bridge> I means i use ddnet sixup 13:22 < bridge> Now I'm confused. Sixup is in the other direction. 0.6 mod/server. 0.7 client 13:22 < ws-client> ye same my luggage got lost in my last 2 flights lmao @learath2 13:22 < bridge> Oh, you successful do it based on ddnet 13:23 < bridge> I did a client mod named LunarTee to do it based on 0.7, but it still WIP now. 13:23 < bridge> Maybe i already give up it 13:24 < bridge> And my server mod is here: github.com/Bamcane/TeeGlue 13:25 < ws-client> 24 commits 13:26 < bridge> 68bafe0cbaa5b99298dfd22b7eb2a1cdd4c7c455 and 88b25547a02ebc5bfa5122a4b8d898364967c33e is biggest commit of them. I think maybe 13:26 < ws-client> ye 13:26 < ws-client> Would be nice if it was a proper fork of teeworlds with your work on top 13:26 < ws-client> not a repo from scratch 13:28 < bridge> like github.com/teeworldsmods/teeworlds ? 13:31 < ws-client> yes 13:37 < bridge> Why not we let client translate ddnet chat/broadcast message like 0.7? 13:37 < bridge> I think it's much better for Non-English noob player 13:40 < bridge> How should it translate all possible text in advance ^^ 13:41 < bridge> Generally the idea is ofc good but it would need quite some effort, or server side translations 13:41 < bridge> ah 13:42 < bridge> First we check client version, if could then send CNetMsg_SvDDNetMsg 13:42 < bridge> anyonw want to play ddrace 13:42 < bridge> And client can translate it 13:43 < bridge> Just like 0.7 13:43 < bridge> but we should add a uuid msg for it 13:43 < bridge> Oh 13:43 < bridge> Oh, But ddnet had too much messages 13:44 < bridge> Hm 13:58 < bridge> I'll start working on this 13:59 < bridge> For predefined messages yes. But broadcasts are hard 13:59 < bridge> Not all broadcast. 14:00 < bridge> The broadcast like "xxx map released" is read from a file (In my memory) 14:00 < bridge> So we needn't translate them 14:00 < bridge> It's the server hoster's task 14:01 < bridge> Yeah 14:06 < bridge> What's the next version? 14:06 < bridge> 18.1 probably 14:27 < bridge> I had a bad habit that i hardly ever to see the pull request and issues (Even by me) 14:28 < bridge> My computer is old, that made me build ddnet need almost half an hour.. 14:28 < bridge> My computer is old, that made me build ddnet need about half an hour.. 14:28 < bridge> I hate it, 😦 14:32 < bridge> Buy new 14:34 < bridge> No, i'm only a student. 14:34 < bridge> That's an argument for not against it 14:35 < bridge> Huh? 14:36 < bridge> To study well, you need a good pc 14:36 < bridge> Has your university no computers? 14:39 < bridge> No, i'm not university student 14:40 < bridge> Then your school 14:42 < bridge> Oh wait 14:43 < bridge> i found a problem about translate these msg 14:43 < bridge> how can we 14:43 < bridge> oh 14:43 < bridge> now problem 14:43 < bridge> how can we record demo by server 14:43 < bridge> no problem 14:59 < bridge> What kind of student are u 15:00 < bridge> student of the gods 15:00 < bridge> valhalla awaits me 15:47 < bridge> @remakepower, your tsg server is sending `"afk":"false"` to the master server instead of `"afk":false` 16:09 < bridge> question, sometimes when looking at demo, i will see the tee move his feet when jumping, but only the next tick do i see the key press (the up arrow) in the demo, which is when he will jump. so, does it take 1 tick for the jump to actually happen when it is processed? or is there simply a delay with the key press arrows, or what? 16:10 < bridge> chiller im not queueing 16:10 < bridge> gigachad energy 16:10 < bridge> the queue is long af 16:17 < bridge> what are u not queuing for 16:17 < bridge> i need a gym buddy 16:17 < bridge> i could be if u lived here 16:17 < bridge> to board plane back to bcn 16:18 < bridge> o 16:18 < bridge> when will u go back 16:18 < bridge> today 16:18 < bridge> xd 16:18 < bridge> damn 16:18 < bridge> im waiting to board 16:18 < bridge> nice 16:18 < bridge> sad i dont live somewhere else 16:18 < bridge> the queue is when they board and ppl queue 16:18 < bridge> but u will enter regardless if u queue 16:18 < bridge> i feel like this country is collapsing 16:19 < bridge> lol 16:19 < bridge> murica 16:19 < bridge> ya 16:19 < bridge> i might go and pick up this gpu enclosure from marketplace 16:19 < bridge> so my brothers can actually play games on their computer 16:19 < bridge> is only $30 16:19 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/cat-toilet-fail-fall-funny-gif-25690731 16:20 < bridge> ??? 16:20 < bridge> lmfao 16:20 < bridge> Amerika ist wunderbar 16:20 < bridge> xd 16:20 < bridge> kein german here 16:20 < bridge> only british or Catalan 16:20 < bridge> colour 16:20 < bridge> bisquits 16:20 < bridge> It's from rammstein song 16:20 < bridge> About America xd 16:21 < bridge> yea 16:21 < bridge> classic 16:21 < bridge> xd 16:21 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/drake-computer-notebook-explaning-gif-21152267 16:21 < bridge> my reaction 16:21 < bridge> did u ever hear it 16:21 < bridge> probs 16:21 < bridge> idk rn 16:21 < bridge> u will never guess what the song is called 16:21 < bridge> america is great? 16:22 < bridge> Amerika 16:22 < bridge> The video is really good 16:22 < bridge> Good passive critique 16:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201910921811726356/Screenshot_2024-01-30-12-24-35-930_com.miui.home.jpg?ex=65cb89c6&is=65b914c6&hm=b90635f247f090743d36c64d1c9737ca4502309127f37f8c278baf56a0bf9b91& 16:24 < bridge> google knows me too much 16:26 < bridge> lmfao 16:27 < bridge> welp im boarding 16:27 < bridge> a can of metal 16:27 < bridge> good luck 16:27 < bridge> that flies 16:27 < bridge> yea 16:27 < bridge> a big ol tube 16:27 < bridge> Linus showing his insane kindness again 😬 16:27 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2x59PnB-eM 16:27 < bridge> enter the tube 16:28 < bridge> im in the hallway to the door 16:28 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/ni%C3%B1o-asustado-huh-what-meme-stare-gif-16752413 16:29 < bridge> live commentary 16:29 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/anime-girl-eating-plane-gif-48719427752333869 16:30 < bridge> weird ass gif 16:30 < bridge> you should find help 16:30 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/dawg-skull-emoji-gif-24661581 16:30 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/frog-yeah-no-yeah-no-disagree-gif-16846087569315350011 16:30 < bridge> time to go buy monster 16:33 < bridge> getting this again 16:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201913180771856494/image.png?ex=65cb8be0&is=65b916e0&hm=fd744f326d1796e5428a70a797d43eede38f83f220ffca79b54a069f413468dd& 16:33 < bridge> time to debug 16:34 < bridge> And that in the land of ansii 16:34 < bridge> And that in the land of ansi 16:34 < bridge> :c 16:34 < bridge> damn 16:34 < bridge> i got window 16:34 < bridge> nice 16:35 < bridge> i prefer not 16:35 < bridge> y not 16:35 < bridge> it's cool 16:35 < bridge> i prefer being by the corridor 16:35 < bridge> Lol, why? 16:35 < bridge> now i gotta talk to get out 16:35 < bridge> :justatest: :justatest: 16:35 < bridge> U have height fear? 16:35 < bridge> nah xdd 16:35 < bridge> Most ppl will easily trade with you 16:35 < bridge> The places 16:37 < bridge> ofc i cannot reproduce with a debugger attached 16:37 < bridge> 🌈 16:37 < bridge> winshit 16:41 < bridge> shit 16:41 < bridge> there is a baby nearby 16:41 < bridge> :justatest: 16:42 < bridge> Have fun 16:44 < bridge> Have fun 16:51 < ws-client> wow i just realized I am zero efficent in C. I got so used to scripting langs. Even my debug prints have segfaults. 16:54 < bridge> damn 16:54 < bridge> i dont write code enough 17:05 < bridge> write c compiler in bash 17:21 < bridge> Just you install a post-mortem debugger. I use Dr.Mingw on Windows 17:22 < bridge> You could install a post-mortem debugger. I use Dr.Mingw on Windows 17:22 < bridge> i dont want to 17:22 < bridge> i want to sit on my floor 17:22 < bridge> That should avoid the assertion error as well 17:25 < bridge> i could not reproduce the borderless fullscreen issue either 17:25 < bridge> just remembered 18:09 < bridge> is there a way to turn down the opacity for certain tiles in the editor? espacially the game tiles? want to take inspiration of existing maps but turning off the game tiles, map over, and then turn them on again is quite annoying 18:33 < bridge> wazzup champions 18:34 < bridge> what's on the winning plan today 18:34 < bridge> did u turn on ur american mode 18:34 < bridge> i was about to smoke and take a nap 18:34 < bridge> when i was on windows the window manager/SDL behaved differently when a debugger was attached xD 18:34 < bridge> winning 💪 18:34 < bridge> yea 18:34 < bridge> smoking kills 18:34 < bridge> debugger probably hates us 18:34 < bridge> it says use rust already 18:35 < bridge> where is ur education 18:35 < bridge> gone 18:35 < bridge> it's not cigarettes 18:35 < bridge> but it's still not good 18:36 < bridge> fortnite 18:36 < bridge> good night 18:36 < bridge> forth night 18:37 < bridge> night force 18:37 < bridge> night force... 18:37 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igNSSw1oGD0 18:38 < bridge> on what stargate starship did you land today 18:39 < bridge> he sees a trek reference 18:39 < bridge> ah yeah star trek it was 18:39 < bridge> that weird triangle 18:39 < bridge> xd 18:41 < bridge> the song name is a reference to the funnels on some british navy ship lol 19:25 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU2ftCitvyQ 19:29 < bridge> this banger was blasted in several locations at ccc this year. in particular in **all** the toilets, at all times. your star trek mention immediately triggered this tune for me ^^ 19:34 < bridge> awesome 20:19 < bridge> @Bamcane, your tsg server is sending `"afk":"false"` to the master server instead of `"afk":false`, please fix 20:19 < bridge> @remakepower , your tsg server is sending `"afk":"false"` to the master server instead of `"afk":false`, please fix 21:00 < bridge> chilleeeeeeeer 21:00 < bridge> do you have the 0.4 version of bam 21:00 < bridge> for the love of god i cant find it