03:11 < bridge> No way. Says who 05:11 < bridge> "godoh" imo, but many say it "godot" with a strong "t" 05:14 < ws-client> Does this display well on discord? I thought the tripple backticks have to be on their own line? 05:14 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705724029.png 05:14 < ws-client> also does not work correctly on github 05:15 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705724080.png 08:13 < ws-client> epic ruby W it does not need types to support method overloading o.O 08:13 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705734728.png 08:14 < ws-client> jk its full on troll language and just silently overwrites the old methods with the same name <:trollchungus:1010641652920098887> 08:14 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705734805.png 08:15 < ws-client> Rust people would call this a feature. OmAgaWd It iS sHaDowInG tHatS atShuaLLy a GoOd ThInG 08:18 < ws-client> Ah pyson does the same 08:18 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705735084.png 08:19 < ws-client> i think this actually had me debug some shit once because it didnt crash on different args but i was just not getting the return value i expected since i was not calling the method i was expecting to call :D 08:26 < ws-client> C is the clear winner here 08:26 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705735580.png 08:27 < bridge> chillerdragon how the hell u used private custom emoji 08:27 < ws-client> https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ 08:28 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705735664.png 08:28 < bridge> So u can basically send any emoji u want? 08:28 < ws-client> yep 08:28 < ws-client> webhook has free nitro 08:28 < ws-client> i just need to know the ids 08:28 < bridge> :santatrollet: 09:05 < bridge> chiller fetch user profile pics 09:14 < bridge> what to put in sign up token? XD 09:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198178728598052925/image.png?ex=65bdf5e5&is=65ab80e5&hm=5d22c428240160b7943eef814883fc3c9d18c754bf7c12ee7c5b12e4d92d1a25& 09:49 < ws-client> @milkeeycat sign up token is: nimrocks 09:49 < ws-client> @ryozuki has discord an authless api for that? 09:57 < bridge> Finally seeing the light 10:00 < ws-client> wot lerato 10:00 < ws-client> Huh 10:01 < ws-client> helo 10:01 < ws-client> Hi 10:01 < ws-client> welcome to the cool kids chat 10:02 < ws-client> ah lerato used reply i get it now 10:05 < bridge> when ddnet source code leak? 10:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198191466921603124/ddnet_leak.jpg?ex=65be01c3&is=65ab8cc3&hm=eadf9b2b3710b1a28fa01cd8c69551c13b2c656db0f300ebd24b746ce4b46d28& 10:05 < ws-client> trol 10:05 < ws-client> "concerns in the open-source community" xd 10:06 < bridge> xD 10:11 < ws-client> test 10:11 < ws-client> <:banhammer:392813948858269696> 10:11 < ws-client> cool 10:14 < ws-client> nice 10:17 < bridge> why not rustrocks? 😏 10:17 < ws-client> maybe if too many sign up and something goes out of hand ill change it to rustrocks 10:18 < ws-client> for now i used it because deen is pro nim contributor and its the ddnet test server pw 10:19 < bridge> nim rocks but not in ddnet code base? 🀨 10:19 < ws-client> no but nim was used to build hookrace 10:19 < ws-client> the game that will replace teeworlds 10:19 < ws-client> lol 10:19 < ws-client> https://hookrace.net/blog/writing-a-2d-platform-game-in-nim-with-sdl2/ 10:20 < bridge> looks like a game id build in pyson in a few hours 10:20 < ws-client> rude 10:21 < bridge> sowwy :feelsbadman: 10:22 < bridge> (most of that time id spend on figuring out how to make a square jump) 10:22 < bridge> (most of that time id spend on figuring out how to make a rectangle jump) 10:23 < bridge> Arabic rocks 10:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198196049341337651/ryo.png?ex=65be0607&is=65ab9107&hm=861742bc2dc63e34ac57684d49d5d3d8acc930a1390cb324f2e3dc8fccff9ced& 10:25 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705742684.png 10:25 < ws-client> arabic rocks 10:25 < bridge> chillerdragon: can i change name later? :justatest: 10:26 < ws-client> no just sign up another account lol 10:26 < ws-client> also dont change name -.- 10:27 < bridge> ye, i already have cool name 😏 10:30 < ws-client> wtf is this emoji <:hisnail:768893210726367232> 10:33 < bridge> do i have to paste password each time i reload the page? ._. 10:33 < ws-client> no it uses cookies to store the password 10:33 < ws-client> does it not work for you? 10:33 < bridge> no 10:33 < ws-client> watfak 10:33 < bridge> doesnt work 10:34 < ws-client> you have cookies off or something? 10:34 < ws-client> any errors in the console? 10:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198198907197468722/image.png?ex=65be08b0&is=65ab93b0&hm=17cd57995e300f4d6b6c5b7e50fae7b779390ef84d32e55c282e4aedff95b21c& 10:34 < ws-client> yep thats the problem 10:34 < ws-client> thanks 10:35 < bridge> u have it on github? 10:35 < ws-client> yep 10:35 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/discord-irc 10:35 < bridge> can i pull request some things? πŸ˜„ 10:35 < ws-client> sure thatd be cool 10:36 < ws-client> i think you can even connect to the official backend i host for testing 10:36 < ws-client> otherwise hosting the backend is also just one ``npm run start`` 10:37 < ws-client> feel free to spam in #off-topic its just bridged to irc 10:38 < ws-client> So are you going to debug the cookie issue? otherwise i would look into it now @MilkeeyCat 10:38 < bridge> ill start looking at the code rn :owo: 10:38 < bridge> u can fix it xd 10:39 < ws-client> ok how do i reproduce? wat os? wat browser? 10:40 < bridge> gentoo btw 😏 and firefox 10:40 < ws-client> what does ``document.cookie`` look like? 10:40 < bridge> and password xd 10:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198200448134422538/image.png?ex=65be0a20&is=65ab9520&hm=da7ad3d62c54671b6b71a144594e3b719375f03c58e5d034395cb21fb9c9d7eb& 10:40 < ws-client> hm i also use firefox. Is mine too old? 10:41 < ws-client> ``"user_settings={\"active_plugins\":[\"alert_popup\",\"infinite_scroll\",\"typing\",\"tenor\",\"emoji_picker\"]}; username=ChillerDragon; password=xx`` 10:41 < ws-client> interesting i got backslashes 10:42 < ws-client> what firefox version u have? 10:42 < ws-client> maybe i need some devel version to reproduce it on debian 10:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198200990189506580/image.png?ex=65be0aa1&is=65ab95a1&hm=7ee04aaaddde3760641d6f054418fc04fbc24f7ebce338c1689c406869ef1362& 10:43 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705743823.png 10:43 < ws-client> debian moment 10:45 < ws-client> ah wait i think backslashes dont matter since your browser just uses fancy backtick strings and mine double quotes 10:45 < ws-client> yea idk wat the issue is 10:46 < bridge> eeeh, is it ok that i modified a file and git says nothing changed ;-; 10:46 < ws-client> which file u mod? 10:46 < bridge> with passwords πŸ˜„ 10:46 < ws-client> check the .gitignore 10:46 < bridge> i dont even have it 10:46 < ws-client> wat? xd 10:47 < bridge> i have readme and file with passwords 10:47 < ws-client> ah that thing 10:47 < ws-client> ``git check-ignore -v passwordfile.txt`` 10:48 < bridge> nothing printed 10:48 < ws-client> ok then it should show changes 10:48 < bridge> and nothing changed 10:48 < bridge> a gg 10:48 < ws-client> idk wat u do bro sounds sus 10:48 < bridge> i added password for ur website xd 10:49 < ws-client> ah makes sense 10:49 < ws-client> uhm did the ``sha1sum`` of the file change? 10:49 < ws-client> did you really save it? 10:49 < bridge> yes 10:49 < bridge> i loaded it 5 times to check that it has ur password 10:49 < ws-client> bruv idk how that could not be tracked in git 10:50 < ws-client> i track all kinds of files including binary since 2019 in git and never had somethig untracked 10:50 < ws-client> unless i edited the wrong file/forgot to save. Or it was gitignored 10:50 < bridge> chiller 10:50 < bridge> i got catalan rocks 10:51 < ws-client> ryowo 10:51 < ws-client> pog 10:51 < bridge> :SmugChisato: 10:51 < ws-client> yo discord enjoyers this is for you https://jchri.st/blog/discord-cares-a-lot-about-privacy-or-does-it-really/ 10:52 < bridge> thats... fun... :pepeW: 10:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198203271391752262/image.png?ex=65be0cc1&is=65ab97c1&hm=95cf4534f4b76dcbdad6e3be1857a367fc5a317775635d510ac71e0ce048b2b5& 10:52 < bridge> nothing is more chad than making ur own language 10:52 < ws-client> maybe u run in a sha1sum collision and broke git 10:52 < bridge> and making ur own os 10:52 < bridge> and all is urs made 10:52 < bridge> its my objective as a programmer 10:52 < bridge> ill be a trevor but ill be sane mentally 10:52 < bridge> 😬 10:52 < bridge> both files have the smae sha1sum 10:52 < bridge> same* 10:52 < ws-client> wat about ``sha256sum`` 10:53 < ws-client> or ``hexdiff`` 10:53 < bridge> ill be a davis but ill be sane mentally 10:53 < ws-client> i thought git can handle check sum collsions 10:53 < bridge> since holyc exists 10:53 < bridge> bruh 10:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198203616197099540/image.png?ex=65be0d13&is=65ab9813&hm=6cc96673f9e787475835cf7c27383513a2ab654c5cbc4754897e23265ccefee0& 10:53 < bridge> ill name it holyrust 10:53 < ws-client> milkeey dats the same file bruv 10:53 < bridge> NO ITS NOT 10:53 < ws-client> unless hexdiff shows diff 10:53 < bridge> *going to check again* 10:54 < ws-client> if u dont have hexdiff installed i think u can write ur own in 1 line of bash ```diff <(xxd uwu.kdbx) <(/tmp/anime/uwu.kdbx)`` 10:54 < ws-client> aa 10:55 < ws-client> ``diff <(xxd uwu.kdbx) <(xxd /tmp/anime/uwu.kdbx)`` 10:55 < ws-client> editing messages be like 10:55 < ws-client> if that cmd shows no output its the same fakin file 10:56 < bridge> Is the output good even? 10:56 < bridge> if sha says same hash 10:56 < bridge> its probs same file 10:56 < bridge> unless ur extremely lucky and found a colision 10:56 < bridge> If only care about same file just hash it yeah 10:56 < bridge> which is probs not the case 10:56 < ws-client> we checked hash 10:56 < bridge> its not ;-' 10:56 < bridge> its not ;-; 10:56 < ws-client> its not printing? 10:56 < bridge> i opened both one have new password and one doesnt xd 10:56 < bridge> its ur fault for naming files uwu and owo 10:56 < ws-client> then its the same file 10:56 < ws-client> xd 10:56 < bridge> Unless a malicious party is involved even md5 is fine to check 10:56 < ws-client> what do u open them in? 10:57 < bridge> keepassxc 10:57 < ws-client> lerato hash collisions are a thing 10:57 < ws-client> maybe ur keepassxc caches or shit 10:57 < bridge> probs not if he saved 10:57 < bridge> its file based 10:57 < bridge> database 10:57 < bridge> encrypted 10:57 < bridge> Wild hash collisions aren't really a thing 10:57 < ws-client> dude watafak then happend 10:58 < bridge> chillerdragon: `diff <(xxd uwu.kdbx) <(/tmp/anime/uwu.kdbx)` whats `xxd` in the command 10:58 < bridge> do man xxd 10:58 < ws-client> omg 10:58 < ws-client> send 2nd i sent 10:58 < bridge> bruv ur gentoo user right 10:58 < bridge> read the man 10:58 < bridge> Md5 you can craft collisions, but they won't look natural at all 10:58 < bridge> man up 10:58 < ws-client> omg first cmd i sent was bugged 10:58 < bridge> NAME 10:58 < bridge> xxd - make a hex dump or do the reverse. 10:58 < bridge> very useful 10:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198204977835941908/image.png?ex=65be0e58&is=65ab9958&hm=89893f442961a3e51f2162c198e855e62bde941f2e525f857f0536cd2d68ca1a& 10:58 < bridge> are u on gentoo 10:58 < bridge> yes 10:59 < ws-client> xxd -h 10:59 < bridge> emerge it 10:59 < bridge> fair 10:59 < bridge> oh wait 10:59 < bridge> why i have xxd 10:59 < bridge> but not emerged 10:59 < bridge> is it some core utils 10:59 < ws-client> ``echo AAA | xxd`` 10:59 < ws-client> ``00000000: 4141 410a AAA.`` 10:59 < bridge> Xxd comes with vim 10:59 < bridge> is ur output colorized chiller 10:59 < bridge> ah 11:00 < ws-client> i assume that helps with diffing a binary file 11:00 < ws-client> idk i came up with it on the spot 11:00 < bridge> u diff binaries with hash 11:00 < bridge> xd 11:00 < bridge> i use neovim 😏 11:00 < bridge> there is not much to diff 11:00 < bridge> as a human 11:00 < bridge> Unless you are reverse engineering polish trains 11:00 < bridge> non program binaries 11:00 < ws-client> has collision is the last idea i have other than user error 11:00 < bridge> * 11:01 < bridge> i need to check that 11:01 < bridge> ill yt-dlp the video 11:01 < bridge> Brother, you did not discover a wild sha collision 11:01 < bridge> and view it on plane 11:01 < bridge> with my m1 11:01 < bridge> hipster 11:01 < ws-client> @ryozuki make sure to use cli yt client 11:01 < bridge> yt-dlp bro 11:01 < ws-client> and not browser bloat 11:01 < ws-client> thats just downloader 11:02 < bridge> https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp 11:02 < bridge> so? 11:02 < ws-client> thats just downloader 11:02 < bridge> mpv then 11:02 < ws-client> how u gonna find the video 11:02 < ws-client> wat was the client name 11:02 < ws-client> written in shell 11:02 < bridge> A chosen-prefix sha1 collision creates files of wildly different size, padded with stuff that doesn't just randomly happen 11:02 < bridge> https://github.com/walles/riff 11:03 < ws-client> https://github.com/pystardust/ytfzf 11:03 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705745001.png 11:04 < ws-client> @ryozuki ok i did not find any discord api endpoint or custom proxy that gives me user profiles without requiring an auth token 11:05 < bridge> thats life 11:05 < bridge> i wish there was a money endpoint 11:05 < bridge> so i get euros 11:05 < bridge> :poggers2: 11:05 < ws-client> xd 11:05 < bridge> Hello, Is it possible for DDNet client to have textarea input ? 11:05 < ws-client> hi bot developer 11:06 < bridge> i think there isnt one rn 11:06 < ws-client> yes that is possible 11:06 < bridge> just one liners 11:06 < bridge> hi possible bot dev 11:06 < bridge> Yes didn't find it 11:07 < bridge> It's hard for me to write it by myself 11:07 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705745217.png 11:07 < ws-client> textarea 11:07 < ws-client> your welcome 11:07 < bridge> haha πŸ˜„ 11:07 < ws-client> isnt that what you want? 11:07 < bridge> chillerdragon: if after command nothing show up its the same file? 11:07 < bridge> no 11:07 < ws-client> yes @MilkeeyCat 11:07 < ws-client> @diariesvexar then you need to explain your self 11:07 < bridge> like textarea in html 11:07 < ws-client> so bigger @diariesvexar ? 11:07 < bridge> yes 11:08 < ws-client> otherwise same? 11:08 < bridge> to be able press enter for next line or see whole text with width limitation 11:08 < ws-client> im sure there is some height property anywhere. But line wrapping would probably require some adjustments 11:08 < bridge> chillerdragon: i see no output aaaaand one still have new password xd 11:08 < ws-client> @MilkeeyCat that means not a single byte i different 11:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198207566904295435/image.png?ex=65be10c1&is=65ab9bc1&hm=e70282495d6208e7862d8560f5b9f08973caaea9e463ca618d53c8de9b7dea66& 11:09 < bridge> i moved it and renames 11:09 < bridge> i moved it and renamed 11:09 < ws-client> send the file so i can check 11:09 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 11:09 < ws-client> wait isnt it public anyways? :D 11:09 < bridge> im gonna send u 2 files and say the master password u dont thing that im crazy 11:09 < ws-client> i also need your master key 11:09 < ws-client> nono im trustworthy 11:10 < ws-client> we just tell the others to look away real quick 11:10 < bridge> master key is not enough tho 11:10 < ws-client> you also have kdbx 2fa? 11:10 < ws-client> with sms? xd 11:10 < bridge> @chillerdragon can I send you a short video and ask you a question ? 11:10 < ws-client> @diariesvexar sure 11:10 < bridge> chillerdragon: u need an image 11:10 < ws-client> i might not know the answer 11:10 < ws-client> robsti and jopsti are better with inputs 11:10 < ws-client> and tsfred 11:10 < bridge> ws-client 11:11 < ws-client> wot 11:11 < bridge> hi wazzup 11:11 < ws-client> @MilkeeyCat like a png? 11:11 < bridge> yes 11:11 < bridge> exactly .png 11:11 < ws-client> did you do some img master key shenanigans like we talked about a few weeks ago? 11:11 < bridge> yes 11:11 < bridge> i found an image i like 11:11 < ws-client> thats so cool 11:12 < bridge> downloaded it 11:12 < ws-client> is it nsfw? 11:12 < bridge> no 11:12 < ws-client> lame 11:12 < ws-client> can you download it again if you loose it? 11:12 < bridge> yes 11:12 < bridge> :santatrollet: 11:12 < ws-client> how stable? 11:12 < bridge> it already got removed 11:12 < ws-client> LMAO 11:12 < ws-client> u gonna lose all ur passwords 11:12 < bridge> it was on the same place for fukcing 3 years 11:12 < ws-client> hahaha 11:12 < bridge> and when i decided to use it 11:12 < bridge> its gone 11:12 < ws-client> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxD 11:12 < ws-client> rip 11:13 < bridge> ive sent it to my friends 11:13 < bridge> so its still oneline 11:13 < ws-client> do they know what it is? 11:13 < bridge> online 11:13 < bridge> no 11:13 < bridge> πŸ˜„ 11:13 < ws-client> and have you seen robstis meme about it? 11:13 < bridge> yeye 11:13 < ws-client> have you sent it on whatsapp and it got compressed? 11:13 < bridge> no 11:13 < bridge> i use telegram 😏 11:13 < ws-client> it doesnt compress? 11:13 < ws-client> and will never? 11:13 < bridge> yes 11:13 < bridge> u can send it as a file 11:13 < bridge> not as an img 11:13 < ws-client> i see 11:14 < ws-client> maybe sending it zipped is safer 11:14 < ws-client> against compression 11:14 < bridge> robyte shared a meme? 11:14 < ws-client> yes 11:14 < bridge> how did i miss that 11:14 < ws-client> about image compression 11:14 < bridge> so if u decide to change the image or save it again it wont be the same :santatrollet: 11:14 < ws-client> back when i was meeting 17 y olds in bulgaria 11:14 < bridge> which u didnt 11:14 < bridge> which is good for the kid 11:15 < ws-client> ofc my lawyer says i didnt 11:15 < ws-client> thanks lawyer jopsti for saving my ass 11:15 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks https://xkcd.com/1683/ thats what robyt sent 11:15 < ws-client> @Jupstar βœͺ u remember when we recommended to use base64 encoded ddnet logo as master pw for milkeeys public kbdxdxeepass file? 11:16 < ws-client> and then robsti sent this epic meme which points out some dark and real threat in this situation 11:17 < bridge> how can it be the same fukcing file and still have new data in it 11:17 < bridge> black magic 11:17 < ws-client> seems like ur pw file compresses really good 11:17 < ws-client> 100% compression rate 11:17 < ws-client> sounds web scale 11:17 < bridge> how the hell can it upload it then? Xd 11:17 < ws-client> u dont have to 11:17 < ws-client> its the same file 11:18 < ws-client> on download you just have to uncompress it correctly 11:18 < ws-client> <:trollchungus:1010641652920098887> 11:18 < bridge> ok so 11:18 < bridge> i have 2 files 11:18 < bridge> if i open one 11:18 < bridge> i have new data 11:18 < bridge> if i open the other one it doesnt have xd 11:18 < ws-client> gentoo issue 11:18 < bridge> oh yeah i remeber that... didnt know it was robyte sending it xd 11:18 < ws-client> ofc robsti memelord 11:19 < bridge> secret skill 11:20 < ws-client> someone dropped a bathing suite on my door step 11:20 < ws-client> lmao 11:20 < ws-client> ok watfak i feel like i wasted the whole day on irc again 11:21 < bridge> aaaand new password is gone 11:21 < bridge> great 11:22 < ws-client> sounds like progress to me 11:22 < bridge> yes 11:22 < bridge> now it makes sense at least 11:22 < ws-client> dont worry i have your password stored in plaintext 11:22 < ws-client> you can just ask me :D 11:23 < bridge> i have it in my cookies as plain text xd 11:24 < ws-client> true that too :D 11:24 < bridge> chillerdragon 11:24 < ws-client> jospti 11:24 < bridge> jopsti 11:25 < bridge> let's assume you the richest person on earth in every time, in which time would you like to live: 11:25 < bridge> 11:25 < bridge> a. 1700 11:25 < bridge> b. 1800 11:25 < bridge> c. 1900 11:25 < bridge> d. 2000 11:25 < bridge> e. 2100 11:25 < bridge> f. antique 11:25 < ws-client> 2100 11:25 < ws-client> yolo 11:25 < ws-client> idk if world is fakin apocalypse but i full gamble 11:26 < bridge> but u rich then anyway 😏 11:26 < ws-client> world can get real fucked so that being rich doesnt safe too much 11:26 < bridge> Easily 2000 11:26 < ws-client> or is it a trick question and the answer is d. 2000? 11:26 < ws-client> lerato gets it because thats the only time frame we are alive 11:26 < bridge> no trick question, philosophical 11:26 < ws-client> no use in being rich when you are not born yet or dead already 11:27 < bridge> nah 11:27 < bridge> u are time traveling to that point ofc 11:27 < bridge> with ur current age 11:27 < ws-client> if you dont care about moni it might be just that as a factor then 11:27 < ws-client> newer is always better 11:27 < ws-client> @learath2 why 2000 11:27 < bridge> 😏 11:27 < bridge> 2000 is perfect time to have the most money. Even 2000s normal workers have better living conditions than kings of the past 11:27 < ws-client> they might have better stuff in 2100 11:28 < bridge> 2100 is unknown, no need to gamble 11:28 < ws-client> ah i see you play it safe 11:28 < bridge> but u'd die 24 years earlier 11:28 < ws-client> but otherwise you would agree that so far the later the more cool stuff rich ppl could do right? 11:28 < bridge> bcs 24 years already passed 11:28 < ws-client> watafak jopsti keeps making stuff up 11:29 < bridge> i'd probably choose between antique and 2100 11:29 < bridge> What if a worker revolution happened and the richest in that time is just 2 bread loaves richer than the normal person? 11:29 < ws-client> in 2100 im 24 older? and in antique i am how old? 11:29 < bridge> antique is cool, bcs u have insane knowledge + money 2000 years ago 11:29 < ws-client> dude u need to explain more 11:29 < bridge> and 2100 is cool bcs u in a world where u know absolutely nothing 11:29 < ws-client> i assume i time travel 11:29 < bridge> u basically the stone age person there xD 11:29 < ws-client> or get born there 11:30 < bridge> Antique is fun for a bit, but even with all the knowledge of semiconductors you can't make any 11:30 < bridge> no it's 2024, if u travel to 2000 u lost 24 years 11:30 < bridge> basically 11:30 < bridge> i already know 2000 yeras 11:30 < bridge> true but u could accelerate thinking by an insane amount xD 11:30 < ws-client> ah as in you repeat stuff so its boring? 11:30 < bridge> Maybe you can make internal combustion engine powered vehicles for some king and conquer the world together, assuming he doesnt burn you for being a witch 11:31 < bridge> xxdd 11:31 < ws-client> i dont think repeating from 2000 while being rich is any boring 11:31 < bridge> u can end slavery 11:31 < bridge> with ur overpowered machine guns 11:31 < ws-client> you will life a totally different life 11:31 < ws-client> live a life i guess 11:31 < ws-client> english hard 11:31 < bridge> that's not what i mean chiller 11:31 < ws-client> why lose then? 11:31 < ws-client> > Maybe you can make internal combustion engine powered vehicles 11:31 < ws-client> i cant 11:32 < bridge> let's say u get 100 years.. then u'll see the year 2100 11:32 < bridge> 11:32 < bridge> but if u now travel back 24 years, u'll defs not see it 11:32 < ws-client> ah 11:32 < bridge> Sadly a lot of things require precision machining. The bootstrapping problem kinda forces you to start inventing stuff from the very start of the tech tree even if you know the end of the tree 11:32 < ws-client> well if you are richest person 11:32 < ws-client> and u focus on surviving you might see it 11:32 < bridge> yes but i guess guns are rather ez 11:32 < bridge> i mean machine guns are probably hard 11:32 < bridge> but guns are already OP xD 11:32 < bridge> You can do muskets without unlocking precision machining 11:33 < bridge> Maybe bolt action rifles too 11:33 < bridge> i'd defs be a funny experiment 11:33 < bridge> remember u are the richest 11:33 < ws-client> so nothing changes? 11:33 < bridge> so u can put lot of effort into it 11:34 < bridge> It'd definitely be fun. But I'd rather experience the most prosperous time in human history as the modern ruler of the world 11:34 < ws-client> i would buy drugs and hookers and die on day 1 11:34 < ws-client> in any time 11:34 < bridge> LOL 11:35 < bridge> xD 11:35 < ws-client> getting so rich so quick fucks with your head 11:35 < bridge> i trust u in that statement 11:36 < bridge> I'd also invent facebook and start an electric vehicle company. Just so I can block zuckerberg and musk from becoming rich 11:36 < ws-client> most lottery winners were broke and or dead few years later (source some creepy pasta yt video) 11:36 < bridge> xD 11:36 < bridge> 😬 11:36 < bridge> i would say 2024 11:36 < ws-client> @learath2 mark will steal your invention either way 11:36 < bridge> Oh and amazon so I can stop bezos 11:37 < bridge> it's 20. january, so u basically just want to work 20 days longer 11:37 < bridge> xd 11:37 < bridge> rustup doc is a thing btw 11:37 < bridge> offline docs ftw 11:37 < bridge> I'm the richest man on earth, I'll make him disappear if he tries 11:37 < bridge> also cargo vendor 11:37 < bridge> im prepared to program rust above 10km 11:37 < bridge> in the air 11:37 < bridge> i think its 10km idk rn 11:37 < ws-client> watafak lerato casual death threats 11:37 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 11:37 < bridge> learath knows the game 11:38 < bridge> Not a death threat, just a nice permanent vacation to siberia 11:38 < bridge> with putin 11:38 < ws-client> yikes 11:38 < bridge> and his opponent 11:38 < bridge> i think his political opponent is in siberia 11:38 < bridge> xd 11:38 < ws-client> ok enuff shittalk for today 11:38 < ws-client> good thought experiment jopsti 11:38 < bridge> but u live for shittalk 11:38 < bridge> or just send him 100 wifes.. bcs that was his main motivation as lone nerd without any contact to female beings 11:38 < ws-client> bye 11:38 < bridge> maybe he looses interest 11:38 < bridge> and to play ddnet on the mountains 11:38 < bridge> chillerdragon: cya bae 11:38 < bridge> Not the worst idea 12:25 < bridge> chillerdragon: do u not have rebuild on save in discord-irc? 12:54 < bridge> idk I don’t like using such stuff. If it’s not there it should be like 1 line change in package.json to set it up. Webpack is for sure capable of doing so. 12:55 < bridge> chillerdragon: do u run `npm start` after every save? xd 12:56 < bridge> I run build yes 12:57 < bridge> -.- 12:57 < bridge> Add β€”watch to webpack 12:57 < bridge> If you want that 12:57 < bridge> i already did it 😏 12:58 < bridge> Pro and it works? 12:58 < bridge> yea 12:59 < bridge> just need to reload the page 12:59 < bridge> and i fixed the bug 😏 12:59 < bridge> now im trying to make a pull request :pepeW: 13:00 < bridge> pro 13:47 < ws-client> amazing thanks @MilkeeyCat rolled out your change to production 13:47 < bridge> :owo: 13:48 < ws-client> did it work? maybe you need to relogin i guess 13:49 < bridge> does it have to show a login form with data in it? 13:49 < ws-client> ? 13:49 < bridge> whoopsie daisy 13:49 < bridge> i get this when reload 13:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198247967237353542/image.png?ex=65be3661&is=65abc161&hm=2f51d1e02b681fb20a496a6f60ea4d050a919196ed3cfc2fb103693fd826bdbf& 13:49 < ws-client> and does it work? 13:50 < bridge> i press login and all works 13:50 < ws-client> <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 13:50 < bridge> how to add custom emotes? xd 13:50 < ws-client> i think there is some emotes.ts 13:50 < bridge> i added ids and names to array 13:50 < ws-client> you also need css 13:50 < ws-client> check some commit that added some 13:50 < bridge> oh 13:51 < ws-client> so some emotes only need an id and others need more 13:51 < ws-client> its a bit of an mess xd 13:51 < ws-client> <:owo:1154794204871008397> 13:52 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/discord-irc/commit/7028823191cbc3e8af70c9ca101f1fd1a9651896 13:52 < bridge> :poggers2: 13:52 < bridge> owo is kinda fatass 13:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198248758564114474/image.png?ex=65be371e&is=65abc21e&hm=0e1d95ac33565df5b2b9286cc3212d8aa195d8dc9cc0ea2c4fdef66302e6e7b9& 13:52 < ws-client> xd 13:53 < ws-client> that looks broken 13:53 < bridge> do i need other size? :thonk: 13:53 < ws-client> probably the discord api accepts a size arg 13:53 < ws-client> also btw there is download_emotes.sh 13:53 < ws-client> i just realized xd 13:54 < ws-client> i think it parses the js and then does a download for you 14:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198262265976197160/RDT_20240120_1446165079903008390550011.jpg?ex=65be43b2&is=65abceb2&hm=c3153aa62835f3a2ee1892295d0cd2e418243c82c8b7ee99bb3299a234c0e3f6& 14:47 < bridge> why does rust suck so insanely hard? 14:47 < bridge> like it's worse than java & python 14:48 < bridge> :owo: 14:48 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/uno-reverse-card-gif-24856155 14:53 < bridge> Can you name anything bad about C? 14:53 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/jose-mourinho-sweet-trouble-gif-26762341 15:14 < bridge> anything. 15:27 < bridge> @heinrich5991 i messed up set-rescue workflow, what can i do? delete existing pr and repropose i in new onet? 15:27 < bridge> @heinrich5991 i messed up set-rescue workflow, what can i do? delete existing pr and repropose it in new one? 16:26 < bridge> Wym messed up workflow 16:30 < bridge> @learath2 recommend me nice tech talks like the polish train 16:30 < bridge> sadly the one im fan of doesnt make more talks 16:30 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR0nh-TdpVg 16:31 < bridge> maybe ill rewatch it anyway 16:32 < bridge> Is C++ interesting to you? 16:32 < bridge> if its about advanced c++ techniques not rly 16:32 < bridge> if its about programming in general yes 16:32 < bridge> smth i could replicate with rust 16:33 < bridge> or assembly stuff 16:33 < bridge> multithreading 16:33 < bridge> @learath2 do u know good ghidra and RE long tutorials that are good? 16:34 < bridge> No, RE is something I found mostly requires on hand practice 16:34 < bridge> i got ghidra on my mac ill probs tinker with it 16:34 < bridge> Liveoverflow's channel is nice to watch, and stacksmashing 16:34 < bridge> again 16:35 < bridge> @learath2 i was about to download current anime but i think the person by my side would look at me weird 16:35 < bridge> there is some weird anime this season :justatest: 16:36 < bridge> look him deep in the eyes while turning the volume up slowly up until 100% 16:36 < bridge> git reset --soft HEAD~7 lead to soft reset of master merges 16:36 < bridge> a animeabout magical girl but the MC girl is a evil magical girl into bdsm :justatest: 16:36 < bridge> a anime about magical girls but the MC girl is a evil magical girl into bdsm :justatest: 16:36 < bridge> led* 16:37 < bridge> If the remote branch pointer is still at the correct place, you can just reset hard to that 16:37 < bridge> Frieren is a nice and publicly watchable 16:37 < bridge> yeah i got the last ep to watch 16:38 < bridge> im keeping up with it so only 1 ep to see 16:38 < bridge> for some reason i have ddnet/ddnet origin instead of gerdoe-jr/ddnet 16:38 < bridge> cloned second one tho 16:38 < bridge> git remote -v shows ddnet/ddnet? 16:38 < bridge> weird 16:38 < bridge> `git remote -v` shows ddnet/ddnet? 16:39 < bridge> `git remote -v` shows ddnet/ddnet? you would need to change origin for that to happen no? 16:39 < bridge> wtf 16:39 < bridge> Thay sounds impossible, you had to have manually changed it, or maybe you used some tool that isn't git to clone it 16:39 < bridge> it showed me ddnet/ddnet last time 16:39 < bridge> now its gerdoe-jr xddddd 16:39 < bridge> 16:39 < bridge> no, i used git bash on windows kekw 16:39 < bridge> Maybe you checked the remote in a dream, happened to me once 16:40 < bridge> I fixed an entire bug, woke up, had breakfast, checked my pc and i hadn't fixed it 16:40 < bridge> Just dreamt of fixing it 16:40 < bridge> happened to me once xd 16:40 < bridge> strange feeling 16:41 < bridge> i get inspired when shitting 16:41 < bridge> or before sleep 16:41 < bridge> chillerdragon: nice edlang syntax highlight support xD 16:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198291138386329672/image.png?ex=65be5e96&is=65abe996&hm=c5f58aa8636394d4db01bfcfadbcb01483ea69f60a0ebd6d9e1e300be88e9bce& 16:41 < bridge> thanks for letting us know ryo xd 16:41 < bridge> xd epic 16:41 < bridge> btw edlang compiles basic stuff rn 16:41 < bridge> and it uses MLIR 16:41 < bridge> wait for its superiour 16:41 < bridge> milk lang 16:41 < bridge> https://github.com/edg-l/edlang 16:42 < bridge> its going to be like C but retarded 16:42 < bridge> 😏 16:42 < bridge> sounds like rust 16:42 < bridge> :justatest: 16:42 < bridge> you are ever out with your friends and thenit hits you on how to fix something - but then forget immediatly after and get super frustrated? 16:42 < bridge> you are ever out with your friends and then it hits you on how to fix something - but then forget immediatly after and get super frustrated? 16:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198291583334883348/example.o?ex=65be5f00&is=65abea00&hm=316d2d6e67fb0f1933cbd34ec24c879f9d3586bde95286ba9136471614865971& 16:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198291583649464491/example?ex=65be5f00&is=65abea00&hm=4b220d7573ff73c4b3dfce4ba7bc987a9e6a826743ef5b1924e1f1bbf2aa42ad& 16:42 < bridge> edlang program 16:43 < bridge> ```rust 16:43 < bridge> mod Main { 16:43 < bridge> fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { 16:43 < bridge> return a + b; 16:43 < bridge> } 16:43 < bridge> 16:43 < bridge> fn check(a: i32) -> i32 { 16:43 < bridge> if a == 2 { 16:43 < bridge> return a; 16:43 < bridge> } else { 16:43 < bridge> return 0; 16:43 < bridge> } 16:43 < bridge> } 16:43 < bridge> 16:43 < bridge> fn main() -> i32 { 16:43 < bridge> let x: i32 = 2 + 3; 16:43 < bridge> let y: i32 = add(x, 4); 16:43 < bridge> return y; 16:43 < bridge> } 16:43 < bridge> } 16:43 < bridge> ``` 16:43 < bridge> .txt - `REEEEEE` 16:43 < bridge> i was cooking for dinner one time and was thinking about how to implement some shit i did whole week and it ended up like this too xd 16:43 < bridge> haha its horrible 16:43 < bridge> if without `()` :feelsbadman: 16:44 < bridge> `if` without `()` :feelsbadman: 16:44 < bridge> ye its better 16:44 < bridge> optionable 16:44 < bridge> Sometimes in shower I'll come up with wrong solutions to coding problems 16:45 < bridge> Like I'll be sure I solved it, get out, program it, it has a glaring flaw πŸ˜„ 16:49 < bridge> i dont need to be in the shower for that to happen :pepeW: 16:50 < bridge> If I came up with it outside shower it's usually correct, something about showers makes me not notice some flaws 16:54 < ws-client> ```rs let foo = "http://localhost:42069";``` 16:55 < bridge> You know when I can never find the solution? When I'm in front of the computer 17:05 < ws-client> <:owo:1154794204871008397> 17:05 < ws-client> thanks @MilkeeyCat 17:06 < bridge> i got an achievement :owo: 17:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198297384967487590/image.png?ex=65be6467&is=65abef67&hm=f2f9c8286b955b48fb4a9bb4c2c887d2f6c636596aef34c60b970b7e49a21a0f& 17:06 < bridge> it didnt ping btw 17:06 < ws-client> i didnt ping u 17:06 < ws-client> i pinged @MilkeeyCat 17:07 < bridge> oh, oke 17:07 < ws-client> the bridged pings are case sensitive 17:07 < ws-client> somehow it seems like the webchat does not autocomplete discord names if there is an irc name in another casing already 17:07 < ws-client> feature 17:09 < ws-client> @milkeeycat ah lmao u found edlang support xd 17:09 < bridge> regexes are so fun :pepeW: 17:11 < ws-client> i always thought pepeW is more happy :D 17:11 < ws-client> W as in worried? 17:11 < bridge> xd 17:11 < bridge> :NekoEvil: 17:12 < bridge> is there a way to add replies to ur chat chiller? 17:12 < ws-client> its a open issue 17:12 < ws-client> which way you mean? 17:12 < ws-client> write or read? 17:12 < ws-client> read is out of scope for this repo 17:12 < bridge> like can ws-client know when someone replies 17:12 < ws-client> has to be done in matterbridge 17:13 < ws-client> https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge 17:13 < ws-client> dis boi does not send the reply info from discord to irc 17:13 < ws-client> so it has to be fixed there 17:13 < bridge> do it 17:13 < bridge> :gigachad: 17:13 < ws-client> ._. 17:14 < ws-client> i rather add write only replies 17:14 < ws-client> that i can do in the web frontend 17:14 < ws-client> by just pining people and resending the message :D 17:14 < ws-client> pinging* 17:18 < bridge> having a threadripper probably also requires u to have 256gb ram 17:18 < bridge> because if u are able to use the 128 threads u will use a lot of memory 17:19 < bridge> specially at link time 17:23 < bridge> yeah 17:23 < bridge> can u buy me 1? 17:25 < bridge> no 17:25 < bridge> i want one 17:25 < bridge> its for llvm dev 17:25 < bridge> :Kapp: 17:25 < bridge> u want one, i get one.. from you 17:32 < bridge> give 17:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198304155878559835/image.png?ex=65be6ab6&is=65abf5b6&hm=8fbe2b3b290419fc9a693f69ddee9484533c1c1ddc40228a2426c5656a9f4368& 17:33 < bridge> oh my year consumption in one motherboard 17:33 < bridge> xd 17:33 < bridge> okey its a lie clearly 17:33 < bridge> onle 10 months consumption 17:33 < bridge> only* 18:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198312384272539811/GES9V6fWgAATtuZ.png?ex=65be725f&is=65abfd5f&hm=8abbf0fab067fe693f8b78f908d57373c8e4ccc2d406c3b5890038cc5019a4ad& 18:13 < bridge> lol did i really make two identical issues with 3 year gap 18:16 < bridge> If I understand the old issue correctly, yes :kek: 18:16 < bridge> we had no 'name plate' category in 2020 xd 18:16 < bridge> it was in 'general' instead of hud 18:18 < bridge> Makes sense, but the old issue is solved now, right? 18:42 < bridge> yeah 19:35 < bridge> *cries in ryzen 5 3600x* 19:39 < bridge> out of curiousity - would you guys rather choose: 19:39 < bridge> 19:39 < bridge> `AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12C/24T 4.7-5.6Ghz` 19:39 < bridge> 19:39 < bridge> or the `AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D, 12C/24T 4.4-5.6ghz` 19:40 < bridge> 19:40 < bridge> i dont quite understand why the latter is 100$ more, is it just because of the increased L3-Cache ? 64MB VS 128MB 19:40 < bridge> what kind of use would more memory have? 19:40 < bridge> what kind of use would more memory storage(?) have? 19:41 < bridge> yes more cache, and thus better efficiency. 19:41 < bridge> 19:41 < bridge> it's generally a bit faster 19:41 < bridge> better energy consumption? 19:41 < bridge> yeah 19:42 < bridge> found this one 19:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1198336703862157493/DB2ppt3.webp?ex=65be8906&is=65ac1406&hm=616b6b23edad4991db8c27c2084085fa2b6d1eebe53013b567658af96fd4f76a& 19:42 < bridge> i dunno which i'd recommend tho. 19:42 < bridge> so that chart agrees i guess? xd 19:44 < bridge> oh damn, aight i guess 100 more bucks wont hurt Β°-Β° 19:44 < bridge> well your decision xd 19:45 < bridge> XD 19:45 < bridge> it's not that much worth it 19:45 < bridge> but i'd probably also do it, bcs i like more cache, even if i dont notice it 19:45 < bridge> i just want a PC that can handle heavy workload for a couple of years, so im not that scared of spending a bit more 19:45 < bridge> greed 19:45 < bridge> u could buy 16 cores instead 19:45 < bridge> for same price 19:45 < bridge> 😏 19:46 < bridge> on the other hand side.. maybe u prefer gaming 19:46 < bridge> ryzen 7000 to me generally feels overpriced over earlier generations 19:47 < bridge> weii i was thinking about getting the ryzen 9 7950X3D - but that would've been 250 more Β°-Β° 19:47 < bridge> intel is as similary good in price/perf 19:47 < bridge> not a big fan of intel 19:47 < bridge> don't be fan of anything 19:47 < bridge> hardware = benchmarks 19:47 < bridge> for GPUs ofc driver support would also matter 19:47 < bridge> but for CPUs 19:47 < bridge> just go after benches 19:53 < bridge> fair 19:53 < bridge> im currently on nvidia, and i hate it with my guts 19:53 < bridge> i want my hyprland so bad 19:53 < bridge> but i cba to setup wayland with nvidia, to much of a hussle 20:22 < bridge> chillerdragon: how does all this chat thing work. your frontend sends data thru websockets to backend and it uses irc lib to send a message to irc. i cant find in irc-websockets where it receives new messages from irc or how does it have to work? :thonk: