15:36 <+bridge_> [ddnet] enough features for website map renderer? 15:36 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 15:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Any feature idea useful for ddrace? 15:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/957634333538152569/unknown.png 16:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] toggle entities 17:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] something to hide certain layers 17:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] something to hide some layers 17:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i mean if u want an editor i can also just use the whole client XD 17:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] will see about entities tho, shouldn't be too hard 17:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe a way to see/download certain mapres images in it without running the entire ddextract exe? 17:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] u can do that with teeditor 17:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] wait but isnt teeditor not compatable with non-teeworlds maps? 17:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i mean u can still open them 17:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] u just cant rly create non teeworlds maps since it doesnt have any of the entities 17:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Well a full ddnet client isnt hard, if you want that xd 17:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I actually wanted a stripped down map viewer similar to the one on the website, maybe a bit more friendly to use(also for mobile) 17:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Well a full ddnet client isnt hard, if you want that (then u have a full read only editor) xd 17:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I actually wanted a stripped down map viewer similar to the one on the website, maybe a bit more friendly to use(also for mobile) 17:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] website is also pretty buggy: 17:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] clipping not working(zoom out to see parts of the map), texture coorindates are wrong, zooming causes laggs 17:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://ddnet.tw/mappreview/?map=Wour+Forlds 17:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 17:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] vs. (which is the client stripped in size + minor changes) 17:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://aliveclan.de/ddnettest/load_map.html?map=Wour+Forlds 18:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] both aren't loading on my end 18:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] oh nvm aliveclan loaded first 18:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the first does load u just need to zoom out very far 18:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] bcs of the clipping bug 20:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] coordinates in url 20:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] interesting idea 20:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] google teemaps, where is next restaurant 20:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but sounds useful, thanks 21:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://blog.google/threat-analysis-group/countering-threats-north-korea/ 22:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] New ddnet feature preview: SMART_PAUSE 22:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] It unpause if tee is moved when pause/spec. 22:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] At the moment it is spamming echo 🙂 22:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/957733360401260644/smart_unpause.mp4 22:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Smart pause, To be decided: 22:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 1) Add a checkbox for smartpause in setting? 22:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 2) If client is in spect and chat, it will unpause and keep chat opened or unpause and close chat? 22:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 3) If client is snapped on dummy, at the moment it keep focus on dummy. 22:23 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah, checkbox is important 22:23 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i think for 2 and 3 it should be changeable via a console command :hmmm: 22:23 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i.e im playing with tees while they are spectating 22:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so i move them kekw 22:27 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe instead of checkbox make it an extra command 23:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] checkbox and extra command are connected kekw 23:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i meant a chat command, so you can have separate buttons. But i guess it works by just chaining it to the pause as well 23:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] whats the use case for this though? 23:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] theres already a clear indication if someone is in spec, and most people know not to touch people while in spec 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Sometimes people, when frozen, go spect other teams. 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] So your team fail becuase you are unresponsive specting others. 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] It's a very common scenario actually. 23:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Not Keks dummy splitscreen when? :D 23:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] eeeh, it's not that common. when it happens, it's devasting indeed, but definitely not common 23:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] devastating as in it usually happens with only one person alive :P 23:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Does this still work with showall 0 when your camera is far away from your tee?