06:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] i think i had the intel drivers corrupted the game is not crashing for now 06:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] thanks anywasy for helping 12:57 <+bridge> [ddnet] :bluekitty: 14:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] How in the fuck can the gravity with every tick, let alone the jump value be accurately visualized? I cannot get it on a geometric standpoint where regardless of how much gravity I add, I always need to change my jumping values to be accurate with tile measuring, for example need to change my jumping strenght from a point where my jumping value (blocks / sec) is accurate 14:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] Is there a good mathematic solution for this? 14:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] [ Let's say basic values 14:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] gravity is 0.5 | always brings down velocity.y 14:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] jump value and jump strength | jump strength is needed to make nessesary accuracy (blocks / sec) | jump value is the amount of blocks you want to jump REGARDLESS of gravity. 14:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] [ Let's say basic values 14:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] gravity is 0.5 | always brings down velocity.y 14:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] jump value and jump strength | jump strength is needed to make nessesary accuracy (blocks / sec) | jump value is the amount of blocks you want to jump REGARDLESS of gravity. ] 14:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] you have acceleration (the change in velocity), velocity and your position (all of the are vectors, in 2d, x and y), on every tick you add the acceleration to your velocity and your velocity to your position, you render your object at your position 14:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] i dont get much what ur problem is 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] you should look into some physics intro or smth 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] look up "rigid body dynamics" 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] Well in theory, the calculation for the jump should be like this: 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] **velocity.y = jump_value * block_value** 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] **(horizontal velocity = amount of blocks you want to travel * the amount of blocks you have accurately)** 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] But whenever gravity is involved which is a constant calculation: 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] **velocity.y *= gravity_strength** 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] **(horizontal velocity = itself * the amount of strength decreased or increased every tick)** 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] This makes it so, that whenever you change your **gravity strenght** which manipulates the force of gravity, 14:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] Our jump value which we want to jump (blocks) is not going to be accurate anymore 14:25 <+bridge> [ddnet] maybe this is good 14:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] eh should u really multiply the gravity on the y? 14:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] i think u should simply add 14:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] its a long time since i done any of this tho xd 14:27 <+bridge> [ddnet] to make it accurately visualize you should multiply by the delta time in your calculations 14:27 <+bridge> [ddnet] that's what the wiki is told 14:27 <+bridge> [ddnet] what the wiki tells* 14:27 <+bridge> [ddnet] it adds 0.5 to itself, basically 14:28 <+bridge> [ddnet] oh, my mistake there, i switched it with stopping motion 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] Well in theory, the calculation for the jump should be like this: 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] **velocity.y = jump_value* block_value** 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] **(horizontal velocity = amount of blocks you want to travel * the amount of blocks you have accurately)** 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] But whenever gravity is involved which is a constant calculation: 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] **velocity.y += gravity_strength** 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] **(horizontal velocity = itself + the amount of strength decreased or increased every tick)** 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] This makes it so, that whenever you change your **gravity strenght** which manipulates the force of gravity, 14:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] Our jump value which we want to jump (blocks) is not going to be accurate anymore 14:30 <+bridge> [ddnet] But then the gravity won't be accurate with block measurements, unless I could (somehow) multiply the delta value with block measures 14:31 <+bridge> [ddnet] but it would be insanely fast with that calculation, so I have to resolve on different calculations 14:33 <+bridge> [ddnet] but it would be insanely fast -> insanely strong with that calculation, so I have to resolve on different calculations 14:39 <+bridge> [ddnet] It's realistic body manipulation you sent, technically with 3d involved. What I look for is a proper 2d Kinematic Body guide 14:40 <+bridge> [ddnet] their examples look 2d. even if it's 3d, just ignore one dimension and you have the same 14:42 <+bridge> [ddnet] ain't what I look for tho 😄 16:32 <+bridge> [ddnet] guys, you should add a thing. 16:32 <+bridge> [ddnet] when playing in team vote for who takes strong. so you can give strong to player and not wait to do solo part before start after him 16:54 <+bridge> [ddnet] Just use /swap 17:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] how to play on your own server? for practice 21:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] It's quite concerning how long it takes to compile rustc 21:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] Firefox and chromium take like negligible amounts of time compared to rustc 21:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] i never tried to do that 21:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] :monkaS: 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] imho even on gentoo its not worth 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] i would use rustup 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] Llvm itself was much quicker too. Idk maybe I'm doing sth wrong 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] what if u want to install another toolchain/target 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/912796311592505405/unknown.png 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] I might move to rustup too yeah. Never expected it to take quite so long 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] :greenthing: 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] Maybe only bootstrapping is slow and rustc can build rustc faster? 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/building/how-to-build-and-run.html 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] I think bootstrapping compiles the compiler three times 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] why 3?= 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] i never bootstrapped anything 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] I'm on stage 1 and even that is taking so long 21:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] what cpu u got? curious 21:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] 1 from the old compiler, 2 from the new compiler compiled by the old compiler and 3 compiled from the new compiler compiled by the new compiler from the old compiler 21:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] ideally the artifacts 2 and 3 are equal 21:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] 4770k so I only have 4 cores. Which probably isn't helping but other things compile in reasonable amounts of time, idk why rustc is being so weird 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] did u enable lto? 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] I really want to get a new cpu. The new ryzens are so cool with their many cores 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] lto is like hell 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] xd 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] i have a new ryzen AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (12) @ 3.700GHz 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] :greenthing: 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] Nah, I only enable that for a couple things 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] Systemwide lto usually breaks a lot of things 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] :o 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] maybe not now? 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] It used to the last time I tried 6 years ago :P 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] yeah 6 years i guessed that 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] :monkaS: 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] brb food 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] Ooooh no I forgooot 21:13 <+bridge> [ddnet] I wanted to use clang as my system compiler this time around to test it 21:25 <+bridge> [ddnet] clang compiles faster for me 21:25 <+bridge> [ddnet] tested with ddnet 21:25 <+bridge> [ddnet] compiles ddnet faster*