08:38 <+Ryozuki> ChillerDragon good job starring all rust projects i star 08:38 <+Ryozuki> :p 09:12 < bridge> [ddnet] ikr \:D 09:12 < bridge> [ddnet] im fan 09:45 < bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 > Our system has detected that this message is 421-4.7.0 suspicious due to the very low reputation of the sending IP address. 421-4.7.0 To protect our users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has 421-4.7.0 been temporarily rate limited. Please visit 421 4.7.0 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/188131 for more information. 09:45 < bridge> [ddnet] damn google 09:45 < bridge> [ddnet] their monopoly 12:08 < bridge> [ddnet] yo @heinrich5991 how motivated are you to serve antibot as a api? where server owners can send their playerdata to and get back the bot detection result 12:21 < bridge> [ddnet] i found an interesting software https://maddy.email/ 12:21 < bridge> [ddnet] this probs makes setting up mail easier 12:23 < bridge> [ddnet] I am against this, it would help bottery get around the detection 12:39 < bridge> [ddnet] ah 13:47 < bridge> [ddnet] https://david.li/paint/ 13:47 < bridge> [ddnet] impresive 14:15 < bridge> [ddnet] What the heck this is so realistic :O 14:40 < bridge> [ddnet] how 14:40 < bridge> [ddnet] ddos api? 14:41 < bridge> [ddnet] they didn't say the API had to be public, it could easily be auth-only, and shared with very few people (DDNet admins, noby) 14:42 < bridge> [ddnet] unless you're not saying that exposure is the reason? but just being an API makes it worse? 14:42 < bridge> [ddnet] not sure I guess 14:42 < bridge> [ddnet] but really how would you use such api for going around bot protection 14:44 < bridge> [ddnet] the issue is trusting others with it 15:18 < bridge> [ddnet] Eh problem is serving such an api would be incredibly expensive resource-wise 16:26 < bridge> [ddnet] rly? 16:26 < bridge> [ddnet] i mean it should not be more traffic than a teeworlds server right? 16:28 < bridge> [ddnet] Atleast all the inbound traffic + some internal calculated state + more inbound traffic from the antibot calling into the server code 16:29 < bridge> [ddnet] But that's not the biggest issue. It's latency. To compensate for it the server will need to keep a backlog of ticks because the callbacks need to happen in the same tick. And the server doing the antibot will need to hold onto data in transmission and a lot of state too 16:32 < bridge> [ddnet] hmm idk how antibot works and what kind of data it needs but that sounds like resumulationing a live running server i thought its more sending occasionally a big chunk of data that then quiqkcly gets checked 16:33 < bridge> [ddnet] Nah, it runs very much in sync with the server loop 16:46 < bridge> [ddnet] @fokkonaut u don't deserve to have it since u try to get it from leaked sources 16:49 < bridge> [ddnet] Grow up, I already talked to heinrich and noby about it. They know it, so don't try to leak any information here, kid 16:49 < bridge> [ddnet] Wasnt it someone from your old team who leaked it? 16:49 < bridge> [ddnet] I have it already :) 16:50 < bridge> [ddnet] yea ik @fokkonaut that's why I hope ur srv dies 16:51 < bridge> [ddnet] Cool for you, leave your hate somewhere else 16:51 < bridge> [ddnet] leavin' it here 16:51 < bridge> [ddnet] Enough of that 16:52 < bridge> [ddnet] Some people can't get over things 16:52 < bridge> [ddnet] @ReiTW Doesnt it mean you shared it with multiple persons you didnt even know well enough? 16:52 < bridge> [ddnet] what a shame ^^ 16:53 < bridge> [ddnet] @fokkonaut Drop the topic 16:54 < bridge> [ddnet] Respond in DMs if you want to chat about it so much 16:54 < bridge> [ddnet] I dont want to chat with him privately, instead I wanna make obvious what kind of person he actually is and how its not fair how he treats people :) 16:55 < bridge> [ddnet] @fokkonaut lmao 1st of all Lickout worked with noby before I went into Bombay, so not my fault 16:55 < bridge> [ddnet] - I kicked Lickout from his own team after he started to admin abuse, and after noby + other admins asked for it 16:55 < bridge> [ddnet] - noby trusted him, stupid was the move he did 16:55 < bridge> [ddnet] 16:55 < bridge> [ddnet] That was my last message, afterall you don't deserve a shit from this leaked mod 16:56 < bridge> [ddnet] @fokkonaut No more warnings 16:56 < bridge> [ddnet] Of course I am getting them warnings again 16:56 < bridge> [ddnet] let them fight it's free entertainment for us 16:57 < bridge> [ddnet] ^ 16:57 < bridge> [ddnet] I didnt even say anything to that topic after you warned me :) 16:57 < bridge> [ddnet] I just answered to your message 16:57 < bridge> [ddnet] Leave the drama off this discord, it's a simple rule to follow... If you have beef, DM each other. 16:58 < bridge> [ddnet] Then finally kick or ban Rei, he started multiple times already in the past 16:58 < bridge> [ddnet] (also in official teeworlds discord) 16:58 < bridge> [ddnet] can someone explain me what this all is about? some block modification got leaked? 17:06 < bridge> [ddnet] omg rules .. cringe 17:06 < bridge> [ddnet] @Skeith\: are u some chat mod here enforcing rules or what? 17:06 < bridge> [ddnet] are you on matrix chiller 17:07 < bridge> [ddnet] Yes, I'm a discord mod. 17:07 < bridge> [ddnet] chillerdead 17:08 < bridge> [ddnet] maybe there is some way for us to indicate discord roles for bridges 17:08 < bridge> [ddnet] sounds messy 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] ye @gerdoe come take the red pill and join me 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] wait matrix is blue right? 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] ah ur too 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] no? 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] idk 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] idk 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] ah deadnet 17:10 < bridge> [ddnet] lol colors dont work in this context xD 17:11 < bridge> [ddnet] i can but no one uses matrix or even discord that much 17:12 < bridge> [ddnet] imagine using something like facebook that leaks everything to russian goverment 17:12 < bridge> [ddnet] imagine using something like facebook that leaks everything to russian government 17:13 < bridge> [ddnet] this chat here is also leaked to rus goverment 17:15 < bridge> [ddnet] maybe 17:17 < bridge> [ddnet] not maybe 17:17 < bridge> [ddnet] https://ddnet.tw/irclogs/ 17:17 < bridge> [ddnet] that is accessible for rus government 17:17 < bridge> [ddnet] also chinese 17:57 < bridge> [ddnet] chinese modder be like 17:57 < bridge> [ddnet] https://github.com/MageDelfador/DDNet-show-points-in-game/blob/main/ddnet.py 18:07 < bridge> [ddnet] kernel gang 18:14 < bridge> [ddnet] hax 18:14 < bridge> [ddnet] wtf is this a py script that patches the running ddnet binary?! 18:14 < bridge> [ddnet] thats some hacker shit instead of simply using custom client haha 18:15 < bridge> [ddnet] imagine making custom client only for one feature kekw 18:16 < bridge> [ddnet] and learning cpp in some way 18:17 < bridge> [ddnet] see no issue in custom client for one feature 18:17 < bridge> [ddnet] sounds more sane to me than a binary patch \:D 18:18 < bridge> [ddnet] reverse engineering is the goal 18:36 < bridge> [ddnet] yea no doubt its a cool skill and project i also starred it even tho its windows only 18:56 < bridge> [ddnet] I am so extremely annoyed with someone and to stop myself from actually responding to them I need to vent here 18:57 < bridge> [ddnet] Some goofball on the tokio discord is trying to tell me `The pthread_cond_signal() and pthread_cond_broadcast() functions have no effect if there are no threads currently blocked on cond.` doesn't imply that you can't just store permits and allow the next thread to block to fall through 18:57 < bridge> [ddnet] Is it too hard to understand "no effect", it's not in some alien language 18:57 < bridge> [ddnet] NO EFFECT 18:58 < bridge> [ddnet] These dunning kruger riddled newfangled coders that think they just know better than everyone piss me off so ridiculously much that I want to put my hand through the monitor at times 18:59 < bridge> [ddnet] Yes in the 50 damn years since Hoare invented condition variables not a single programmer thought about changing some of the requirements because they were all so stupid 19:12 < bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 i joined just to read it 19:12 < bridge> [ddnet] xd 19:14 < bridge> [ddnet] i would side with u but tbh i dont know much about posix and pthread, but i guess ur right 19:14 < bridge> [ddnet] the guy ending with "lol as usual" tells me he is not too smart 19:15 < bridge> [ddnet] I'd have bet you'd take his side, he is advocating that the shiny new abstraction makes the old one obsolete 19:15 < bridge> [ddnet] :monkaS: 19:15 < bridge> [ddnet] i would side with whathever that paper said 19:16 < bridge> [ddnet] as long as i know the existence of such paper 19:16 < bridge> [ddnet] :monkalaugh: 19:19 < bridge> [ddnet] > dunning kruger riddled newfangled coders 19:19 < bridge> [ddnet] ill keep this insult 19:21 < bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 looks like that guy is a zig fanboy too 19:21 < bridge> [ddnet] "Programmer with a focus on server side optimization, compilers and all things close to hardware." 19:21 < bridge> [ddnet] :poggers: 19:22 < bridge> [ddnet] discord allows to stalk ppl so easily 19:22 < bridge> [ddnet] ppl literaly put all their socials here 19:22 < bridge> [ddnet] xd 19:22 < bridge> [ddnet] myself included kek 19:22 < bridge> [ddnet] you know how much will power it takes to just not reply with "if people usually refuse to engage with you on these maybe the problem is you" 19:22 < bridge> [ddnet] he will not care 19:22 < bridge> [ddnet] doesnt matter what u say 19:23 < bridge> [ddnet] I know which is why I'm doing my very best to focus on something else 19:25 < bridge> [ddnet] I said "I don't care enough..." there but I actually do, I would talk for 5 hours if I don't stop myself 19:31 < bridge> [ddnet] eat some ice cream 19:32 < bridge> [ddnet] I only have lemon, lemon is not a calming flavour 19:33 < bridge> [ddnet] eh 19:33 < bridge> [ddnet] can you buy ice cream? 19:34 < bridge> [ddnet] you know what, good idea, I'll go have some strawberry ice cream outside 19:35 < bridge> [ddnet] yeah bro, best solution of this problem 19:37 < bridge> [ddnet] "let's take this outside" they pull out brass knuckles and you just pull out a liter of ice cream 19:44 < bridge> [ddnet] now that I spent an entire hour with that guy I need to order food because it's too late to cook, why must life be so annoying? 19:54 < bridge> [ddnet] stalk me plz 19:55 < bridge> [ddnet] it would be easier if i knew chinese social networks but im not good at that 19:55 < bridge> [ddnet] :kek: 19:57 < bridge> [ddnet] I'm pretty sure I don't use any Chinese social networks other than messaging apps 19:58 < bridge> [ddnet] They were equally toxic as Twitter so there's no point😇 20:25 < bridge> [ddnet] huh 21:21 < bridge> [ddnet] Does anyone have issues with adding people to friendslist via server info? 21:24 < bridge> [ddnet] (server browser info list) 21:31 < bridge> [ddnet] Yes I just tested it @murpi 21:32 < bridge> [ddnet] name has the highlighted background in browser info tab but if I check the browser friends tab they're not there 21:32 < bridge> [ddnet] there's some weird desync with this 21:33 < bridge> [ddnet] hm, after clicking on a name it doesn't even get the highlight for me 21:33 < bridge> [ddnet] If I explicitly toggle the user's friend status in the info tab twice then it works 21:33 < bridge> [ddnet] it's just that server info window 21:33 < bridge> [ddnet] definitely create an issue for it since i could reproduce it 23:33 < bridge> [ddnet] haha @Learath2 mad 23:35 < bridge> [ddnet] learath weeb 23:35 < bridge> [ddnet] :ayacri: 23:35 < bridge> [ddnet] don't look, I'm embarrased 23:37 < bridge> [ddnet] Being forced to eat/cook is the root of all my problems lol 23:37 < bridge> [ddnet] @tela qtee 23:38 < bridge> [ddnet] No u 23:38 < bridge> [ddnet] 😳 23:38 < bridge> [ddnet] genshin is actually rly good but idk if i can play a game in that genre for very long 23:38 < bridge> [ddnet] i burn out so fast 23:46 < bridge> [ddnet] I played botw in 12-17 hour shifts until I beat it lol 23:46 < bridge> [ddnet] Scared to try genshin for what it might do to my life 23:47 < bridge> [ddnet] botw > 23:48 < bridge> [ddnet] genshin is just a grind 23:48 < bridge> [ddnet] but it's like, the most enjoyable grind possible 23:48 < bridge> [ddnet] music and art in that game is just sogood 23:57 < bridge> [ddnet] kekw >