01:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i know the [v] and [i] but what is the [ii] 😄 01:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/832397618423791686/unknown.png 01:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i could do it but i have never played amucus and probably never will 04:05 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Already was thinking to make it, but since teeworlds doesn't have custom GUI that could be sent from server to client, it would be boring to make some ingame movements for quests. 04:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it doesnt have to be exactly like among us, you could use gun to tell crewmates what tasks you have, and each task could be a normal part 04:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] there could also be different categories of tasks just like among us, some of which could be just solo parts 04:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] like a fetch quest where you duplicate a solo part with different tp and go back, or just write code to check that you went to the top of a part and came back 04:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] a lot of ways you could do it imo 04:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe there are games that would translate better to teeworlds anyway 04:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] no meme but battle royale teeworlds might be kinda sick if the combat was interesting enough 04:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] f-ddrace has a /survival minigame which acts simmilarly to battle royale 04:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] there are also special weapons which you can place and they all function in that minigame iirc 04:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] o cool 04:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] is it team-based or ffa? 04:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ffa 09:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 0.7 has last man standing out of the box 10:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] lms and lts are really great gamemodes too 11:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Seems like the removed binds in settings are also causing problems: https://steamcommunity.com/app/412220/discussions/0/4679778856494173400/ 14:33 <+bridge_> [freenode] why u ping me Ryozuki? cuz of that rust maximalist talk? 14:34 <+bridge_> [freenode] disliked the yt video :D 15:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/832605594099777555/unknown.png 15:18 <+bridge_> [ddnet] nice, collegeboard doesn't support linux 🙃 15:18 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Cant trust BYO devices in general. Full of malware and users click what they like. 15:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :waat: 17:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://sourceware.org/elfutils/Debuginfod.html 17:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 seen that? symbol servers for linux sound quite useful 17:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] nope. not yet 17:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but with symbols in the elf itself, why would we need symbol servers? 17:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Ah I guess for stripped binaries and stuff it could be useful 17:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] for on-demand symbols 17:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] could someone maybe extend the timout limit in 'NUT Hardcore UNITED"? there are some with a 2-hour run 17:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] sure 17:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Patiga server and port pls, it's hard to figure out on an iPad 17:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 17:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] conn_timeout_protection, apparently, in seconds 17:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] GER 17:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @heinrich5991 if you want to do it you can btw 17:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] which ger is GER? 17:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ger2 17:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] argh, let's hope this works 17:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 can you also try? 17:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] can't find my command in the logs 17:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ah, seems to have worked 17:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Value: 10000 17:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 👍 nice thanks 17:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] okay 🙂 17:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://www.ccc.de/en/updates/2021/luca-app-ccc-fordert-bundesnotbremse 18:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @heinrich5991 what is the luca app? 18:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] hm, seems like some contact tracing app, why would anyone develop their own when there is a pretty great standard out there I wonder 19:04 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the federal government paid a lot of money to develop an app that had useful privacy protection 19:05 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but now some states are buying this software which doesn't have privacy in mind, it seems to me that the success formula is "less privacy protection → must be better for tracing corona" 19:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] huh, odd, I always thought germany was fairly socialist 19:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but corrupt 19:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] where did I say something in relation to socialism? ^^ 19:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] You didn't but protecting citizens right to privacy is one of the things more popular in socialist governments 19:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] in more hypercapitalist places the equation is "less privacy = more profit = better for the private sector = more lobbying dollars lining the pockets of govt officials" 19:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the gdr would like to have a word 😉 19:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the gdr (russian part of occupied germany) is what had the stasi 19:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Oh cmon, giving examples of damaged socialist governments is getting old 😛 19:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Stalin was a nutjob 19:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] also one big problem is, our government + digital stuff = huge RIP. 19:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] They are always uninformed and do random stuff that doesnt pay out xd 19:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] these do happen, but not all the time 19:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I think the gdpr was a net plus already 19:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but that was EU, wasnt it? 19:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] If you want to seee more successful examples of socialist policies, you should look further north in the EU 19:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but tbh, its also a thing of transparency. democracy isnt only about if you want equality. Even if they probably always somehow connected 19:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Jupstar ✪ do they reelect corrup politicians on germany 19:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ? 19:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ofc xD 19:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] In spain its like being corrupt is a requisite to be elected 19:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] No jome 19:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Joke 19:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] our minister of transport just wasted 500 mios, nobody cares xd 19:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] even if all laywers told him his "idea" wont work 19:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] he set up all contracts, and bam, the EU said no to it 19:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] he wanted to tax foreigners on german roads 19:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] companies didn't want to have the deal, because they thought the eu would strike it down 19:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so the minister promised the money even in case the eu would strike it down 19:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] (AFAIR) 19:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah 19:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] sounds correct xd 19:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] can someone point me to big affairs that don't come from the CDU/CSU btw? 19:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Spain 19:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] might be my personal sphere that doesn't make me see these 19:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you on the top of a country for too long this probs happens to anybody 19:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] there are too much connections with interests 19:16 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Gürtel is a huge case, code-named after one of its main suspects, construction businessman Francisco Correa. His surname translates to belt in English and to Gürtel in German. The case covers bribery, money laundering and tax evasion, and implicates a wide circle of powerful businessmen and top politicians (90 per cent of the whole party) in the People's Party who had gained an absolute majority in the national elections of Spain. 19:16 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 19:16 <+bridge_> [ddnet] The affair was first uncovered by the Spanish newspaper El Pais, whose researchers were awarded prizes for investigative journalism. Initial investigations were conducted in Madrid, Valencia & la Costa del Sol by the notable Spanish National Court Judge Baltasar Garzón, an examining magistrate serving the Juzgado Central de Instrucción No. 5. 19:16 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I guess there's a fair chance that they're not going to be "on top of the country" starting september 19:16 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 19:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah, corona showed the greed of some politicans, and since they are part of the gouvernment, its kinda a scandal 19:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] In 2011 it was rated 30th least corrupt country in the world[4] 19:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] doesn't sound too bad. or just all other countries being really corrupt 19:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] tbh i think alot of corruptness is hidden under "lobbyism"§ 19:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Its 40 now iirc 19:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Aftee gurtel 19:18 <+bridge_> [ddnet] > 90 per cent of the whole party 19:18 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ouch 19:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/mar/01/spain-watergate-corruption-scandal-politics-gurtel-case 19:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] The whole party is a mafis 19:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Mafis 19:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Mafia 19:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Stupid mobile 19:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the fact that wikipedia says spain is more corrupt than qatar makes me wonder how that is even possible 19:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] guess i dont understand how far you can interpret corruptness 19:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] qatar is so corrupt that it probably wrapped around 19:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] or monarchies cant be corrupt, bcs the definition doesnt work there xd 19:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] is it looking likely that the CDU will lose? 19:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they loose some percentages bcs of some politicans that made money with masks 19:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] who is the runner up btw? 19:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the green party currently i think 19:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] SPD? 19:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Oh wow the greens? 19:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://dawum.de/Bundestag/ 19:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] greens before spd yes 19:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] damn 19:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] bcs SPD was also part of the government and destroyed itself by accepting too muhc shit from CDU 19:36 <+bridge_> [ddnet] hm, if CDU falls below a SPD-Green party govt can be formed 19:36 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I should read more about german politics, sounds way more interesting when there are some actual contenders to the throne 19:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] turkish, us and uk politics are soooo boring, extremely disproportional results, duopolies 19:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] spd and green could form it with Linke(who are kinda the most left party with over 5%) and maybe FDP, but FDP isnt really the party it was 40 years ago 19:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] sadly some newer parties like "Die Piraten" destroyed theirself, when they got more famous 19:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] currently the second most loved party among new ellectors is "Die Partei" which is a troll party xD 19:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] When is AfD getting > 50% btw? 19:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i doubt that will happen, too many of their politcans are too talking like neo nazis 19:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Funny how outside of germany everyone talks about the dangers of AfD when they barely seem to get 5% 19:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they are very split between very conservatives and right extreme 19:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they lost a bit in corona time 19:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they were stronger before 19:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] you need more conservative parties disguised as neo-liberals 19:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] sprinkle a little populism in there and it'll shake the political stage right up 19:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] thats what FDP is nowadays imo 19:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] idk about FDP, I'll read up 19:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] actually SPD didnt even want to be part of government, but bcs FDP said no to CDU + Green + FDP, they had to reconsider 19:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] The party chairman looks more like the CEO 😛 19:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Oh one thing I'm interested about, which party do the unions back? 19:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] CSU CDU 19:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you mean that with union 19:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] CSU = Bavaria is best, Bavaria first 19:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] litteraly xD 19:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I mean trade unions, you know like IG Metall 19:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] oh 19:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i guess most are SPD 19:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] bcs thats the tradition of that party 19:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but not sure nowadays 19:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I find whoever the unions back usually have the best policies for the people 19:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] green are far right, they are pro franco (the dictator who died of old age in spain) 19:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/832673117876781086/unknown.png 19:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i doubt 😄 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] hey, I'm also very left leaning nowadays, so who knows 🙂 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] man, in spain the dictatorship ended cuz the dictator died of old age, can u imagine 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] how ridiculous it is 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] our green party is left-mid i'd say 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but in germany there is also a right-mid green party 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ÖDP 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] wait wait wait, @Ryozuki your greens are right wing? 😄 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 like the most right wing possible 19:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they are straight up fascists 19:47 <+bridge_> [ddnet] hm, I'm guessing they just randomly assign colors because green parties are so left leaning everywhere else 19:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/832673707205722152/unknown.png 19:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 19:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] They should give erdogan a call, he can give them some pointers 19:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Okay, so this week I'll learn more about the german political landscape and next week I'll do spain 🙂 19:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] is erdogan islamic? 19:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if it suits him, sure, currently it does 19:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if so then they hate him then 19:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :yoo: 19:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] He used to support lgbtq+ rights before he was elected 19:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] lol 19:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] He is seriously the perfect populist 19:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Right up there with boris and trump 19:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] > arguing that Spain should make no sovereignty concessions to the EU, because they consider Spanish sovereignty to reside in the Spanish nation alone. 19:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] > They propose to eliminate Spain's autonomous communities.[55] In addition, they seek the return of Gibraltar to full Spanish sovereignty.[56] 19:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] kek 19:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] nationalismgang 19:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Maybe I should become a politician instead of a programmer 19:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Hypernationalist populist neo-liberal conservative policies 19:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 i dont think its that easy to become one of these elites 19:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they are backed by a family of politicians 19:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] usually 19:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so many buzzwords no one can understand what I really am 19:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 here, and in most places certainly you dont get to appear in TV unless you had previous seats in the previous goverment 19:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] this only makes status quo more prevalent 19:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] idk if it'd work in europe but in turkey they used mosques to get around this 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe I could use churches for passing my messages around? 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 here they tried twitter to get around this 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they got 0.6% votes 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] rip 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] no seat 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] noo, twitter is full of liberals 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] can't do populism well there unless it's the US 19:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :PepeA: 19:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i dunno it feels like all internet is pretty mixed 19:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 btw here u can see the first party has socialist in the name, well as you can imagine its only a facade 19:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they pander to the ibex-35 companies all the time 19:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ppl tend to say their opinion much more easily 19:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] (even if its an insult) xd 19:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] twitter actually enables one to circle-jerk so easily its fearsome 19:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Sure but the crowd on twitter and reddit are overly liberal. You cant spend dozens of hours on internet and still think nationalism makes sense 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] reddit maybe more 😄 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but twitter not sure 😄 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] If you want to look for a better mix of people it's facebook 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] didnt feel like it the few times i read there 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://www.rt.com/news/521201-new-zealand-cigarettes-smoking-ban/ 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] this but everywhere 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :PepeA: 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Facebook has all the way from 70yos to 15yos. Extreme right to extreme left 19:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yep 19:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] is facebook not dead in your country yet? 19:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] here nobody uses it anymore xd 19:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 https://www.esquiremag.ph/politics/news/china-backs-down-a00293-20210416-lfrm 19:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] world war 3 soon 19:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :justatest: 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] > “Chinese statecraft has contempt for the weak and the naive,” Heydarian told Esquire Philippines in 2020. “But China grudgingly respects those with strategic dignity and courage.” 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] lmao 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] millitary is so much wasted energy 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and money 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] usa spends trillions 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] spain also spends too much 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they buy submarines and then they fail on day 1 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] hilarious 19:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but sad 20:00 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://techstartups.com/2020/05/18/simple-math-error-putting-decimal-point-wrong-place-cost-spains-s-80-submarines-7-year-delay-e2-2-billions-cost-overruns/ 20:00 <+bridge_> [ddnet] > Simple math error of putting a decimal point in the wrong place cost Spain’s S-80 submarines 7-year delay and €2.2 billions in cost overruns 20:00 <+bridge_> [ddnet] xd 20:00 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Can the superpowers just relax until I die? 20:00 <+bridge_> [ddnet] xd 20:00 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Then they can have their WW3 20:03 <+bridge_> [ddnet] anyone using FTP? 20:03 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc114 20:03 <+bridge_> [ddnet] "FTP is 50 years old" 20:03 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :yoo: 20:04 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i dunno where, but i saw somewhere that even a War between indian countries(or countries around it) could already kill the whole world, bcs of massive dust spreading over the world, just like the meteorite that killed the dinos 20:04 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :Susge: 20:05 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I use sftp sometimes, but not ftp 20:05 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I hear most web hosters still use ftp 20:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] we should invade both pakistan and india to make sure they don't 20:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] (jk) 20:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 usa sure thinks that way 20:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they are the world "peace makers" but unironically they make wars to do that 20:06 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :PES_SusThink: 20:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] those are not wars, those are express peace deliveries 20:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] "proxy wars" 20:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] usa loves these 20:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] wars that are really far away from their country 20:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so its like nothing happens 20:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but whe someone bombs their city the panick like crazy 20:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] cuz they never even felt they could be attacked 20:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they had one right below our border, usa vs russia, usa left then told everyone turkey was doing a genocide 20:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I'm very familiar with usa proxy wars 😛 20:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :BASED: 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 btw the US army has a twitch channel and they rly try hard to take gamers in 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] its hilarious 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] wait, really? 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they sponsor esports 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] a lot 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] imagine ww3 with helicopters busting fortnite music and american soldiers doing the L on top of the people they kill 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] twitch chat trolled them 20:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://www.insider.com/us-army-twitch-video-game-streaming-users-war-crimes-esports-2020-8 20:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/22/style/army-gamers-war-crimes-first-amendment.html 20:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] we probably should talk about this somewhere else, this is waay too far from #developer 😄 20:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] xd 20:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] true 20:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] #lear 20:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it all started bcs of the luca app xD 20:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 we shoudl rename offtopic to food and developer to politics 20:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I should make a channel for my random rants about random subjects 20:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] #learath2 20:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i would join 20:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] this sounds very bad btw, especially with a state funded well developed alternative 20:35 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Can you compile tw with visual studio 2019? 20:36 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i'll ask on tw discord 22:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Learath2 that the green party got so many votes is a recent development 22:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] might have something to do with fridays for future, the hot summers we had recently and the spd falling out of favor 22:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and our forests die 22:27 <+bridge_> [ddnet] thats acutally something even old ppl dislike xd 22:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] haven't seen the forests thing widely discussed 22:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] its not only climate change but industry 22:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] meat production and export to china for example costs alot of land 22:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i often met older ppl saying "in this forest i played as child, now its gone" 22:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it seems like we would really benefit from a #developer-chill chat lol 22:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] generally meat is intensive in land consumption xd 22:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it only says development discussion, not ddnet development XD 22:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ahhh we're talking about land development :D 22:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] totally xD 22:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] makes sense to me 22:35 <+bridge_> [ddnet] idk if this is a weird question, but im interested in learning about different aspects of ddnet server and im wondering if anyone could do a short walkthrough of different parts of the code with me (or if that's too complicated maybe just specific topics) 22:35 <+bridge_> [ddnet] in vc or not 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] guess its easier to ask specific questions, tw code isnt really hard but mostly undocumented and sometimes a bit weird 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] hmmm 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe i should yeah. i mean its mostly logistical questions not issues with the code 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I can identify some components 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] like where is x, what does y do 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] first, we have src/base/system.c 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] that handles most of the operating system interfaces 22:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] 🍿 22:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] then we have src/engine/shared/network*.cpp that handles the low-level network code 22:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it is used to establish a connection over UDP (usually non-connection-oriented, unreliable) 22:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] higher level code can request a connection (with setup and teardown) or send connectionless packets 22:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] within a connection, you can send "chunks", small packets. these can either be reliable or unreliable 22:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the chunks are combined into UDP packets and send over the network 22:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] im assuming reliable means still UDP but with certain protocol to ensure you get an ack 22:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes 22:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] reliable chunks are repeated if a packet gets lost 22:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] what are some examples of reliable chunks? 22:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i imagine finishes are 22:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] everything except game world updates 22:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] (and player input from the client) 22:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] game world update? like switching on/off? 22:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] game world update? like switches on/off? 22:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] you mean actually ingame finishes? 22:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes 22:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the teeworlds server calculates all movements by itself 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ohhh wait i understand 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so the server "should" never be in a invalid state like the client can be 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] there is no networking for the game state from client to server 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] only the reverse 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] including finishes 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] only inputs go from client to server 22:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] makes sense ok 22:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so on top of this is src/engine/server/ 22:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and at what point after system.c and network*.c does it become more involved with ddrace 22:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and at what point after system.c and network*.cpp does it become more involved with ddrace 22:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] this handles most of the stuff that every game has, but isn't specific to teeworlds/ddnet 22:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so state machine, coordinates, angles 22:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] no, not game world yet 22:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] rcon, registering the server with the master servers, handling server info, etc. 22:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i see 22:47 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it also has a mechanism of synchronizing generic "snapshots" of game worlds 22:47 <+bridge_> [ddnet] in src/engine/shared/snapshot.cpp 22:47 <+bridge_> [ddnet] when is this mechanism used? 22:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it's used by the uppermost layer to synchronise position of tees, weapon projectiles, game info, etc. 22:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the uppermost layer provides these snapshots 22:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and the engine layer diffs it against the last snapshot the client has acknowledged 22:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and only sends the differnece, lowering bandwidth consumption 22:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] these differences are the only packets sent by the server that use the unreliable transmission 22:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] (because they implement reliability themselves) 22:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so the purpose is keeping updates concise 22:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] to client 22:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes 22:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] got it 22:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ah, in 0.6/ddnet also player infos (name, clan, skin, points, ping) are synchronized via these snapshots 22:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i am putting the first message ID in your discord notes so i can read this later xD 22:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] in 0.7 name, clan, skin are instead transmitted in reliable messages 22:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] now comes the uppermost layer 22:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] src/game/server 22:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it handles all the teeworlds/ddnet-specific stuff 22:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] src/game/gamecore.cpp has the shared stuff used for predicting the local tee based on the input the server hasn't seen yet 22:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] src/game/server/gamecontext.cpp is the meta stuff of the game, i.e. chat, votes, chat commands, etc. 22:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] src/game/server/gamecontroller.cpp src/game/server/gameworld.cpp is stuff concerning the actual game 22:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] then in src/game/server/entities/ we find different stuff that can exist in the world 22:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] projectiles, laser, tees, dragger, doors 22:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] one thing i have been wondering about (and you might end up answering this) 22:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] this is an optimistic view btw 22:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] now connect every single one of these pieces with random pieces of code we added in the last decade of ddrace 22:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] what learath2 says 22:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] in src/game/server/score.cpp high-level interaction with the database is handles 22:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] in src/game/server/score.cpp high-level interaction with the database is handled 22:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it's called score because it was originally just the race scores 😄 22:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] is that there could be a dependency issue if there are entities game/server/* needs 22:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but we assume game/server/entities does not change at all right? 22:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] interdepending source files aren't a problem in C++ 22:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] why is that a problem? 22:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] why do we need to assume that? 22:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] right, well i was wondering if you were to make modifications, what entities are specifically relied on to make sure you dont break the server xd 22:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i am interested in learning about ddnet server for making game modes, like teeware or fng 22:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] define breaking the server 22:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] you can modify code in entities as well, especially if you just add effects 22:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] like what relationships are mission-critical? if the finish entity logic only runs if a tee actually finishes a map, you could technically not have the entity there or modify it to do something different 22:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you modify how projectiles fly, that is not going to display correctly in the client 22:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i mostly want to wrap ddrace's existing structure in a safe way 22:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so that my code is a sort of sandbox from the normal stuff 22:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] or if you modify how tees move, that's not going to be predicted correctly for the local tee/in antiping for other tees 22:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but if it only happens infrequently, that's fine (see e.g. teleporters in DDNet, those aren't predicted) 22:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so i would need to have people use a specific client if i ever did that 22:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] which would ofc be not ideal 22:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] other than that, just do whatever you want 22:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the client doens't interpret any tiles that don't affect physics 22:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so it will just wait for the server in any case 22:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] not wait, but not show the correct state 23:02 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i have noticed that things like /points dont work locally (i would expect them to still be available in the local db) 23:02 <+bridge_> [ddnet] is it a pretty simple step to get that working? 23:02 <+bridge_> [ddnet] pf, one day we really should get a stripped down version of ddnet so people can mod easily 23:03 <+bridge_> [ddnet] like one where all the entities have no behavior, and there's no race logic? 23:03 <+bridge_> [ddnet] well, maybe some do, like solid tiles and freeze 23:03 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @lynn points only work if you manually insert maps into the points table in the db 23:04 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i see 23:04 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so just using a db client 23:04 <+bridge_> [ddnet] or is there a tool you use? 23:05 <+bridge_> [ddnet] `add_map Kobra 4` or something like that 23:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] we have a tool 23:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-django 23:07 <+bridge_> [ddnet] cool, assuming not open source but would you share? i doubt the cmd is hard 23:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] oh thank you 23:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] We have most if not all the parts of our infrastructure open source 23:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @lynn open it with sqlite3 or the mysql client, whichever db you use 23:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] good to know 23:08 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so even if i think it's like ddnet hq stuff it's probably out there xd 23:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe "hq" is disingenous :P 23:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] there is only one piece of code that's not open source and that's the antibot 23:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe "hq" is disingenuous :P 23:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] hq? headquarters? 😛 23:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ya 23:09 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah that makes sense 23:10 <+bridge_> [ddnet] is it too much to ask if the antibot uses some sort of heuristics or if it is pretty deterministic 23:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] c) all of the above 23:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] xD alright 23:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] also, it's only in part our antibot, the most part is written by noby 23:11 <+bridge_> [ddnet] honestly it's noby's antibot that we just hooked into ddnet and added a couple small things to 23:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] that was more what i was wondering, how similar it was lol 23:12 <+bridge_> [ddnet] not that i know his code either 23:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] im assuming ddnet-web and ddnet-django and connected somehow? 23:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] no they aren't 23:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] im assuming ddnet-web and ddnet-django are connected somehow? 23:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] well there is one part, a custom script somewhere that generates thumbnails for the map 23:13 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I honestly wouldn't even know where to find it but it should be in ddnet-scripts repo 23:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] do you mean my thumbnail tool? 23:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so ddnet-web is the whole site? im just trying to figure out what the django server is for 23:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] or do you mean the map screenshots (those are done by hand I think) 23:14 <+bridge_> [ddnet] other than the points stuff 23:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] lynn gonna catfish us to get the inside out of the antibot code! :P 23:15 <+bridge_> [ddnet] listen, noby loves me but not THAT much 23:16 <+bridge_> [ddnet] uwu 23:18 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but i do agree, a breakdown of the code would be nice. however, just going through the files you can kinda work out what is where etc. just a matter of trying it out rather than just look at a file on github lmao, only way you gonna learn. 23:18 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah i was just looking at random files before and it was intimidating... 23:18 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but now i feel like i can have a more pointed approach 23:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you have more questions, be sure to ask here 😉 23:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah thank you so much for your help actually, i did not expect that and i rly appreciatei t 23:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah thank you so much for your help actually, i did not expect that and i rly appreciate it 23:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] fairly similar, ddnet has almost all of the parts related to hook bot+hammer bot + aim bot detection but not the other half that has to do with laser bots specifically 23:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] that would make sense 23:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] assuming angles is a large part of that 23:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] math everywheree 23:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes angles are one of the pieces of info it uses 23:26 <+bridge_> [ddnet] dem triangles ;) 23:27 <+bridge_> [ddnet] some parts of it use rotating lists of the last x inputs/hooks/etc that matched a given pattern or met certain conditions 23:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] im sure this is possible, but what would be cool is analyse player movement, pipe that into a ml pipeline and let it work out what is a bot or not 23:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it would be cool yeah 23:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] giving it samples of known bots and known real players and having it decide the best way to detect bots in realtime 23:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] pretty much the same with a spam engine when you get these toxic players using vpns. 23:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i used a very simple equivalent to this when generating some of the antibot checks 23:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it seems sort of simple in theory? but ofc the setup is the hard part 23:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] like fine-tuning what things are more/less bot-like 23:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and giving a bot score 23:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah ofc and need alot of samples really. 23:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes and providing a good amount of data; tests generated this way are generally very good at detecting specific types of bots but if the way the bot works is changed then it can be less effective 23:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ML is not magic pixie dust 😉 23:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] also things like custom mouse distance can throw it off as well 23:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] doesnt the only the angle matter? 23:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the samples would need to cover many different types of playstyle/settings and also types of bots 23:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] no 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] wait i think i understand 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] angle, cursor position, tee positions, various delays etc 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] different mouse distance can produce more/less precise angles 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] think of angle as 1 data point, the more data points you have, the more you are able to formulate a deeper dimension of your data. 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] well the ones that are only based on angles arent affected by mouse distance 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but some of them use cursor position too 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] noby giving away the special sauce 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ohhh goti t 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] its hot sauce we getting here 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] well im not going to actually say what its checking for 23:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i mean anyone could come up with these concepts i feel like 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but coding it is the hard part 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] also saying the obvious is 1 thing but actual coding it is another 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] everything i said probably applies to pretty much any type of anti bot system 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] you could assume an antibot would analyze all input 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] keyword `etc` 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] please don't talk about my parts of the antibot though 😉 @noby 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] well, as much as you think would be useful to your decision making process 23:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah i wont 23:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] +not giving specifics on mine either 23:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] just rough idea 23:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if (bot) { ban(); } 23:34 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if (louis) { :nooooouis_alt1::nooooouis_3::nooooouis_alt2:; } 23:35 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if (name === Syltoox) ban(); 23:35 <+bridge_> [ddnet] lmao 23:35 <+bridge_> [ddnet] are there any plans to allow evaluation of setting values in exec 23:35 <+bridge_> [ddnet] totally not to store metadata or anything... 23:36 <+bridge_> [ddnet] think of it like a calculator. i may want to store a value and use it later in a different bind 23:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] not yet, I'm planning to add one to make deepfly binds possible again 23:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] there's a PR by ChillerDragon that does that, I didn't like the idea 23:38 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it might allow players to make very helpful binds, possibly intrusive 23:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @noby u got a github page i can look at? 23:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ye but i use private gitlab repos for all tw stuff 23:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah ik that, idc about teeworlds stuff 23:39 <+bridge_> [ddnet] just wanna see the things you been working on publicly etc 23:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://github.com/nobody-mb 23:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] also good u put ur teeworlds stuff on gitlab ;) 23:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] not github 23:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] why good 23:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i did because github wasnt offering free private rpos at the time 23:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ah yeah i remember that 23:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] soon in next update 23:41 <+bridge_> [ddnet] add feeling pain in DDraceNetwor✌️ 23:43 <+bridge_> [ddnet] when open-source fng mod @noby? 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] its the fng server i had before i rewrote it on ddnet base 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but when are you going to open source the new fng? 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] why would i 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] honestly idc between gitlab/hub anymore 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] to give back to the community, allow others to contribute 23:44 <+bridge_> [ddnet] gitlab quintupled their pricing 23:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] +1 to open-sourcing whatever fng most people use 23:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] besides antibot ofc 23:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and make sure it won't get lost, so others won't have to reimplement in the future 23:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] having better cfg scripting would be awesome 23:47 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but it would probably introduce more gamebreaking binds 23:47 * bridge_ [ddnet] noby goes silent :P 23:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yup my thoughts exactly 23:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] like we cant just have if/else or events despite wanting them, they would break the game wide open 23:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but then more people would host fng without antibot 23:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] why should they 23:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] fng2 is open source 23:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] they will naturally use the best service, and if you continue to provide the best service, why would they switch 23:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] you need to be confident 23:50 <+bridge_> [ddnet] u cant expect anticheat to be on every server tho lol 23:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if fng2 is already open source then why does mine need to be 23:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] didnt u make a lot of changes? 23:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah 23:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] bcs u use other code 23:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe i see a compromise 23:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] not sure if the changes are things anyone else is interested in 23:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] source by invitation 23:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah 23:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you trust people not to host without antibot, and they purely want to contribute to the mode / learn how it works 23:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] just invite them 23:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if fng is noby's legacy on ddnet, i can understand why he may not want to share. 23:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] well also antibot for ddnet too 23:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but i dont have the full picture here so dont take what i say for certain 23:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] maybe thats part of it idk 23:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i would personally want to see the code, not for hosting it but just to learn more about ways people approach game modes 23:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you have it in a private gitlab repo i would like to see :D 23:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i get u bro, we dont want noby to be lost when things go open source. i think every coder who has code private would feel the same way especially if they worked hard on it. 23:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i mean its basically fng but with mdump 23:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so even kf its not open source it dont matter much since big part is antibot which cant be 23:55 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ddnet code base, 0.6+0.7 compatibility,stats,whois,netcode fixes etc 23:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] oh yeah that part too 23:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] there may be important information to glean from that though 23:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] are there specific netcode fixes that would benefit ddnet? 23:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i already suggested the most important one 23:56 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and they already added a better version of it 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] oh cool 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the caching serverinfo replies 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] dont be a kog and go open source, u in the ddnet tab after all xd 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] haha 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] make a pvp tab then 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] at least partially.. like maybe you can separate all the code you dont want to share 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and put all the public code somewhere 23:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes replace kog with pvp tab 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah i agree with that 100% 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] or just name it other 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] put ALL modes in there 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Internet tab? 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] teeware included 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] pvp tab for trusted pvp servers/pvp servers hosted by ddnet 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] actually the 0.7+0.6 fng is pretty good 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] well i guess teeware is pvp 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] eh, atleast we have fng2 23:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] pvp tab for all pvp modes i think, but maybe a symbol for antibot protection 23:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] not just trusted 23:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I tried to help you strip fng from the antibot stuff a couple times now, but I guess there is more 23:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] wowow good ideas 23:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but how would you detect antibot protection? you must be able to verify the admin 23:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] lots of goodies in the bag @Learath2 :P 23:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] and not every antibot is created equal, might spark debates on who gets the symbol