00:16 <+bridge> [ddnet] why you (admins dev) removed the blue color of BW mod? I remember that before BW have blue like DDrace mod 00:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] blue? you sure you werent searching for BW? 00:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] I don't think gamemodes have color 01:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 ? :D 01:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] uh, I've had a little too much to drink to check on this but remind me tomorrow and I promise I'll make time for it 01:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] sure :D 01:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] have a good time tho 01:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] πŸ₯³ 01:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] yes im sure :WeirdChamp: 01:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826595573725134878/unknown.png 01:16 <+bridge> [ddnet] with this version BW mod is blue in the list, why not readd it 01:16 <+bridge> [ddnet] ye got removed due to incompability 01:16 <+bridge> [ddnet] ha 01:16 <+bridge> [ddnet] bw got changed and has their own entities 01:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] thats why it got removed again 01:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] put in green, maybe that work 01:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] Uhm, do we color ddnet servers blue really? 01:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] yea, ddnet servers are blue and other modes have their own color, but everything uncommon is white 01:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] and i think thats okay, i think BW can stay like that 01:18 <+bridge> [ddnet] the appearance does not change anything 01:18 <+bridge> [ddnet] then it can stay white 01:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] imagine using someone else's mod, renaming it to BW and then complaining that its white 01:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] (definitely not referring to you using F-DDrace as BW) 01:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] :monkaS: 01:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] this is one part of the code I have never seen, so weird 01:20 <+bridge> [ddnet] same xD 01:20 <+bridge> [ddnet] I already told you that I had changed it 01:20 <+bridge> [ddnet] all that time spent rewriting the serverbrowser code to get it to work with http and I didn't see us coloring gamemodes once 01:20 <+bridge> [ddnet] but if you want trash talk me in dm about suicide or other shit like that.. 01:20 <+bridge> [ddnet] didnt see that the last day i checked 01:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] he is down 01:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] better like that 01:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] xD 01:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] funny 01:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] ikr 01:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/master/src/game/client/components/menus_browser.cpp#L429-L454 01:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] my god 01:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] k wait 01:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] not yours 01:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] ha 01:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] sry 01:23 <+bridge> [ddnet] np i think he forgives you 01:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] :troll: 10:27 <+bridge> [freenode] What is the reason why one cannot bug through killls sideways? 10:27 <+bridge> [freenode] Except for ninja 10:42 <+bridge> [ddnet] you need to be as fast as around 50 tiles per second 10:45 <+bridge> [ddnet] with killtiles even more, bcs bigger hitbox 10:52 <+bridge> [freenode] Sideways speed is limited I remember. If you are too fast you slow down again. So you cannot exceed the speed that is needed to bug through kills 10:53 <+bridge> [ddnet] i think the clamp is around 180 tiles per second 10:53 <+bridge> [ddnet] have u tried to just give you that acceleration? πŸ˜„ 10:55 <+bridge> [freenode] That speed is fast enough to get through 52,5% of all kills when falling down but sideways it always killed me 10:56 <+bridge> [ddnet] ok 10:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] I thought we settled that it depends on where the movement starts whether you skip thru a skippable tile or not 11:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] that also 11:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] anyway, the ground movement glitch with speedups is probs the same 11:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] it starts to glitch when you are too fast 11:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] e.g. it does only `m_Vel.x = m_Vel.x * RampValue;` 11:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] for the x value 11:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] i guess thats the problem 11:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] you mean the player not moving when going too fast? 11:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] yeah πŸ˜„ 11:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] that's a result of the chosen ramp curve approaching 0 as v_x -> infinity 11:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] yeah and that happens before you get the speed to skip 11:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] hm, we should check sometime the actual amount of speed required and the speed cap 11:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] you just need to be moving faster than 1 tile per tick 11:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] with 50 tiles p second you can skip 1 tile, and kill tiles are more than 1 tile, but less then 2 11:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] with 50 tiles p second you can skip 1 tile, and kill tiles are more than 1 tile, but less than 2 11:13 <+bridge> [ddnet] mh I think kill tiles are less than a tile 11:13 <+bridge> [ddnet] freeze is exactly 1 tile 11:13 <+bridge> [ddnet] and kill tiles are bigger 11:13 <+bridge> [ddnet] I guess we have different definitions of "tile" 11:13 <+bridge> [ddnet] i mean the mid of the tee 11:13 <+bridge> [ddnet] if the mid moved 1 tile 11:14 <+bridge> [ddnet] and thats exactly happening in freeze 11:14 <+bridge> [ddnet] Yeah I see what you mean 11:33 <+bridge> [ddnet] When velramp*speed hits 75 and you keep adding velocity to it (e.g. by continuing to use jetpack on the x axis) that value will go down slowly again until reaching 0 11:33 <+bridge> [ddnet] kill tiles have extra range to avoid skipping them 11:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] only for characters* 11:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] Iirc the extra range was just a compatibility thing 11:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] the problem is, it depends on how you look at it: 11:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] e.g. do you say the tee has extra hitbox when hitting a kill tile, then the kill tile is just 1 tile as freeze 11:35 <+bridge> [ddnet] or do you say, i just choose the mid, and assume its always the visual distance 11:35 <+bridge> [ddnet] ye the tee has a larger hitbox for killtiles 11:35 <+bridge> [ddnet] Thats probably the best way to say it 11:35 <+bridge> [ddnet] And matches the code 12:59 <+bridge> [ddnet] So the reason kill tiles are so damn hard to edge is because they're designed to prevent skipping πŸ˜„ ... I did wonder if it was just because edging a kill tile should be somehow seen as harder or if there was another reason! 13:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] i think it was just random coding 13:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] like most of teeworlds xD 13:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] since kill tiles also exists in vanilla 13:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] Lol, its very interesting, i hope it doesn't change because i think kill tiles should be harder to edge... more to lose πŸ™‚ 13:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] i doubt old tiles ever get changed, its more likely someone adds a new kill tile, if ever needed :D, but i guess that also wont be the case so fast πŸ˜„ 13:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] Yeah I don't see a need for it... A kill tile that has the same hitbox as the freeze tile, but then could be exploited if used incorrectly 13:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] Unless thats the purpose of it loool 13:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] The end of the map is just a line of kill tiles and a jetpack gun πŸ˜„ 13:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] I suppose that transcends beyond Insane 5 stars, lol 13:14 <+bridge> [ddnet] If I recall correctly vanilla had fat kill tiles, then they changed collision on them. DDRace wanted to keep them fat 13:33 <+bridge> [ddnet] oh really? i used the kill tile collision code for fng and it looks to be the same as ddnet kill tiles 13:33 <+bridge> [ddnet] but didnt check 0.7 if they changed it there 13:41 <+bridge> [ddnet] can a discord admin mention https://wiki.ddnet.tw/wiki/FAQ in #questions , even if its uncomplete and probably nobody reads the channel description anyway xD 13:45 <+bridge> [ddnet] Added 14:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 are u Learath2 on the wiki? 14:25 <+bridge> [ddnet] yes 14:25 <+bridge> [ddnet] he is Learath3, Learath2 was already in use 17:33 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826841654413623346/projectile.cpp 17:33 <+bridge> [ddnet] lel discord is cool now 17:45 <+bridge> [ddnet] woah 17:49 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826845780152811560/cpptest.cpp 18:46 <+ChillerDragon> oh yikes what happend to envelopes? Is there documentation on that? 20:27 <+bridge> [ddnet] ChillerDragon ah forgot to ping if you havent seen yet i rlsed a new twmap version 1 week ago or so, not backwards compatible tho 20:29 <+bridge> [ddnet] now the parser will now note the version (0.6-ddnet/0.7-teeworlds) that the map was in, so that it can save the map in the original version again 20:40 <+ChillerDragon> awesome thanks for the note @Patiga i should probably email sub ur repo and cool that u keep pushing updates 20:40 <+ChillerDragon> so when i try to move my quads it does some enevelops magic :/ i dont want to downgrade my client pls send brain on how to use the map editor 20:48 <+bridge> [ddnet] ah, oopsie 20:48 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Ryozuki i rlsed a new version of twmap btw ^^ 20:48 <+bridge> [ddnet] nice 20:49 <+bridge> [ddnet] now it has some documentation 20:49 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://docs.rs/twmap/0.2.1/twmap/index.html 20:57 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Patiga clippy still returns a shitload of warnings :pepe_straight: 20:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] `.map_err(|err| InfoError::LicenseLength(err))?;` 20:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] cannbe `.map_err(InfoError::LicenseLength)?;` 20:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] and if u have to map so many errors u can always use thiserror 20:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] wdym? 20:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] anyway cargo clippy will help u make better code 20:59 <+bridge> [ddnet] thats nice, didnt know that 20:59 <+bridge> [ddnet] :monkalaugh: 20:59 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826893472735952987/unknown.png 20:59 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Patiga just do "cargo clean && cargo clippy" 20:59 <+bridge> [ddnet] and u will see all the suggestions 21:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] i think it didn't like some formatting decision which i liked 21:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] afaik clippy doesnt format anything and i rarely see it say something about formatting 21:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] btrw u can selectively disable warnings 21:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] i also still think that `Vec<_>` makes sense in that context, i don't wan't someone to get weird ideas in that process 21:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] u rly should use &[T] 21:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] why is that? 21:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] its the common practice 21:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] the vec also involves 1 more reference 21:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] as it says 21:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] > Requiring the argument to be of the specific size makes the function less useful for no benefit; slices in the form of &[T] or &str usually suffice and can be obtained from other types, too. 21:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] but that assumes you want the function to be more useful 21:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] i suppose common practice is a valid argument, the speed is rly insignificant, even if it has to follow one more pointer 21:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] it has no drawbacks 21:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] it makes the interface more ambiguous no? 21:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] no 21:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] > i don't wan't someone to get weird ideas in that process 21:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] nobody gets weird ideas 21:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] yea, that was my point 21:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] This way it'd only work with Vec based slices, what if you only want it to work as such? 21:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826894605529645097/unknown.png 21:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] the vec derefs to &[T] 21:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] you are kinda avoiding our point here 21:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826894796885983282/unknown.png 21:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] it is really not more ambiguous 21:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] Atleast in most other languages there is usually some benefit to having more specific interfaces 21:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] anyway, idk enough about this kind of rust technicalities so I'm not so sure 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] u are forcing the use of a owned value for no reason 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] imagine i have the items on a stack, they would be &[T] 21:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] now u are forcing me to put them on the heap 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] just because u think of "dont want weird ideas" and there is simply no weird ideas possible here 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] really? I thought it would just point to the stack? 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] why are u limiting others creativity 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] vec is owned 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] it will always be on the heap 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] ahh, I see what you mean I guess 21:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] The top part is the Vec struct, it contains a pointer to the head of the allocation in the heap, length and capacity. 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] ambiguous means that it gives more options 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] and there is nothing but 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] but it has no meaning here 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] constricting to a vec is not beneficial 21:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] in any way 21:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] nah, my point is that i do want to limit creativity, i don't want anyone to pass just a slice there, it should be owned. Such stuff should be done in the map editing phase, not the map saving phase 21:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] that way of thinking "weird ideas" may be good in python were u can pass whathever shit u want 21:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] Well that idk, but there are times you want to limit creativity, e.g. critical code where an untested code path getting called could have badbad results 21:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] but i think in rust u shouldnt be that worried 21:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] &[T] is totally safe 21:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] and rust makes sure that in any way u get this slice 21:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] u wont be able to modify it when its inside the function 21:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] I'm curious about your response on this statement @Ryozuki 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] my statement is that it is stupid 21:11 <+bridge> [ddnet] idk what to say here 21:12 <+bridge> [ddnet] but well u do u 21:14 <+bridge> [ddnet] That's not a good response. my statement was that this code restricts something that i don't want someone to do there. if someone would do stuff like that there, then they are doing smth wrong. 21:14 <+bridge> [ddnet] what you dont want someone to do?? 21:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] not use their own container type??? well they can u just add the hassle of going from my type to a vector 21:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] it literally does nothing 21:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] its a bad practice 21:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] why are you like this man, your argument can stand on it's own, no need to call the other one stupid πŸ˜› 21:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 i feel no matter what i say nothing will changeh ere 21:15 <+bridge> [ddnet] brb 21:16 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Patiga well would the function be useful for doing something else? 21:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] stuff such as partially saving a map would be possible, note however that it is not in the public interface 21:20 <+bridge> [ddnet] why i don't want that to be possible is because such changes should be done before invoking the `save` method in the current design of the interface 21:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] im back 21:23 <+bridge> [ddnet] you are adding overhead for no reason thats all i have to say 21:23 <+bridge> [ddnet] have a good night 21:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] the overhead is = 0 since it does much more complex stuff like zlib compression/decompression 21:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] overhead to the programmer 21:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] wish it didn't break anything i had done :justatest: 21:27 <+bridge> [ddnet] well it does break your code, but it hopefully makes the interface more comfortable 21:28 <+bridge> [ddnet] you dont need to pass the version everywhere 21:28 <+bridge> [ddnet] does it also break something else? 21:31 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826901494905307158/unknown.png 21:31 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/flexibility.html 21:35 <+bridge> [ddnet] let's not get back to the same arguments over and over again. more links don't convince more, if the counter argument works against the intent of the original one 21:35 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826902659184590858/unknown.png 21:35 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://deterministic.space/elegant-apis-in-rust.html#use-conversion-traits 21:36 <+bridge> [ddnet] ur counter argument doesnt work 21:36 <+bridge> [ddnet] since its meaningless 21:36 <+bridge> [ddnet] you are not forcing anything here, you are just adding annoyiances 21:37 <+bridge> [ddnet] 1. 21:37 <+bridge> [ddnet] 2. this right now is not contributing anything to the conversation 21:37 <+bridge> [ddnet] 0.2.1 is last one? 21:37 <+bridge> [ddnet] yea 21:37 <+bridge> [ddnet] yeah i can see this is meaningless 21:37 <+bridge> [ddnet] its a bit sad 21:37 <+bridge> [ddnet] rude 21:38 <+bridge> [ddnet] looks like i used 0.2.1 for it 21:38 <+bridge> [ddnet] so no breaks xd 21:38 <+bridge> [ddnet] i dont know where i am being rude 21:38 <+bridge> [ddnet] ah, you are right, i misread this one 21:38 <+bridge> [ddnet] sorry 21:39 <+bridge> [ddnet] nice ^^ 21:46 <+bridge> [ddnet] yeah, thanks for contributing 22:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Ryozuki fixed your issue: https://gitlab.com/Patiga/twmap/-/commit/4f5f03cc27f47e1a1ed43a2b0e718e092d3069e3 22:24 <+bridge> [ddnet] will do more clippy fixes later 22:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] will go to sleep for today though 22:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] gn 22:26 <+bridge> [ddnet] gn :) 22:30 <+bridge> [ddnet] what made u change ur mind? 22:31 <+bridge> [ddnet] maybe he got scared of you πŸ˜› 22:31 <+bridge> [ddnet] boo, ryozoozki is coming 22:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Patiga i can see you also use dynamic dispatch here () generally rust favors static dispatch 22:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] > This has a great upside: static dispatch allows function calls to be inlined because the callee is known at compile time, and inlining is the key to good optimization. Static dispatch is fast, but it comes at a tradeoff: β€˜code bloat’, due to many copies of the same function existing in the binary, one for each type. 22:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.8.0/book/trait-objects.html 22:34 <+bridge> [ddnet] this is how i did it in one of my libraries: 22:49 <+bridge> [ddnet] but well this doesnt matter much 22:50 <+bridge> [ddnet] :pepeH: 22:50 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 i found something interesting reading reddit 22:50 <+bridge> [ddnet] dynamic dispatch in rust is better than in c++ 22:51 <+bridge> [ddnet] since in c++ it does sequential dereferencing and rust does parallel 22:51 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826921743326904320/unknown.png 22:51 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/5y0mlq/exploring_dynamic_dispatch_in_rust/ 22:52 <+bridge> [ddnet] > People often miss this incredibly important nuance. The reason why it matters so much is that CPUs tend to be pretty good at predicting a pointer dereference (and thus prefetching the data before it's needed) when they see it coming up, but they can't predict a two-layer deref nowhere near as well. So the way Rust does it is great for perf. 22:52 <+bridge> [ddnet] 22:54 <+bridge> [ddnet] I'm not very familiar with dynamic dispatch at all, I don't use it often 22:54 <+bridge> [ddnet] ryo is rust wizard 22:55 <+bridge> [ddnet] i think its the equivalent of c++ vtable stuff 22:55 <+bridge> [ddnet] > β€œA virtual method table (VMT),…, is a mechanism used in a programming language to support dynamic dispatch.” 22:55 <+bridge> [ddnet] xd 22:55 <+bridge> [ddnet] Yeah I know but I don't use it much, not enough to know different mechanisms of dynamic dispatch 22:56 <+bridge> [ddnet] :pepe_straight: 22:56 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 i read somewhere that the linux kernel implements their own vtable stuff xd https://lwn.net/Articles/444910/ 22:56 <+bridge> [ddnet] in C 22:56 <+bridge> [ddnet] :PepeA: 22:57 <+bridge> [ddnet] im not there yet, there is stuff that i even have trouble understanding 22:57 <+bridge> [ddnet] heinrich isn't as active as he was before :feelsbadman: 22:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] on discord i mean 22:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] he must be busy 22:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] ah man 22:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] there was a rly good blog post 22:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] cant find it rn 22:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] yeah, I've done similar things too for a entity system prototype 23:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] @gerdoe https://rustyyato.github.io/type/system,type/families/2021/02/15/Type-Families-1.html 23:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] advanced stuff 23:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] :monkalaugh: 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/826924115855147069/unknown.png 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] xd 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] dunctional programming in rust spectrum 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] functional programming in rust spectrum 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] generic programming is quite tough to get right, I've seen so many bugs with mis-specialized templates in C++ 23:04 <+ChillerDragon> aaaaarrg shit i still havent found out how to exit the envelops edit mode 23:04 <+ChillerDragon> it randomy activates 23:04 <+ChillerDragon> somebody has to know how this works 23:04 <+Ryozuki> ChillerDragon hi u are alive 23:04 <+Ryozuki> ChillerDragon btw i prefer actually irc over matrix 23:05 <+ChillerDragon> i prefer matrix but im used to irc 23:05 <+ChillerDragon> and not all irc channels i have i could get on my matrix 23:05 <+Ryozuki> why u prefer it 23:05 <+ChillerDragon> its not terminal 23:05 <+ChillerDragon> i mean i like terminal and all 23:05 <+Ryozuki> terminal best 23:05 <+ChillerDragon> but pictures and stuff 23:05 <+ChillerDragon> clicking with mouse 23:05 <+ChillerDragon> can be cool 23:05 <+Ryozuki> u can click with mouse in weechat 23:06 <+ChillerDragon> not on chats 23:06 <+Ryozuki> btw modern terminals can display images 23:06 <+ChillerDragon> yea 23:06 <+ChillerDragon> but u know 23:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] ASCII images 23:06 <+ChillerDragon> i think element is pleasing to use 23:06 <+ChillerDragon> also device share and mobile stuff 23:06 <+ChillerDragon> i am looking forward to use element as my main chat tool 23:06 <+ChillerDragon> currently its not :/ 23:07 <+ChillerDragon> so but arg 23:07 <+ChillerDragon> i looked through prs 23:07 <+ChillerDragon> i didnt map in a while 23:07 <+ChillerDragon> but thats a big change 23:07 <+ChillerDragon> somebody has to know this big ass new feature 23:07 <+ChillerDragon> who r u? 23:07 <+ChillerDragon> where r u? 23:08 <+ChillerDragon> how can i move my quads 23:11 <+Ryozuki> ChillerDragon kek 23:11 <+bridge> [freenode] I FOUND IT 23:11 <+bridge> [freenode] its ctrl+i 23:11 <+bridge> [freenode] aka info mode 23:11 <+bridge> [freenode] for how long has this stuff been there 23:11 <+bridge> [freenode] dont tell me its vanilal xd 23:12 <+bridge> [freenode] nice pictures u view in ur terminal 23:13 <+Ryozuki> xd 23:14 <+Ryozuki> ChillerDragon i found it due to this https://github.com/ranger/ranger 23:15 <+Ryozuki> https://cdn.noby.world/1617225336.png not bad actually 23:25 <+ChillerDragon> @Patiga btw due to this editor feature i messed up envelopes and thanks to ur tool i got get a git diff and properly revert all enevlope changes :) 23:25 <+ChillerDragon> "got get" can someone please kill me xd 23:26 <+ChillerDragon> t 23:45 <+ChillerDragon> yo Ryozuki how do i build a static rust release again? one that is ready to ship? 23:45 <+ChillerDragon> I tried ``cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release`` 23:53 <+Ryozuki> ChillerDragon that compiles against the musl libc 23:53 <+Ryozuki> which is good if u are compiling from a rly new linux 23:53 <+ChillerDragon> i cant get it to compile tho i miss some musl tool 23:53 <+Ryozuki> where do u plan to use ur program 23:53 <+ChillerDragon> error occurred: Failed to find tool. Is `musl-gcc` installed? 23:54 <+ChillerDragon> on the github ci 23:54 <+Ryozuki> bruh 23:54 <+ChillerDragon> ? 23:54 <+Ryozuki> https://github.com/actions-rs 23:54 <+Ryozuki> https://github.com/actions-rs/cargo 23:54 <+Ryozuki> check this 23:54 <+ChillerDragon> so i should build from src? 23:54 <+Ryozuki> this installs everything you need 23:54 <+ChillerDragon> id prefer a binary release 23:54 <+Ryozuki> can you build it from water? 23:55 <+Ryozuki> idk what u mean here 23:55 <+ChillerDragon> the ci is slow enough already 23:55 <+ChillerDragon> i just want to create a release of twmap 23:55 <+ChillerDragon> that i can wget in my ci 23:55 <+Ryozuki> dude then do it urself 23:55 <+ChillerDragon> or everywhere actually 23:55 <+Ryozuki> compile it urself nobo 23:55 <+ChillerDragon> yes 23:55 <+ChillerDragon> thats what i ask how do i compile it? :D 23:55 <+Ryozuki> if tw map has some tools 23:55 <+Ryozuki> u can d o cargo install twmap 23:55 <+Ryozuki> iirc 23:56 <+ChillerDragon> well i mean ``cargo build --release`` builds a rls binary just fine 23:56 <+Ryozuki> omg 23:56 <+ChillerDragon> but its not really portable 23:56 <+Ryozuki> but if u wantto install it 23:56 <+Ryozuki> use 23:56 <+Ryozuki> "cargo install twmap" 23:56 <+ChillerDragon> whats the differenece? 23:56 <+ChillerDragon> install sounds like adding it to PATH 23:56 <+Ryozuki> it builds it in release mode and adds it to ur path 23:56 <+ChillerDragon> ah ye 23:57 <+ChillerDragon> the thing is that release mode is still dynamically linked and might fail on other systems than mine 23:57 <+Ryozuki> no it is not 23:57 <+Ryozuki> rust is statically linked 23:57 <+ChillerDragon> ah ok cool 23:57 <+Ryozuki> but 23:57 <+ChillerDragon> then i rememberd it wrong 23:57 <+Ryozuki> it may fail 23:57 <+Ryozuki> if the libc is older 23:57 <+Ryozuki> than the one u compiled with 23:57 <+ChillerDragon> hrm 23:58 <+Ryozuki> are u planning on distributing it? 23:58 <+ChillerDragon> @Patiga when do a proper official binary rls 23:58 <+Ryozuki> u shouldnt care about this 23:58 <+ChillerDragon> Ryozuki: i just slap it on my vps and use it for ci now 23:58 <+ChillerDragon> if it werks it werks i guess 23:58 <+ChillerDragon> lemme give it a try 23:58 <+Ryozuki> compile it from ur vps 23:58 <+ChillerDragon> the vps doesnt run it 23:59 <+ChillerDragon> its github actions 23:59 <+ChillerDragon> oh but u mean cuz my vps has old libc? 23:59 <+Ryozuki> omg 23:59 <+Ryozuki> compile it where u want to use it 23:59 <+Ryozuki> its the easiest way 23:59 <+ChillerDragon> hmm i see