00:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] Okay, whoever does dig into this the `SecurityToken` argument of `int CNetConnection::Feed` is b8. It never gets called with anything except `SECURITY_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED` thus the debugging line underneath the `m_SecurityToken = SecurityToken;` is also b8 . And I'm pretty convinced `int CNetConnection::Feed` actually serves no purpose at all... 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] At least the 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ``` 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if(State() == NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE) 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] { 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if(CtrlMsg == NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECT) 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] { 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ``` 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] blocks seems to be useless. The connection establishment is handled by the `CNetServer` and `CNetConnection::Feed` is only called when there is already a connection, so the case offline and connect cannot happen. 03:21 <+bridge_> [ddnet] This also makes the `SecurityToken` parameter for `CNetConnection::Feed` and `NET_CONNSTATE_PENDING` unnecessary. 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] At least the 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ``` 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if(State() == NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE) 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] { 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if(CtrlMsg == NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECT) 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] { 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ... 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] } 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] } 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ``` 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] blocks seems to be useless. The connection establishment is handled by the `CNetServer` and `CNetConnection::Feed` is only called when there is already a connection, so the case offline and connect cannot happen. 03:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] This also makes the `SecurityToken` parameter for `CNetConnection::Feed` and `NET_CONNSTATE_PENDING` unnecessary. 03:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] At least the 03:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ``` 03:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if(State() == NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE) 03:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] { 03:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if(CtrlMsg == NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECT) 03:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] { 03:24 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ... 03:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] } 03:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] } 03:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ``` 03:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] blocks seems to be useless. The connection establishment is handled by the `CNetServer` and `CNetConnection::Feed` is only called when there already is a connection, so the case offline and connect cannot happen. 03:25 <+bridge_> [ddnet] This also makes the `SecurityToken` parameter for `CNetConnection::Feed` and `NET_CONNSTATE_PENDING` unnecessary. 17:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] why does red teleporter transfer ninja speed? 18:04 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ninja speed is always there, if you go against a wall for example you will see it 18:05 <+bridge_> [ddnet] so it doesnt push me once but for the whole time i move? 18:05 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yes 18:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] @Im 'corneum place shield inside the teleporter to stop momentum 18:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] And a ninja tile on the other side if you want them to keep ninja 18:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] thats what i just wanted to say 18:19 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i didnt need it for a part, i was just wondering. i even took use of it now 😄