00:05 < ddnet-commits> [ddnet] timgame opened pull request #70: remove basetile (DDRace64...DDRace64) http://git.io/hc7StQ 01:39 < cris272> hey, is it impossible to set sv_test_cmds to 1 while the server is running ? 01:44 <@deen> indeed, cris272 01:44 <@deen> to prevent cheating 01:45 <@deen> you have to set it to 1 in the config 01:45 <@deen> and then the server is called TestDDraceNetwork 01:45 < cris272> and still register ? 01:45 <@deen> it still registers 01:45 < cris272> ok thx 01:48 <@deen> you're the cris from ingame, right? 01:50 < cris272> yes 01:50 < cris272> tblue mouse 01:50 <@deen> it's about the p2z servers? 01:50 <@deen> =) 01:50 < cris272> yes 01:52 < cris272> i would test a map, but i could not change the settings on my server for enable cheat.whereas settings was correct on my home server 01:53 < cris272> i did not map since a while, so i thought i forgot how enable cheat :D 01:53 <@deen> good that you're mapping again! 01:53 <@deen> and no, i just made enabling cheats impossible 01:53 < cris272> :) 01:53 <@deen> otherwise i would cheat on ddnet all the time when i see poor players fail after 3 hours 01:53 < cris272> lol 01:54 <@deen> now i always have the excuse "i can't enable cheats" 01:54 < cris272> but on old DDRace mod, if we enabled cheat, time was not saved 01:55 <@deen> oh, i think i didn't know about that 01:55 <@deen> or it wasn't working 100% 01:55 < cris272> maybe 03:29 <@deen> EastByte: EUR CPU load can't be trusted at all. It shows 20% even though none of our processes is doing anything. I think that's a VMware thing. Performance still seems to be fine though from an initial look. Have to see how it is with full servers. Also, I can't sync ddnet github repo, maybe we should enable tcp to 9418 04:24 < eeeee> huh why 9418 when you can sync over ssh (with pubkey auth) 04:30 < eeeee> i think github only exposes https and ssh, not 9418 git 06:58 <@EastByte> I'll open https 07:00 <@EastByte> hm I won't be able to access the manager until 4 pm :/ 10:16 < laxadedi> Oh man, <3 The Beatles ! 10:16 < laxadedi> Hi everyone :). 11:05 <@deen> EastByte: it's not a problem 11:10 < Savander> hi 11:19 <@deen> hi 11:23 <@deen> eeeee: git is also exposed, i usually use it when i need read-only access 12:08 < ddnet-commits> [ddnet] cinaera opened pull request #71: Add editor icon for audio source (DDRace64...pr_speaker) http://git.io/j2I_dQ 12:14 < ddnet-commits> [ddnet] def- closed pull request #70: remove basetile (DDRace64...DDRace64) http://git.io/hc7StQ 12:15 < ddnet-commits> [ddnet] def- closed pull request #71: Add editor icon for audio source (DDRace64...pr_speaker) http://git.io/j2I_dQ 12:18 < ddnet-commits> [ddnet] def- pushed 4 new commits to DDRace64: http://git.io/daNCdg 12:18 < ddnet-commits> ddnet/DDRace64 b19688f Wohoo-GC: Teammate switching team reported on chat... 12:18 < ddnet-commits> ddnet/DDRace64 fa59910 Wohoo-GC: Update teams.cpp 12:18 < ddnet-commits> ddnet/DDRace64 98305da Wohoo-GC: Mouse button 2 to decrease FSAA samples in menu 12:24 < laxadedi> Boah, deen, you are spamming my mailbox ! 12:24 < laxadedi> :) 12:24 <@deen> I'm just procrastinating from studying :P 12:24 < laxadedi> Hahaha 12:33 < laxadedi> Wtf this issue with /save ! 12:37 <@deen> hi a_aaa 12:38 < a_aaa> ich bin daer wollte das nur ausprobieren :D 12:48 < Daer> deen ? 12:48 <@deen> yes 12:48 <@deen> hi BeaR, nice icon 12:48 < BeaR> hey, thx xd 12:48 < Daer> kannst du vllt in 1 oder 2 stunden hab dir ne pm geschrieben 12:49 <@deen> Daer: rather not, I'm busy today. is it something important? 12:49 < Daer> y 12:49 < Daer> wenn es viele mitbekommen ja 12:49 <@deen> also, i can't follow you because of your name, can't write the letters 12:49 <@deen> can you show me now? 12:50 < Daer> wenn du on bist kann ich ja zu dir dan gehen wir aufn test server oder so 12:50 <@deen> on 12:51 < Daer> ja bin noch beim Arzt erst später wenn ich hier weg bin dann kann ich kurz aber net lange muss dann zur arbeit 12:51 <@deen> ok 12:51 <@deen> also, this is supposed to be an english channel^^ 12:52 < Daer> to tired for englisch haha 14:01 < daer> deen 14:01 <@deen> yes 14:01 <@deen> follow me daer 14:01 < daer> jez 14:27 < ddnet-commits> [ddnet] def- pushed 3 new commits to DDRace64: http://git.io/KYiGRw 14:27 < ddnet-commits> ddnet/DDRace64 7b259b3 def: Revert "Update teams.cpp"... 14:27 < ddnet-commits> ddnet/DDRace64 6bcf2bb def: Revert "Teammate switching team reported on chat"... 14:27 < ddnet-commits> ddnet/DDRace64 e29571d def: save doesn't create ranks accidentally anymore (fixes #73) 14:58 <+o_be_one> hi 14:58 <@deen> hi 14:58 <+o_be_one> how are you ? 14:58 < ddnet-commits> [ddnet] def- pushed 1 new commit to DDRace64: http://git.io/v3c-bw 14:58 < ddnet-commits> ddnet/DDRace64 99c07d8 def: Another try at the fix 14:58 <@deen> busy with studying. and you? 15:05 < laxadedi> Oh deen ! Usa got rebooted :p 15:05 <@deen> yeah, i noticed =/ 15:06 < laxadedi> DDNet is so big, 10 servers ! 15:06 <@deen> 4 in europe, which i would like to be 1 15:10 <@deen> hi savander 15:10 < savander> hi; 15:10 < laxadedi> heya savander ! 15:10 < savander> fucking driving license 15:11 < laxadedi> You got it ? 15:11 < savander> I HATE POLISH exam 15:11 < savander> I HATE POLISH exams 15:11 < savander> 306390603460304630 thousand questions with unclear content... 15:12 < savander> No, I don't have yet.. 15:12 < savander> but i'm on course.. 15:15 < savander> length of the gear lever <-- google translate, don't know whether it is good translation from polish 15:15 < savander> but ye 15:20 < savander> you know laxadedi ? 15:21 < laxadedi> Hum no... 15:21 < laxadedi> I am 25 and I don't want/have a driving license :p 15:22 < savander> ahm 15:22 < savander> 10.2 cm 15:22 < savander> lenght. 15:23 < laxadedi> !fr-en levier de vitesse 15:23 < Nimda> Translation: gear shift 15:23 < laxadedi> maybe you mean that :p 15:24 < savander> ye 15:24 < savander> but from poland 15:25 < savander> !pl-en długość drążka zmiany biegów 15:25 < Nimda> Translation: length of the gear lever 15:25 < savander> hehe 15:25 < savander> ..:/ 15:26 < laxadedi> It depends on the car right ? 15:27 < savander> don't know 15:27 < savander> this 15:27 < savander>  15:28 < savander> fuck 15:28 < laxadedi> xD 15:28 < savander> http://www.autogaleria.pl/fotografie/honda/honda_accord_2.0_i-vtec_lifestyle_2011_14.jpg 15:28 < savander> this 15:28 < savander> xD 15:28 < laxadedi> Yeah, I understood it was that. 15:31 < savander> i'm really angry today 15:31 < savander> xd 16:06 <@EastByte> hello 16:07 < cris272> hello 16:20 < laxadedi> Hello EastByte <3 16:21 < laxadedi> Is it me, or 90% of developpers are really dirty ? 16:21 <@EastByte> dirty in coding? 16:21 < laxadedi> coding like shit I mean 16:21 <@EastByte> yea 16:21 < laxadedi> for example 16:21 < savander> im shit 16:21 < savander> in real life 16:21 < laxadedi> correctly fixing a method in C# 16:21 < laxadedi> the guy use "var" everywhere 16:21 < laxadedi> instead of string... 16:21 < laxadedi> var can replace any type and will adjust to the type in C# 16:22 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went down! 16:23 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went back online! 18:00 <@deen> EastByte: i've found out why I can't access /proc/net/dev as a user: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8955724/regular-user-cant-read-proc-net-dev/16921848#16921848 18:01 <@EastByte> ah 18:01 <@EastByte> hm have you tried screaming for a while? 18:02 <@deen> ^^ 18:03 <@heinrich5991> =) 18:05 <@EastByte> deen: but you haven't had this problem neither on kimsufi nor at HH right? 18:05 <@deen> right 18:05 <@EastByte> no ovh kernel used there? 18:05 <@deen> but HH runstheir own servers, so no ovh kernel 18:05 <@deen> and kimsufi isn't a virtual machine 18:06 <@EastByte> hm atleast the ovh arch linux runs a custom kernel 18:06 <@EastByte> (kimsufi) 18:06 <@deen> oh, strange 18:38 < xRoThx> o_be_one: 18:38 < xRoThx> Are you here 18:39 < xRoThx> I strongly advice you to change your Administrator password. Cyril is abusing. It is not the first time that I saw that. Uses invisible, and move me with TeePull to the freeze 18:39 < xRoThx> He also has a kind of special command that makes his username in another color 18:40 < xRoThx> and then he is insensitive to freezes and has like endless hook thing 18:40 < xRoThx> Eventhough you probably know and don't really care, He is abusing. Not good 18:58 <@deen> hi xRoThx|Afk. 19:00 <@heinrich5991> laxadedi: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zipckr/4580812339/ 19:00 <@heinrich5991> there's always someone looking down at oneself and thinking how shitty one programs 19:02 < laxa> I am not saying I am at the top 19:02 < laxa> but using var for every variable in C# is quite awful 19:02 < laxa> don't you think ? 19:03 <@heinrich5991> I don't know C#, sorry. 19:03 < laxa> well 19:03 < laxa> instead of doing string toto; 19:03 < laxa> you can do var toto; 19:03 < laxa> well 19:03 <@heinrich5991> will that infer the type or will it be typed at runtime? 19:03 < laxa> infer I think 19:03 < laxa> I am not sure when it's done 19:03 <@EastByte> compiletime I guess 19:04 < laxa> not sure, since it's suppose to be used when you don't know what type it's going to be 19:04 < laxa> so I guess runtime 19:04 < laxa> or maybe both 19:04 <@EastByte> I don't think cli allows that 19:04 < laxa> but you can do that : var toto = "toto"; 19:04 < laxa> but then, it's really bad 19:05 <@EastByte> why is it bad? 19:05 < laxa> you would like to maintain a code where every variable is typed "var" ? 19:05 <@EastByte> in languages like rust or nimrod you don't need to specify the type either 19:05 <@deen> nimrod! 19:05 <@heinrich5991> rust! 19:05 <@EastByte> both! 19:05 <@heinrich5991> that's what I think, at some points it's useful to not repeat the type 19:05 <@deen> it depends, sometimes i write the type to make it clear, sometimes not, because it's obvious 19:06 <@heinrich5991> CVeryLongClassName *pClass = new CVeryLongClassName(); vs auto *pClass = new CVeryLongClassName(); 19:07 <@heinrich5991> deen: you're coding in nimrod? 19:07 <@deen> so far only a few libraries and this: https://github.com/def-/nimrod-unsorted 19:07 <@EastByte> he held a talk about nimrod in 2008 iirc 19:08 <@deen> EastByte: that was 2014 but thanks :P 19:08 < laxa> 2008 oO ? 19:08 <@EastByte> ogh 19:08 <@EastByte> well 19:08 < laxa> it would have looked younger on the video EastByte :p 19:08 < laxa> *he 19:08 <@EastByte> yea 19:09 <@deen> that reminds me that i need to fix my bigints library for nimrod =/ 19:10 < laxa> EastByte: 21-06-2014 19:10 <@heinrich5991> deen: link to the talk? 19:10 <@deen> it's not that good 19:10 <@deen> the slides are ok though: http://felsin9.de/nnis/nimrod/nimrod-gpn14.pdf 19:11 <@deen> (and in german) 19:15 < laxa> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod_(programming_language) 19:15 < laxa> <_< 19:15 <@deen> Yeah, I know. They said my talk wasn't serious enough 19:15 <@deen> so it didn't count as a source :P 19:21 <@heinrich5991> deen: in fact, I've seen the slides before 19:23 <@heinrich5991> deen: can you give me a link to the talk? 19:23 <@heinrich5991> (despite you not liking it) 19:28 < laxa> It's easy to find 19:29 <@heinrich5991> he sent me the link 19:45 <@EastByte> heinrich5991: what do you think about nimrod? 19:45 <@heinrich5991> EastByte: not sure yet, the only thing I really noticed is that it seems to be very small 19:46 <@heinrich5991> still browsing 19:46 <@EastByte> ah 19:48 <@heinrich5991> EastByte: what do *you* think about nimrod? 19:50 <@EastByte> hmm 19:52 <@EastByte> for me it's a nice "replacement" for C 19:53 <@EastByte> feels a bit like python and platform independent dev is fun 19:53 <@EastByte> I wanted to keep using it for local projects 19:55 <@EastByte> mostly because I hate header files and external build systems 20:06 < Wohoo> hi all 20:06 <@EastByte> hi 20:07 <@deen> hi Wohoo 20:08 < Wohoo> hi deen, 20:08 < Wohoo> were you not convinced about pull request? :D 20:09 <@deen> not quite 20:09 <@deen> and i think it had a bug 20:09 <@deen> but i had to quickly fix a more important bug, so i reverted it 20:12 <@deen> i think when you locked in a team and killed, sometimes not all players were killed 20:12 <@deen> with your pull request 20:13 < Wohoo> mmm.... i cycled all over. However you can check again later if you want :) 20:13 < Wohoo> deen: what about add a Minimize button top right corner near Quit, Setting, Editor? 20:14 <@deen> doesn't windows have a minimize button? 20:14 <@deen> or whatever window manager / operating system you use 20:14 < Wohoo> not in full screen 20:15 <@deen> i don't think it's necessary 20:15 <@deen> in full screen people use alt+tab or win+d 20:15 < Wohoo> and bind m minimize doesn't work in server browser 20:15 <@EastByte> oh there is a minimize command 20:15 <@deen> i didn't know either 20:15 < Wohoo> in my linux machine both shortcut doesn't work :( 20:16 < Wohoo> is it normal that bind works only ingame? 20:16 <@deen> yes 20:16 <@deen> oh right, i can't get out of fullscreen programs in linux either^^ 20:16 <@deen> but i never run anything fullscreen 20:17 <@deen> just a borderless window at the size of my screen 20:18 < Wohoo> i use Mate, it was fine with borderless windows in Mate 1.6, but Mate 1.8 seems bugged 20:18 < Wohoo> bottom panel bar stays on top 20:19 <@deen> hm, that's bad. no idea =/ 20:19 < Wohoo> i want to say that maybe it is a common problem 20:20 <@deen> any other opinions? 20:20 < Wohoo> F1 -> min -> TAB -> ENTER :D 20:22 < Wohoo> i report it as a cosmetic bug. nothing serious of course. however i yet added a button for my local version :P 20:23 < eeeee> var in c# behaves mostly like auto in c++ (i.e. compile-time) 20:25 < eeeee> and c# IDEs (msvs) would usually have a clippy which gives you protips on when you should use var 20:25 <@heinrich5991> :) 20:26 < eeeee> like 'var str = "IM A STRING";' is good coz it's obvious that type is a string 20:26 < eeeee> but 'var obj = IDontEvenWhatTypeThisReturns();' is bad 20:28 <@deen> ddos incoming 20:29 < eeeee> duck and cover! 20:30 <+o_be_one> DDoS in the hole ! 20:42 < laxa> lol deen, I didn't even knew about win+d 21:05 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went down! 21:06 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went back online! 21:08 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went down! 21:09 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went back online! 21:11 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went down! 21:12 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went back online! 21:19 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went down! 21:20 < Nimda> DDNet CHN went back online! 21:25 < KinG__> hi all 21:40 <@deen> hi 21:57 <@deen> !ddnetpeak 21:57 < Nimda> Current players on DDNet : 315 21:57 < Nimda> Current DDNet peak : 532 users online at 2014-09-28 20:14:41 21:57 <@deen> anything special today? 21:57 <@deen> servers look rather full 21:58 < KinG__> any one know c# here? 21:59 <@EastByte> laxa: 21:59 < laxa> EastByte: yeah ? 21:59 < KinG__> hi laxa :D 21:59 < laxa> KinG__: what ? Hi ! 21:59 < KinG__> laxa: i need a few tips about c# 21:59 < laxa> ok go on 22:21 < laxa> want another funny story about my work ? 22:25 < laxaa> The lead programmer on my project is commiting on TFS without any comment ! 22:26 < laxaa> What about that ? 22:26 < laxaa> :) 22:28 < eeeee> isn't tfs like slow and buggy 22:29 < eeeee> on my previous work they had to migrate their c# codez from tfs to svn 22:32 < laxa> tfs is shit for what I have seen 22:32 < laxa> but I mean, tfs/svn or git, commits without comment, nice idea :p 22:47 <@EastByte> ** east finished in: 26 minute(s) 35.62 second(s) 22:47 <@EastByte> *** New record: 290 minute(s) 17.98 second(s) better. 22:47 <@EastByte> I'm improving 22:47 <@deen> haha 22:50 <@EastByte> laxa: maybe we should ask Themix to add SpaceRate 22:50 <@EastByte> https://eastbit.net/public/tw-webgl/?map=SpaceRate.map 22:51 <@EastByte> he made it just for training rfly 22:51 < laxa> I want a simple one 22:51 < laxa> seems pretty damn hard xD 22:51 <@EastByte> it gets harder from part to part :P 22:51 <@EastByte> the first one is nooby 22:51 < laxa> I want a moderate map 22:51 < laxa> like 2 stars or something 22:51 < laxa> not brutal 3 stars 22:52 < laxa> or even more according to what I see 22:55 <@EastByte> yea maybe, themix seems to be the only one who ever finished it 22:59 < savander> EastByte: you should add animation to you tw-webgl xdd 23:00 <@EastByte> animation? 23:01 < savander> ye 23:01 < savander> smth like in mapeditor 23:01 < savander> anim button and then 23:01 <@EastByte> you mean quad movement 23:01 < savander> ah yes 23:01 < savander> :P 23:01 <@EastByte> yea wanted to add that 23:01 < savander> woah! :D 23:01 <@EastByte> but stopped dev there 23:02 < savander> so not nice 23:02 < savander> :./ 23:04 <@EastByte> oh I stopped developing exactly one year before 23:42 < KinG__> i go to sleep bye all