00:30 < bridge> 🤖 That's right 02:36 < ws-client> TIL c in curl stands for client and for the C programming language o.O 04:58 < bridge> neat 06:42 < bridge> I found there is a unused ninja sound: wp_ninja_attack-04 06:49 < bridge> Also vo_teefault_sledge-01 vo_teefault_sledge-02 vo_teefault_sledge-03 06:50 < bridge> yes i think some mods might use it though 06:50 < bridge> Also vo_teefault_ninja-01 vo_teefault_ninja-02 vo_teefault_ninja-03 06:50 < bridge> No, these sounds couldn't be use, because they didn't add into the sound list. 06:50 < bridge> ah 06:51 < bridge> Else a mod client 06:54 < bridge> And this: sfx_pickup_gun 06:54 < bridge> And these: sfx_hit_strong-01 sfx_hit_strong-02 06:55 < bridge> hook_noattach-03 also 06:57 < bridge> foley_body_splat-04 06:59 < bridge> Also wp_ninja_hit-04 07:35 < bridge> Hello guys, is there any documentation on how .map file works and how can I decode it for server-side (collision, spawn...)? 07:35 < bridge> A pure teeworlds 0.6 would be better for me, as I know nothing about the map file XD 07:42 < bridge> What do you need it for @miguilim ? 07:43 < ws-client> and yes there is https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/blob/master/doc/map.md https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/blob/master/doc/datafile.md 07:44 < ws-client> @miguilim you can also use Patigas lib to turn maps into json and then parse that. Its probably less performant but much easier to do. 08:08 < bridge> thanks mate 🙏 08:08 < bridge> 👀 08:30 < bridge> chillerdragon: nice ci fix lmfao https://github.com/discord-irc/discord-irc/commit/7a866ad2482769e82238a2ef11da418d281cfd7d 09:11 < bridge> Omg. What is it? 09:12 < bridge> Thanks @milkeeycat 09:12 < bridge> hm? xD 09:12 < bridge> For the ci compliment 09:13 < bridge> now make tests and also ignore them 09:13 < bridge> :gigachad: 09:13 < bridge> lol 09:37 < bridge> morning 09:40 < bridge> test 09:41 < bridge> new pfp 09:47 < bridge> weeb 09:52 < bridge> weeb 10:39 < bridge> gm 11:30 < bridge> gm 11:37 < bridge> When fishies :pepeshruggin: 11:49 < bridge> 🐟 12:03 < bridge> fishies? 12:04 < bridge> Where what 12:04 < bridge> Fishies! 12:04 < bridge> You dont know ryo's fishies???? 12:04 < bridge> Fake fan 12:05 < bridge> Ah right 12:06 < bridge> No no of course I know his blurry black berry phishies 12:09 < bridge> :kek: His Last picture looked really good tho ! 12:09 < bridge> iPhone Moment 12:13 < bridge> epic edlang has if now 12:13 < bridge> after switch to ir 12:13 < bridge> ```llvm 12:13 < bridge> ; ModuleID = 'Main' 12:13 < bridge> source_filename = "simple.ed" 12:13 < bridge> target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" 12:13 < bridge> 12:13 < bridge> ; Function Attrs: nonlazybind 12:13 < bridge> define i64 @main(i64 %0) #0 !dbg !2 { 12:13 < bridge> entry: 12:13 < bridge> call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 %0, metadata !8, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !11 12:14 < bridge> %return_ptr = alloca i64, align 8, !dbg !12 12:14 < bridge> %argc = alloca i64, align 8, !dbg !11 12:14 < bridge> store i64 %0, ptr %argc, align 4, !dbg !11 12:14 < bridge> %a = alloca i64, align 8, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %"3" = alloca i64, align 8, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %"4" = alloca i64, align 8, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %"5" = alloca i1, align 1, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> br label %block_0, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> 12:14 < bridge> block_0: ; preds = %entry 12:14 < bridge> call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata ptr %a, metadata !10, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i64 0, metadata !10, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> store i64 0, ptr %a, align 4, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %1 = load i64, ptr %argc, align 4, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> store i64 %1, ptr %"3", align 4, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> store i64 2, ptr %"4", align 4, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %2 = load i64, ptr %"3", align 4, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %3 = load i64, ptr %"4", align 4, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %4 = icmp sgt i64 %2, %3, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> store i1 %4, ptr %"5", align 1, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> %5 = load i1, ptr %"5", align 1, !dbg !13 12:14 < bridge> switch i1 %5, label %block_1 [ 12:14 < bridge> my code has such a C style 12:14 < bridge> ```rust 12:14 < bridge> mod Main { 12:14 < bridge> pub fn main(argc: i64) -> i64 { 12:14 < bridge> let mut a: i64 = 0; 12:14 < bridge> 12:14 < bridge> if argc > 2 { 12:14 < bridge> a = 1; 12:15 < bridge> } 12:15 < bridge> return a; 12:15 < bridge> } 12:15 < bridge> } 12:15 < bridge> ``` 12:15 < bridge> allocas at start like C89 12:15 < bridge> ```x86asm 12:15 < bridge> 0000000000001050
: 12:15 < bridge> 1050: 48 89 7c 24 f0 mov %rdi,-0x10(%rsp) 12:15 < bridge> 1055: 48 c7 44 24 d8 00 00 movq $0x0,-0x28(%rsp) 12:15 < bridge> 105c: 00 00 12:15 < bridge> 105e: 48 89 7c 24 e8 mov %rdi,-0x18(%rsp) 12:15 < bridge> 1063: 48 c7 44 24 e0 02 00 movq $0x2,-0x20(%rsp) 12:15 < bridge> 106a: 00 00 12:15 < bridge> 106c: 48 83 ff 03 cmp $0x3,%rdi 12:15 < bridge> 1070: 0f 9d 44 24 d7 setge -0x29(%rsp) 12:15 < bridge> 1075: 7c 09 jl 1080 12:15 < bridge> 1077: 48 c7 44 24 d8 01 00 movq $0x1,-0x28(%rsp) 12:15 < bridge> 107e: 00 00 12:15 < bridge> 1080: 48 8b 44 24 d8 mov -0x28(%rsp),%rax 12:15 < bridge> 1085: 48 89 44 24 f8 mov %rax,-0x8(%rsp) 12:15 < bridge> 108a: c3 ret 12:15 < bridge> ``` 12:15 < bridge> it compiles to this btw 12:15 < bridge> llvm is kinda epic 12:29 < bridge> Now write your own compiler and linker :owo: 12:30 < bridge> u mean rewrite llvm? 12:30 < bridge> its gigantic effort 12:42 < bridge> you can just check ddnet sources kekw 12:52 < bridge> @gerdoe why is ur name zhn? 12:53 < bridge> check out https://ddnet.org/libtw2-doc/ 12:53 < bridge> esp https://ddnet.org/libtw2-doc/map/ 12:53 < bridge> and https://ddnet.org/libtw2-doc/datafile/ 12:57 < bridge> decided to keep working on my project i didnt touch for 2 months and was thinking why doesnt anything work. didnt take long to find out why :pepeW: 12:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206569886374039563/image.png?ex=65dc7cc5&is=65ca07c5&hm=c165d17491d2e52a88163767f64aab61332c99a9f8232dca90b5fc200ccdbf19& 13:15 < bridge> yo is there any existing audio encoding in ddnet src? 13:31 < bridge> Only for the video converter 13:32 < bridge> ah ok 13:32 < bridge> thx 13:38 < bridge> do you guys code with or without physics? 13:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206580204093575168/20240212_114455.jpg?ex=65dc8661&is=65ca1161&hm=2aa6cf6b6fd422de34805245473f3951744c76737d5da1381f5e6fa770fa18a0& 13:39 < bridge> usually zero-g 13:41 < bridge> https://youtu.be/W8NfG6osJdI 13:45 < bridge> ^ 13:47 < bridge> always a joy reading ddnet code 😂 13:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206582374440116294/image.png?ex=65dc8867&is=65ca1367&hm=383f10c21a84cec12b7a4c0a021a68bf9c603b71c9c54550bc0b8de6192c7248& 13:48 < bridge> okay in the context i makes sense ig. its just a callback for smth and it should always be false 13:49 < bridge> Lol where you found this 13:49 < bridge> sound.cpp 13:49 < bridge> Oh I see xd 13:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206582826367975434/image.png?ex=65dc88d3&is=65ca13d3&hm=0a7ac18031dd507669ac1b32576abd47cd5d8ffd44dc8f020bd08e754105387c& 13:54 < bridge> context matters lmao 13:54 < bridge> also the void cast is to avoid a warning 13:54 < bridge> of unused 13:54 < bridge> lol xDD 13:55 < bridge> nice hack 13:55 < bridge> Does anyone know how to compile steam version of ddnet? 13:56 < bridge> Setting the cmake flag doesn't work apparently 14:06 < bridge> doesnt work is not an error 14:08 < bridge> I mean, it tries to fetch some library from steam runtime but fails 14:09 < bridge> Github version is different from steam version? 14:09 < bridge> Why does it fail 14:09 < bridge> Idk if they are different. Are you missing something? 14:10 < bridge> u need steamapi ddl 14:10 < bridge> dll 14:12 < bridge> It crashes on startup so i tell steam to run the terminal beforehand and it gives me this. I got rid of it by resetting `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` but why does it crash anyways? 14:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206588639518138409/image.png?ex=65dc8e3c&is=65ca193c&hm=3fc71d82b9b8114523cb13055267841603bfd6c4b402eed06ad96bf57cc41009& 14:14 < bridge> Maybe i dont know how dynamic linker works 14:20 < bridge> First rectangle rendered by lua that is downloaded from server to client xd 14:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206590575256805467/image.png?ex=65dc900a&is=65ca1b0a&hm=0eac394b246313f22505c8855285f065cc9c5ca428f3878e3806f394ae2e6e0d& 14:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206590575625764864/image.png?ex=65dc900a&is=65ca1b0a&hm=7fb5f2c9dbefb156d3cd66586618797d02f36dd23cef01a18560c93ae8d75679& 14:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206590575881748500/image.png?ex=65dc900a&is=65ca1b0a&hm=916eeedad5a28477f507f1ec866d09b0bb1ade4ea737ecbdbe9403530ae39181& 14:26 < bridge> its the era of lua mods??? 14:28 < bridge> I think no, cuz a lot of dudes here hate lua xd 14:28 < bridge> ah gg 14:28 < bridge> lua is cool tho 👍 14:29 < bridge> covers all of your scripting needs 14:29 < bridge> except maybe for syntax.... 14:29 < bridge> Syntax in lua is nice, but have a lot of problems 14:30 < bridge> For example continue, lua don't have continue :( 14:30 < bridge> I think I need to fork LuaJIT and add continue 14:30 < bridge> arrays start from 1 14:30 < bridge> And this xd 14:30 < bridge> And for's 14:31 < bridge> the most annoying thing is that you can call functions without parenthesis 14:31 < bridge> the most annoying thing is that you can call functions without parentheses 14:37 < bridge> dont worry edlang is coming 14:38 < bridge> I'll watch how u will implement mods with shared libs in ddnet :owo: 14:38 < bridge> Do you use https://github.com/AllTheHaxx/lua-srv for your work? I'm trying to use it for some server-side modding (it partially works, just need some more hooks). 14:38 < bridge> Have you read https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7042? 14:39 < bridge> Nope, I done custom 14:39 < bridge> https://github.com/Myr-13/mmoteexd 14:39 < bridge> Yea, I checked this 5 mins ago xd 14:51 < bridge> Oh! I have similar ideas and goals, though I want to do it in a technically different manner. IMO LUA is the ~~most ~~only reasonable way to do it. 14:51 < bridge> I wrote my own code with luacpp but it was a dead end due to the bindings limitation. I discovered the referenced lua-srv, which uses luajit + luabridge, and it looks much better. 14:51 < bridge> Unfortunately, client-side LUA is a no-go for DDNet devs, I thought we'd have to reinvent the wheel and use something custom for client-side UI. 14:52 < bridge> Creating UI with lasers :gigachad: 14:53 < bridge> I've seen such UI. 14:53 < bridge> I've actually seen such UI. 14:54 < bridge> btw are serverside laser colors now supported? 14:54 < bridge> I have similar plans for 'multi-world' and some RPG-style stuff, though I considered use of many server instances to also update them independently. OTOH it would require server-to-server communication.. 14:54 < bridge> wasm > lua 14:54 < bridge> Yes 14:54 < bridge> nice 14:54 < bridge> Yao 14:54 < bridge> Yap 14:54 < bridge> lua can be used inside wasm 14:54 < bridge> time to remake the portal mod 14:54 < bridge> Do you mean that WASM is much heavier than LUA? So true. 14:55 < bridge> luasuxs 14:55 < bridge> it's more powerful yes, but also much faster 14:55 < bridge> it also still allows you to use lua by compiling a lua interpreter for wasm 14:55 < bridge> and pyson 14:55 < bridge> and rust 14:55 < bridge> and fortran 14:56 < bridge> please no 14:56 < bridge> wasm is lang agnostic 14:56 < bridge> well you can compile pretty much anything to wasm 14:56 < bridge> i thought a nice idea 14:57 < bridge> maybe make something like WASM but for games smth like GASM, game-assembly, a compilation target for use in games for scripting capabilities, unlike wasm, it doesnt try to be sandboxed like it maybe or opt in 14:57 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks new startup idea gogogo 14:57 < bridge> Oh, I also made a 40 minutes prototype for that, based on DDNet, with an idea to maybe sometime continue it. It is a bit of challenge to keep the right feeling of impulse, like when you fall down to blue portal and thrown out via orange portal on a wall. It is tricky to compensate the gravity. 14:58 < bridge> but being sandboxed is the cool thing. it allows to download the wasm module from the server 14:58 < bridge> there are portal servers online rn 14:58 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks true but maybe some games dont need it 14:58 < bridge> or local mods 14:58 < bridge> idk 14:58 < bridge> I failed to found any. 😄 Won't even try otherwise. 14:59 < bridge> that's true, but for those u could also use native libraries. or use the WASI (https://wasi.dev/) 14:59 < bridge> [EUR] tee.world PPRace server 14:59 < bridge> Address: ddnet:// 14:59 < bridge> My IGN: Teero 14:59 < bridge> is not a DDNet or KoG server. 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** This mod was originally created by '3DA' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Now it is maintained & re-coded by: 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** '[Egypt]GreYFoX@GTi' and '[BlackTee]den' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Others Helping on the code: 'heinrich5991', 'ravomavain', 'Trust o_0 Aeeeh ?!', 'noother', '<3 fisted <3' & 'LemonFace' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Documentation: Zeta-Hoernchen & Learath2, Entities: Fisico 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Code (in the past): '3DA' and 'Fluxid' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Please check the changelog on DDRace.info. 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Also the commit log on github.com/GreYFoX/teeworlds . 14:59 < bridge> ``` 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** This mod was originally created by '3DA' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Now it is maintained & re-coded by: 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** '[Egypt]GreYFoX@GTi' and '[BlackTee]den' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Others Helping on the code: 'heinrich5991', 'ravomavain', 'Trust o_0 Aeeeh ?!', 'noother', '<3 fisted <3' & 'LemonFace' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Documentation: Zeta-Hoernchen & Learath2, Entities: Fisico 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Code (in the past): '3DA' and 'Fluxid' 14:59 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Please check the changelog on DDRace.info. 15:00 < bridge> 2024-02-12 14:59:23 I chat: *** Also the commit log on github.com/GreYFoX/teeworlds . 15:00 < bridge> ``` 15:00 < bridge> ``` 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** This mod was originally created by '3DA' 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** Now it is maintained & re-coded by: 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** '[Egypt]GreYFoX@GTi' and '[BlackTee]den' 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** Others Helping on the code: 'heinrich5991', 'ravomavain', 'Trust o_0 Aeeeh ?!', 'noother', '<3 fisted <3' & 'LemonFace' 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** Documentation: Zeta-Hoernchen & Learath2, Entities: Fisico 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** Code (in the past): '3DA' and 'Fluxid' 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** Please check the changelog on DDRace.info. 15:00 < bridge> chat: *** Also the commit log on github.com/GreYFoX/teeworlds . 15:00 < bridge> ``` 15:00 < bridge> We already had this conversation here. How many MB on disk and in RAM WASM implementation would take? How quickly I can compile a bundled WASM? 15:01 < bridge> ``` 15:01 < bridge> *** This mod was originally created by '3DA' 15:01 < bridge> *** Now it is maintained & re-coded by: 15:01 < bridge> *** '[Egypt]GreYFoX@GTi' and '[BlackTee]den' 15:01 < bridge> *** Others Helping on the code: 'heinrich5991', 'ravomavain', 'Trust o_0 Aeeeh ?!', 'noother', '<3 fisted <3' & 'LemonFace' 15:01 < bridge> *** Documentation: Zeta-Hoernchen & Learath2, Entities: Fisico 15:01 < bridge> *** Code (in the past): '3DA' and 'Fluxid' 15:01 < bridge> *** Please check the changelog on DDRace.info. 15:01 < bridge> *** Also the commit log on github.com/GreYFoX/teeworlds . 15:01 < bridge> ``` 15:01 < bridge> No way! They invented everything? lol 15:01 < bridge> ram and disk doesn't matter, we speak about a few mbs 15:01 < bridge> 15:01 < bridge> what exactly do you mean with bundled WASM? 15:01 < bridge> @kaffeine0 nice pfp btw just noticed the tux on the head 15:01 < bridge> come play 15:02 < bridge> Unfortunately I'm on a working PC and won't have time to play today. 15:02 < bridge> I have some time to chat between compilations after a big rebase tho 😄 15:03 < bridge> compile time is free time, nice 15:06 < bridge> I mean that OK let's assume I want to use it (I find LUA syntax weird, and I'm used to some js flavor). How it will affect my build time if I build deps from sources? I'd actually prefer it but as I understand it is too bloated for teeworlds servers, for many reasons. 15:06 < bridge> so you have a js interpreter compiled to wasm? 15:09 < bridge> Oh. I misunderstood. I thought you're suggesting to use JS instead of LUA, and WASM is a runtime to it. 15:09 < bridge> ah i use wasmer, which is written in rust and has no js runtime at all 15:10 < bridge> wasm is independent of JS 15:10 < bridge> make no mistake 15:10 < bridge> wasm will deprecate the usage of js in browsers 15:10 < bridge> hopium 15:10 < bridge> :hopium: 15:10 < bridge> Now I recall, yep. 15:10 < bridge> the way dd-pg is built works like this: 15:10 < bridge> 15:10 < bridge> if you use an interpreter, no matter if JS or LUA inside WASM, it will work just like u wouldn't have the WASM module at all. 15:10 < bridge> The wasm manager will have a hot-reload feature that pushes the LUA or JS files into the WASM memory 15:10 < bridge> 15:10 < bridge> 15:10 < bridge> everything else is as writing rust (in case your interpreter & host stuff is written in rust) 15:12 < bridge> the cool thing about this way is, you could even compile to native libraries and load these instead of WASM modules. it will just work. (because wasm is so similar to "normal" libs) 15:13 < bridge> in case ur server needs full performance xd 15:18 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks one question 15:18 < bridge> are u using llvm 18? 15:18 < bridge> if so, u are using my code :EZgolden: 15:19 < bridge> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases 15:19 < bridge> yes, i'm nightly enjoyer for llvm 15:19 < bridge> epyc 15:19 < bridge> llvm is really pretty stable even in nightlies^^ 15:19 < bridge> not like mesa code which is often broken 😬 15:20 < bridge> but writing tests for graphics stack sounds extremly hard tbh 😄 15:20 < bridge> xD 15:20 < bridge> So. I need a script language because it makes no sense to use C++ for high level, probably map-specific logic (you don't code tw maps in C++, do you?) For now I use LUA, which has a small runtime, small overhead, and allows me to work with .lua files which are readable text documents. 15:20 < bridge> What is the idea, how I can replace LUA with something modern? Bringing a whole **compiler** sounds like a huge overhead. 15:20 < bridge> u know the funny thing 15:20 < bridge> llvm has so many commits goign in that u could keep running the compilation in a loop 15:20 < bridge> and everytime u would get another commit 15:21 < bridge> monorepo for ya 15:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206606021787914242/image.png?ex=65dc9e6d&is=65ca296d&hm=64658380af9bd63df423555431987d89216d208b401e991600608451cc2f3cb9& 15:21 < bridge> do you compile your LUA scripts to binaries? 15:21 < bridge> 15:21 < bridge> else u have an interpreter.. and interpreter __kind of__ is a compiler 15:22 < bridge> yeah he is using a compiler he calls from cpp code 15:22 < bridge> lua interpreter is super light-weight, as the language is quite simple. 15:22 < bridge> but it doesnt hide the complexity of lua 15:22 < bridge> wasm is simple too 15:23 < bridge> ok idk how long the lua spec is 15:23 < bridge> If we're about LLVM then it is super far from being simple. 15:23 < bridge> If we're about LLVM (used as a backend, etc) then it is super far from being simple. 15:23 < bridge> well the WASM modules itself are also pretty light-weight, and wasm is a binary representation 15:23 < bridge> wasm is not a llvm thing 15:23 < bridge> but if u have a c compiler like clang u already have wasm support 15:24 < bridge> the compiler is not light-weight, but IMO it doesn't matter, because the 3MBs extra ur binary will have simply don't matter.. that's like 2x 4k textures xdd 15:24 < bridge> yo what exactly are you ppl of the internet discussing` 15:24 < bridge> yo what exactly are you ppl of the internet discussing? 15:24 < bridge> lua vs modernity 15:24 < bridge> ah ok 15:24 < bridge> its ur fault 15:24 < bridge> someone mentioned lua 15:24 < bridge> ;( 15:24 < bridge> what would you be using those for? 15:24 < bridge> ;( 15:25 < bridge> @kaffeine0 the compiler itself is not slow.. compiling tw physics happens in milliseconds, because it's not a lot of code. 15:25 < bridge> 15:25 < bridge> compiling rust code to wasm is ofc not the fastest, but as said if u need interpreted langauges u could still compile a LUA interpreter to wasm 15:26 < bridge> the interpreter would not need to be recompiled every time ofc 15:26 < bridge> What if I don't have a compiler in the production environment, it is often a no-go from the security PoV. 15:26 < bridge> And no, I definitely don't have clang there. (OTOH I use a nightbuild of llvm for its clang-tidy with new checks) 15:26 < bridge> so your point is, you want to include a lua script and directly want to execute it? 15:27 < bridge> Oh, indeed. I also don't have rust there (or in the server codebase). 15:27 < bridge> Sure. It works like that right now. 15:29 < bridge> > if u need interpreted langauges u could still compile a LUA interpreter to wasm 15:29 < bridge> Yep, I just don't see why I need WASM. 15:29 < bridge> yeah then u should use a lua interpreter in that wasm module. 15:29 < bridge> 15:29 < bridge> the cool, IMHO, thing is that u can do both 15:29 < bridge> 15:29 < bridge> u can rewrite the whole tw physics and the client will have perfect prediction, as well as writing a plugin system with lua. 15:29 < bridge> 15:29 < bridge> writing the wasm support is not a lot of effort actually, because it feels like u simply load a native library (with smaller restrictions like not file system support etc.) 15:29 < bridge> because with WASM u can litereally rewrite the whole game for your mod 15:30 < bridge> if u ever wanted custom physics for your tw mod, u can just do it 15:30 < bridge> it's sandboxed, rust is safe. no fear 15:30 < bridge> Oh, I didn't see I need to rewrite the whole game. Are we about teeworlds mod server working with DDNet clients? 15:30 < bridge> @kaffeine0 u dont need a compileri n prod 15:30 < bridge> u just send the wasm file 15:30 < bridge> if u just add "random" lua scripts u have to be careful that your whole logic is safe on untrusted input 15:30 < bridge> it works for server & client at the same time 15:31 < bridge> same wasm module 😄 15:31 < bridge> I just say my moderators/mappers/content-makers to send wasm files, I see. It does not sound like a huge advantage though. 15:31 < bridge> https://github.com/WAVM/WAVM/ 15:31 < bridge> wait, you want remote lua/wasm code execution? 15:31 < bridge> True. 15:32 < bridge> i want wasm execution for physics at least, as physics seem to be _relatively_ easy to sandbox 15:32 < bridge> dd-pg also supports overwriting the whole graphic code, but since i don't trust GPU drivers, that would require the code to be open source & checked by a human 15:33 < bridge> Why we need run VM inside VM inside ddnet-server? xd 15:33 < bridge> but that then would allow completely custom rendering code 😄 15:33 < bridge> and no malicous code? 15:33 < bridge> and no malicious code? 15:33 < bridge> it must be human checked 15:33 < bridge> well then every gamemode must be opensource.. 15:33 < bridge> well then every gamemode must be opensource... 15:34 < bridge> if it wants custom rendering, yes 15:34 < bridge> Did you say like NetGui? 15:34 < bridge> not if it wants custom physics 15:34 < bridge> thats annoying asf 15:34 < bridge> e.g. KoGs moving tiles would probably work 15:34 < bridge> why that? 15:35 < bridge> well if i just want to test a newly made gamemode with some friends. to get accepted from the masterserver i have to opensource my code and then make some sort of application?? 15:35 < bridge> and who checks all the code? 15:35 < bridge> I heard someone says it used TeeUniverse Code 15:35 < bridge> So. I see that WASM is a nice thing but it seems that you're insistently selling it for wrong reasons. LUA is right tool here, and WASM does something very different. 15:35 < bridge> but as said, physics will work closed source 15:35 < bridge> i dont think someone willingly wants to check my 2000loc lua custom physics and gui 15:35 < bridge> it's about rendering code 15:36 < bridge> i think u underestimate how complicated graphics drivers are 15:36 < bridge> is the physics code not just as exploitable as the rendering? 15:36 < bridge> I know how to do it but as the UX won't be good (e.g. no proper prediction) I don't see its value for now. 15:36 < bridge> huh? when did i say that? 15:36 < bridge> not at all, what can you possibly exploit here. it has no IO at all 15:36 < bridge> well to rephrase it: 15:36 < bridge> it sounds like u underestimate it 15:37 < bridge> i said no one will want to check my 2000loc code for exploits.... 15:37 < bridge> i think it would enhance tw modding by ALOT. and making mods like fng and infection much more attractive, because it would allow greater modifications 15:38 < bridge> ofc it's not simpler than custom modifications inside your code base 15:38 < bridge> well ig then no realtime solar system mods that get info based on some websites 15:39 < bridge> but what is your point then xd 15:39 < bridge> 15:39 < bridge> u want untrusted input on the client or what 15:39 < bridge> LUA + GUI will probably not easier 15:40 < bridge> Custom modifications are limited by the protocol and "no client side scripts/UI/whatever". The argument will be valid only when we have it in the "default teeworlds client" AKA DDNet. 15:40 < bridge> yes, that's the idea 15:41 < bridge> every single change must be reviewed by someone has the authority to check it. And who is that? i assume only few people have that authority. it would push a lot of work onto them which will result in long waiting times for mod developers. There needs to be a diffrent solution. 15:41 < bridge> every single change must be reviewed by someone who has the authority to check it. And who is that? i assume only few people have that authority. it would push a lot of work onto them which will result in long waiting times for mod developers. There needs to be a diffrent solution. 15:41 < bridge> well i dunno, u don't have to check code quality, only if it makes "weird" stuff 15:43 < bridge> i can only tell you, i can easily crash my PC with webgl 15:43 < bridge> 15:43 < bridge> that's not directly a security problem, but it should at least concern you XD 15:43 < bridge> exactly xDDD 15:43 < bridge> it shows that just giving away the GPU to the wild word is not a trivial task 15:43 < bridge> youd need to debug their code for undefined behaviour 15:44 < bridge> well if a human says "it might crash, but it's not a virus or similar" 15:44 < bridge> 15:44 < bridge> i'd say that's already a good start xD 15:45 < bridge> "yeah it might break your gpu but dont worry joining our servers" 15:45 < bridge> xddd 15:45 < bridge> crypto market is goin high 15:45 < bridge> let the mining begin! 15:45 < bridge> DDNet miner 15:46 < bridge> yeah but let's also stay realistic, trust builds upon time 15:46 < bridge> 15:46 < bridge> if we suddenly get 1000 new contributors that want custom code, i'd be sceptical. 15:46 < bridge> 15:46 < bridge> But if tater wants to make some changes, then it's probably likely to get "less" review time 15:46 < bridge> i think that's very pessimistic tho xD 15:46 < bridge> Security problems are always the main problem for modified servers. 15:47 < bridge> i just wouldnt like to have all my code reviewed every time i want to change smth. im embarrased 15:47 < bridge> jk my code is golden 15:47 < bridge> xdd 15:48 < bridge> any cool compression algos to convert sound into text? 15:48 < bridge> for sending across the wide world of web 15:49 < bridge> any cool compression algos to convert sound into strings? 15:49 < bridge> u want to encode sound as string? 15:49 < bridge> y 15:49 < bridge> BASE64 15:49 < bridge> k thx 15:53 < bridge> ofc we could also think about allowing manually installed mods here. 15:53 < bridge> 15:53 < bridge> Just like we can't prevent ppl from downloading custom clients 15:53 < bridge> it's not safe, but it's also very hard to prevent anyway 15:54 < bridge> yea that would be an option. 15:54 < bridge> so if you join a server the server tells you to install a mod from www.website.com and it is to your own choice to install it. 15:55 < bridge> or some automatic install via a confirmation 15:55 < bridge> basically yes 15:55 < bridge> that sounds better 15:55 < bridge> that's already pretty edge case xd 15:56 < bridge> grey zone* 15:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206615222467436544/image.png?ex=65dca6fe&is=65ca31fe&hm=3d003da18c86e4a341fec1e816fd3bc6f40650abe99a66ff2e5952f488842ae9& 15:58 < bridge> ah i forgot the no button 15:58 < bridge> xDDDDD 15:58 < bridge> it just forces u 15:59 < bridge> my skills as a professional screenshot editor are unrivaled 15:59 < bridge> I dont like what I see 16:00 < bridge> and maybe some notice about if the mod is officially verified or not. via a checksum of the mod 16:00 < bridge> and maybe some notice about if the mod is officially verified or not. via a checksum of the mod calculated by the client 16:01 < bridge> man im not that good at doing art ;( 16:01 < bridge> I don’t mean the art i mean the mod thing 16:02 < bridge> For some reason I got a bad feeling in my stomach 16:02 < bridge> ok cool 16:03 < bridge> it'd probably be need to be "This server wants you to install graphics mod XY. DDNet can not entirely prevent these mods from containing viruses or similar, If you are certain you still want to continue on your own risk without any chance of acusing DDNet for your action, please write 'I understood the above text'" 16:03 < bridge> 16:03 < bridge> 16:03 < bridge> xdd 16:04 < bridge> Someone can read my mind 😮 16:05 < bridge> well i was too lazy to write that out. but its what i mean 16:05 < bridge> dont specialize something not yet implemented 16:05 < bridge> so ig lets make a mod system yay! 16:06 < bridge> so the mod files are just like compiled .so files? xd 16:06 < bridge> or you want smth with wasm/lua 16:06 < bridge> u could say they are .so files but as wasm modules xd 16:07 < bridge> okay. so just create a lot of hooks and a loading system 16:07 < bridge> first i need to finish proximity chat tho. 16:07 < bridge> first i need to finish proximity voice chat tho. 16:08 < bridge> take your time. 16:08 < bridge> 16:08 < bridge> my deadline for a very first version is end of the year 16:08 < bridge> ok ok boss 16:08 < bridge> if i don't finish until then, i rq everything 16:20 < bridge> i bet u coudl just manually check each server 16:20 < bridge> not like theres more than 10 popular tw mod anyways xd 16:21 < bridge> rq current, go work on accounts™ 16:34 < bridge> True xd 16:34 < bridge> @murpi skin bot seems to be offline again 16:35 < bridge> That would rationally be better indeed. But I'm progressive extremist now 16:35 < bridge> Online again 16:35 < bridge> I want it better, faster, hotter 16:36 < bridge> hehe - nice 17:19 < bridge> Make license like in Win 10 Tweaker 17:20 < bridge> Make like license in Win 10 Tweaker 17:34 < bridge> Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger 17:34 < bridge> harder, better, faster, stronger 17:34 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yydNF8tuVmU 17:35 < bridge> https://soundcloud.com/dukenukemforever/shadyvox-stronger 17:35 < bridge> 17:35 < bridge> weeb version 17:36 < bridge> haha the deep fried soundcloud quality i love it 18:36 < bridge> @mpft i finally included it correctly! but now my server screams! 18:36 < bridge> 18:36 < bridge> ``` 18:36 < bridge> Error C2371 'MYSQL': redefinition; different basic types game-server C:\Program Files\MariaDB 11.3\include\mysql\mysql.h 384 18:36 < bridge> ``` 18:36 < bridge> 18:36 < bridge> i need the MYSQL struct dont i? am i stupid? sos 18:36 < bridge> @mpft pinging again!, i finally included it correctly! but now my server screams! 18:36 < bridge> 18:36 < bridge> ``` 18:36 < bridge> Error C2371 'MYSQL': redefinition; different basic types game-server C:\Program Files\MariaDB 11.3\include\mysql\mysql.h 384 18:37 < bridge> ``` 18:37 < bridge> 18:37 < bridge> i need the MYSQL struct dont i? am i stupid? sos 19:34 < bridge> anyone compiling DDNet on Windows 11 with visual studio? 19:34 < bridge> 19:34 < bridge> zlib scream's at me and i dont know what to do 19:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206669703943028816/image.png?ex=65dcd9bc&is=65ca64bc&hm=6a2563fbb52ceb143ca440766c27a1b70f4c6c37cb836babb7bbd8c0f678bf90& 19:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206669704257605652/image.png?ex=65dcd9bc&is=65ca64bc&hm=a6880474fb6e04ccaa5d6496cd7de059f21ebd8b76a7b3c10d94e135c084a958& 19:34 < bridge> anyone compiling DDNet on Windows 11 with visual studio? 19:34 < bridge> 19:34 < bridge> zlib scream's at me and i dont know what to do 19:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206669703943028816/image.png?ex=65dcd9bc&is=65ca64bc&hm=6a2563fbb52ceb143ca440766c27a1b70f4c6c37cb836babb7bbd8c0f678bf90& 19:55 < bridge> @kdaniel 20:09 < bridge> me but mine are fine with win 11 + vs 2022 20:10 < bridge> im using win 11 SDK and msvc 2022 build tools, tried using clion and visual studio 20:13 < bridge> let me see my vs installer give you my installed \packages list maybe help you 20:14 < bridge> yes that would be great thank you - i've been using linux for years and i just hopped onto windows 11 - i am so fucking lost 20:14 < bridge> do you have ddnet-libs in libs folder? 20:14 < bridge> im always cloning with --recursive yes 20:14 < bridge> well I have both as dual boot and I'm fine on both for compiling ddnet 20:14 < bridge> oke 20:14 < bridge> did you use cmake GUI or command prompt ? 20:15 < bridge> did you used cmake GUI or command prompt ? 20:15 < bridge> tried both 20:15 < bridge> "AAAA BUTTONS! AAAA WHERE IS MY TOOLS AND BASH" 20:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206679947142238281/image.png?ex=65dce346&is=65ca6e46&hm=d07984844da9eb91142a85fed13d96397250dd0537afefcb118a0ac396c3ad1b& 20:15 < bridge> 😅 20:16 < bridge> WHY CANT I CTRL+ALT+T "git clone --recrusive https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet.git && cd ddnet && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -GNinja -DMYSQL=ON && ninja" 20:16 < bridge> ah gg 20:16 < bridge> WHY CANT I CTRL+ALT+T` "git clone --recrusive https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet.git && cd ddnet && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -GNinja -DMYSQL=ON && ninja"` 20:16 < bridge> is that everything? 20:16 < bridge> cuz it's want to force you using click features on windows 20:16 < bridge> worked for me. 20:16 < bridge> install cmake, rust, vs community, git 20:16 < bridge> 1. git clone ddnet recursive 20:16 < bridge> 2. go cmake-gui and generate 20:16 < bridge> 3. open vs community and compile 20:17 < bridge> no I send that to show you my vs version 20:17 < bridge> hate mouse 20:17 < bridge> a 20:17 < bridge> thats exactly what i did 20:17 < bridge> I love it ❤️ 20:17 < bridge> specially gaming one =)) 20:17 < bridge> nah i play ddnet with arrow keys 20:17 < bridge> i jump on w and hook on v btw @draggory 20:17 < bridge> I use to play it with touch screen 😛 20:17 < bridge> I'm with touchpad :justatest: 20:17 < bridge> hook on space 20:18 < bridge> goat 20:18 < bridge> no space is kill 20:18 < bridge> jump on w 20:18 < bridge> b is kill 20:18 < bridge> hammer is shift 20:18 < bridge> I'm hooking on e and fire on q 20:18 < bridge> hammer q 20:18 < bridge> space jump, g kill 😐 20:18 < bridge> gun e 20:18 < bridge> b is say_team back what do you mean 20:18 < bridge> All keyboard kill 20:18 < bridge> Or all keyboard quit 20:18 < bridge> steer left - kill 20:18 < bridge> gas - hook 20:19 < bridge> Left trigger - kill 20:20 < bridge> okay i am reinstalling everything and doing everything step by step - veeeerrryy slooowwwllyyyy 20:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206681518815051878/VID_20231014_170455563.mp4?ex=65dce4bd&is=65ca6fbd&hm=350246530b2a9c18440b9cccf2a4bb93abcc8409998119d173de7dafc307538f& 20:22 < bridge> let me send you my list maybe to drop something 20:22 < bridge> 🤣 🤣 🤣 20:23 < bridge> I'm fast as fuk boii 20:24 < bridge> sounds like you broke atleast 5 objects in your room during during this recording 20:24 < bridge> 500hp 20:24 < bridge> sounds like you broke atleast 5 objects in your room during this recording 20:25 < bridge> Bone break sound 20:25 < bridge> Doom in teeworlds 20:26 < bridge> @blaiszephyr 20:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206682723562029170/2024-02-12_22-49-35_Segment_0_x264.mp4?ex=65dce5dc&is=65ca70dc&hm=c71c38a10c546f33334c7c202fb2adf3e6938e5b54f2171f7a4dea17271ce9d0& 20:27 < bridge> tf 20:27 < bridge> Why vs have so much components 20:27 < bridge> + 20:27 < bridge> Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22000.0) 20:27 < bridge> :justatest: 20:27 < bridge> I think because of supporting c/c++/c# and etc 20:28 < bridge> ```cpp 20:28 < bridge> #define TIME_CODE_BLOCK(block) \ 20:28 < bridge> do { \ 20:28 < bridge> auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); \ 20:28 < bridge> block; \ 20:28 < bridge> auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); \ 20:28 < bridge> auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start); \ 20:28 < bridge> dbg_msg("Timer", "Time taken by code block: %ldms", duration.count()); \ 20:28 < bridge> } while(0) 20:28 < bridge> ``` 20:28 < bridge> if only there was a better way to profile ddnet code :feelsbadman: 20:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206683200097878097/image.png?ex=65dce64d&is=65ca714d&hm=c1c957fe1fcccf0846ee359517c2d4a04b06d73b3d14dab56cde3c5d03589943& 20:28 < bridge> perf tool 20:28 < bridge> one that doesnt slow code down to the point it takes 3 min for ddnet client to start pls 20:29 < bridge> emm your mmo mode required it's own client right ? 20:29 < bridge> perf tool 20:30 < bridge> Nope 20:30 < bridge> is it 0.7 ? 20:30 < bridge> Server will support custom client and default 20:30 < bridge> Nope, ddnet based 20:30 < bridge> hmm interesting 20:31 < bridge> that wings and crows that I saw on your discord's server 20:31 < bridge> is that client side features ? 20:32 < bridge> Yap 20:32 < bridge> like that 20:32 < bridge> that's private right ? 20:32 < bridge> Fully client side, works on every server 20:32 < bridge> okay lemme try i tried valgrind before which was terrible 20:32 < bridge> mb 20:32 < bridge> Yea 20:32 < bridge> other player with same client able to see that ? 20:32 < bridge> Yea 20:33 < bridge> ok im officially amazed 20:33 < bridge> very cool 👍 20:34 < bridge> so every one have it at same time or for example can i turn wings off ? 20:35 < bridge> my English knowledge are shit 20:35 < bridge> don't know how to explain better myself to you 😄 20:35 < bridge> Client just sending "hello, i'm IGN and here is my uuid(taken from system and used md5 hash)" to IRC server, and IRC checking db and sending packet like "look, this dude have item_id and his name is IGN" 20:36 < bridge> ohh I see you connect your client to irc as API to connect all client together 20:36 < bridge> that's was my question cuz you can't send custom data to other someone else server to spread information across clients about wings or lablablablalbab 20:36 < bridge> My English is bed too, I'm just learned English from ddnet chat and some coding forums xdd 20:37 < bridge> exactly me too 20:37 < bridge> I just watching english series or movie to learn English 20:37 < bridge> My English is bad too, I'm just learned English from ddnet chat and some coding forums xdd 20:37 < bridge> You are from Russian right ? 20:37 < bridge> I'm talking in chats xd 20:37 < bridge> Yea 20:38 < bridge> I really liked your client's feature really glad to see that wing and crows before I die 20:40 < bridge> You need verify? xd 20:40 < bridge> In my client 20:40 < bridge> I prefer to have your wing and crows code that's awesome 20:40 < bridge> let me send you my own client 20:40 < bridge> can I send you DM ? 20:40 < bridge> Aa, you about this xd 20:41 < bridge> Yea why not? 20:41 < bridge> I'll talk with my friend about this 20:42 < bridge> that would be great to help me in that case I really like it like a lot 20:42 < bridge> @diariesvexar the issue persists, i fucking hate it here 20:42 < bridge> sending video to you 20:42 < bridge> i'll go dual boot, fuck it 20:43 < bridge> you can have a flame graph with https://profiler.firefox.com 20:43 < bridge> can you see what you doing during compile ? 20:43 < bridge> its a zlib issue 20:43 < bridge> well we use prefered libs on windows 20:44 < bridge> so it's not accually zlib issue i think 20:45 < bridge> so it's not zlib issue i think 20:57 < bridge> Zlib isnt included in ddnet-libs 20:58 < bridge> Anyways, Arch Here i come again 20:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206690809597001767/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_a406d976-8779-4a64-9766-62e78be11eba.jpg?ex=65dced64&is=65ca7864&hm=adc5b9213de05ab8aa2bc42c3853f3633deefcfe6be7a2bdb8716e537193b5a1& 21:02 < bridge> It's always you pinging me in this channel 21:08 < bridge> yeah you right 21:08 < bridge> yes 21:12 < bridge> don't know really I check everything and never saw this error on windows 😦 21:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1206694767044599888/image.png?ex=65dcf113&is=65ca7c13&hm=690f5c878c372d0353be4695d090dc3cc0694bb815bdd80622f5c48967ba73fa& 21:14 < bridge> I just copied boost to my visual studio folder but don't remember why 😄 21:22 < bridge> :owo: 21:22 < bridge> <-StormAx> i cant, why tf python need correct tabs 21:22 < bridge> <-StormAx> :PepeKMS: 21:24 < bridge> u got a nice cpu use gentoo bro 21:24 < bridge> :justatest: 21:24 < bridge> also u got new gen amd right 21:24 < bridge> it has AV512 21:24 < bridge> AVX512 21:24 < bridge> u will only get to use that ifu self compile 21:24 < bridge> yes 21:26 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVX-512 21:38 < bridge> And correct spaces 21:38 < bridge> :troll: 21:38 < bridge> Do your backend in C++ 22:15 < bridge> 💀 23:03 < bridge> Excuse me sir. Do you have a moment to talk about gentoo our lord and saviour? 23:03 < bridge> @ryozuki two of you guys? oh lord you gonna make me install gentoo 23:06 < bridge> only install gentoo if you enjoy doing system maintenance 23:07 < bridge> which i can get behind but personally am not a fan of 23:09 < bridge> Most of the time the "maintainance" is just `emerge --sync && emerge -uDUavt --deep --with-bdeps=y @world` 23:10 < bridge> Unless something goes very wrong with your system, arch has pretty much the exact same amount of hands on work 23:11 < bridge> well sure but you also have to account for the fact that gentoo is compiling every package from source 23:11 < bridge> and it's much more involved to set up stuff like use flags 23:11 < bridge> even on my 7900x a system upgrade took at least an hour 23:12 < bridge> i bet the average person's cpu takes all day to even compile smth like firefox too 23:12 < bridge> it's cool if you're into that 23:12 < bridge> but im not 23:20 < bridge> also arch system upgrade is way more brief than this 23:21 < bridge> just pacman -Syu if nothing is broken